100字范文 > 回族学生 students of Hui nationality英语短句 例句大全

回族学生 students of Hui nationality英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-01-14 07:44:44


回族学生 students of Hui nationality英语短句 例句大全

回族学生,students of Hui nationality

1)students of Hui nationality回族学生


1.A total of 840 students were Han people and 243 students were Moslem population in China.汉族学生840名 ,回族学生243名 (全部为初中生 )。

2.Studies on the status quo of the physique of Hui students in Xinjiang and some countermeasures;新疆回族学生身体素质现状与改善对策研究

3.Psychological health analysis and research among Han-Hui students of Qinghai Tibet Plateau;青藏高原汉、回族学生心理健康现状分析

4.The Research on the Prombles and the Countermeasures in Chinese Teaching for Huizu Students about Adaptable Education;语文教学对回族学生的适应性问题分析及对策研究

5.Han Nationality. Tibetan and Hui Nationality Undergraduates Across-cultural Research of Ethnic Identity and Inter-group Attribution;汉族、藏族和回族大学生族群认同与群际归因的跨文化研究

6.The Relationship between Hui Nationality Undergraduates Ethnic Identity and Mental Health and Its Implications;回族大学生的民族认同与心理健康的关系

7.The Changes of the Huis Child-bearing from National Sociology View;民族社会学视野下的回族生育文化变迁

8.Ethnic Culture as a Medium of Moral Education in Ethnic Minority Regions民族文化是民族地区学校德育回归生活的载体

9.A Correlation Study between Time Management Disposition and Achievement Motivation of Hui,Han and Tibetan University Students;回族、汉族、藏族大学生时间管理倾向与成就动机的相关研究

10.A new vision of Hui Ethnological Evolution Analysis:application of molecular genetic and bioinformatics in the study of Hui origin;回族学研究新视角——分子遗传学和生物信息学在回族学研究中的应用初探

11.A Cross-Cultural Research on Religious Identity of Middle School Students of Han, Hui and Tibetan;汉、回、藏族中学生宗教认同的跨文化研究

12.An Intervention Study on Mental Health Status of the Hui Nationality Students in Elementary School and Middle School;回族中小学生心理健康状况的干预研究

13.The Investigation of Undergraduates of Hui s Predicament and Answer during Communicating with Others.;回族大学生人际困扰及其应对方式探微

14.Students University in the Northwest Region;西北地区回、汉族在校大学生性道德观之比较

15.Researches on the Hometown Employment Idea of Xinjiang Minority University Graduates;新疆少数民族大学毕业生回家乡就业观念研究

16.The Transcultural Research on Self-Conciousness in the Women College Students of Zang,Hui and Han Nationality;藏、回、汉族女大学生自我意识的跨文化研究

17.Analysis on Physique of Students of Hui Nationality in Middle and Primary Schools in Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region宁夏回族中小学生1995—体质状况分析

18.The analysis of the present situations of smoking habits in the hui minority primary school students in the backward region of Ningxia宁夏贫困地区回族小学生吸烟习惯现况分析


Hui minority middle school students回族中学生

3)Hui Nationality undergraduates回族大学生

1.Hui Nationality undergraduates mental health is influenced with their ethnic identity,especially in mental symptom.回族大学生的民族认同影响其心理健康状况。


1.Huisology in the View of Sociology: On the Attribute ofHuisology;社会学视野下的回族学——也谈回族学的学科属性

2.Study on Research Method ofHuisology关于回族学研究方法的思考

5)literature of the Huis回族文学

1.The modernliterature of the Huis in Qinghai has formed special aesthetic quality after undergoing the development of fifty years and more,and brings about some problems,which is formed by its cultural formation and cause and experience and knowledge structure of different writers.青海当代回族文学在经历了 5 0多年的发展后 ,形成了独特的审美品质 ,同时也带来了许多困惑与问题。

6)Hui nationality scholar回族学者

1.In the Ming Dynasty, with the Hui nationality, as a step-by-step formation of a national community, theHui nationality scholars in the political, economic, cultural and other aspects of playing an increasingly important role.明朝时期,随着回族作为一个民族共同体的逐步形成,回族学者在政治、经济、文化等各方面发挥了越来越重要的作用。


第11届世界中学生运动会第11届世界中学生运动会Di 11 Jie Shijie Zhongxuesheng Yundonghui第n届世界中学生运动会国际中学生体育联合会主办的世界性综合运动会,限17岁以下的在校中学生参加。1998年10月13一19日第11届世界中学生运动会在中国上海市举行,这是世界中学生运动会首次在欧洲以外的国家举行。有28个国家和地区的1300多名运动员参加比赛。获金牌总数前3名的国家是:中国(41枚)、意大利(13枚)和法国(10枚)。中国体操运动员邢傲伟获6枚金牌,是本届运动会获金牌最多的运动员。世界中学生运动会始办于1974年,1990年以前每2年举办1届,后改为每4年举办1届,迄今已举办过n届。
