100字范文 > 数学的文化价值 Mathematics Cultural Value英语短句 例句大全

数学的文化价值 Mathematics Cultural Value英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-01-27 11:02:54


数学的文化价值 Mathematics Cultural Value英语短句 例句大全

数学的文化价值,Mathematics Cultural Value

1)Mathematics Cultural Value数学的文化价值


1.Discussion on the higher mathematics education from the cultural value of mathematics从数学的文化价值探讨高等数学教育

2.The Middle School Mathematics Teaching Strategy Based on "the Cultural Value Manifested in Mathematics";基于“体现数学的文化价值”的数学教学策略探究

3.Talks the Mathematics Culture Value From Occupation Educate Angle;从职业教育的角度谈数学的文化价值

4.Repositioning of Cultural Value and Educational Function of College Maths;大学数学的文化价值及其教育功能的重新定位

5.On the Cultural Value of Mathematics--My opinion on having some lectures on the History of Mathematics;关于体现数学的文化价值——设立“数学史选讲”专题之浅见

6.Discussing on Mathematics Culture as Curriculum Shape and the Realization of Its Education Value;论课程形态的数学文化及其教育价值的实现

7.Cultural Values Researching On the Near Modern Mathematics Education of China;中国近现代数学教育的文化价值观研究

8.The Aethetic Ken of Digital Era and Literature on Net;数字化时代及其网络文学的审美价值视域

9.Chinese Ancient Mathematics from Cultural Vision Perspective and Its Everlasting Value;文化视野透视下的中国古代数学及其永恒价值

10.On the Cultural Status and Academic Values of Modern Usage of Classical Style of Writing;论现代文言文的文化地位与学术价值

11.From Value to Cultural Value--The Significance of Cultural Value in Research and Practice;从价值到文化价值——文化价值的学科意义与现实意义

12.The Impact of Image Culture and Dispelling of Literature Value;图像文化的冲击与纯文学价值的消解

13.Demonstration on the Culture Value Orientation of Integrative Study of Chinese;试论语文综合性学习的文化价值取向

14.Cultural Meanings and Literary Values of the Legend of the State of Zheng;郑国历史传说的文化内涵及文学价值

15.The Cultural Value of the Formative and Ideographical System inShuowen.Yibu;《说文·衣部》构形表义系统的文化学价值

16.The Value and Realization of Chinese Traditional Culture in Modern University Education;传统文化在现代大学教育中的价值及价值实现

17.On Academic Value and Time Value of Traditional Culture of Chinese Medicine;试论中医药传统文化的学术价值与时代价值

18.The Important Value of Musical Culture and its Academic Research;音乐文化及其学科化研究的重要价值


Mathematical culture value数学文化价值

3)Value of the Mathematics Composition数学作文的价值

4)cultural value文化学价值

1.This article talks about many-sidedcultural value of relegation literature on Hainan Island.本文论述海南岛贬谪文学多方面的文化学价值。

5)values of mathematics数学的价值

1.On the teaching of higher mathematics based on thevalues of mathematics;从数学的价值看高等数学教学

6)the values in nature and culture科学和文化价值


