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回族 Hui nationality英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-01-24 11:56:07


回族 Hui nationality英语短句 例句大全

回族,Hui nationality

1)Hui nationality回族

1.Physical anthropology ofHui nationality in Hunan province;湖南回族体质人类学初步研究

2.Study on foot shape ofHui nationality juveniles in Ningxia;宁夏回族青少年足型的研究

3.Peculiarities and the Way of Exercise of Hui Nationality′s Traditional Sports in Ningxia;宁夏回族传统体育的主要项目与特点


1.Language of Hui Nationality and Mosque Surrounding Areas and Kindergartens in Hui Nationality Communities;回族语言、回族教坊与回族社区幼儿教育

2.A Shortcut for Research of Hui Nationality回族研究入门捷径──《回族史指南》读后

3.Hui Tribe Pre-school Education under Hui Tribe Traditional Culture Background;回族传统文化背景下的回族幼儿教育

4.Ethnic Hui s exogamy and endogamy in the process of its development;回族形成发展过程中的族际族内通婚

5.They treated the Hui people as equals.他们对回族平等相待。

6.Museum of Hui Nationality Autonomous Region, Ningxia宁夏回族自治区博物馆

7.Trade on Sheep Wools and Furs by the Huis in Baotou of Inner Mogolia;包头回族皮毛贸易(1879—1945)

8.Hui s Traditional Educarion Idea and Hui s Infant Education Practice in the Northwest;回族传统教育观念与西北回族幼儿教育实践

9.Huisology in the View of Sociology: On the Attribute of Huisology;社会学视野下的回族学——也谈回族学的学科属性

10.Thinking of Disappearance of Hui Community and Inheritance of Hui Culture of Nanjing;南京回族社区的消失与回族文化传承的思考

11.A View of the Huizu Studies in Recent 13 Years from the Fifty Issues of "Researches on the Hui;从《回族研究》50期看近来的回族学研究

12.The Hui, Manchu and She nationalities use Han language, while others use their own spoken and written languages or Han.回族、族和畲族通用汉语,其余各族使用自己的民族语言或汉语。

13.On the Replacement of Environment and the Changing of Ethnic Group:Taking Hui as an Example;论环境置换与族群变迁:以回族为例

14.National Characteristics of in the Huis Kaligang;信仰变异与民族特征——卡力岗回族民族特征浅议

15.Wang Lequan Wang Zhaoguo Hui Liangyu (Hui) Liu Qi Liu Yunshan王乐泉王兆国回良玉(回族)刘淇刘云山

16.Huihui: a Self-Formulation of Hui Muslim;回辉:回族穆斯林的另一种自我表述

17.A Retrospection and Meditation of the Studies (1949-1999)into the Hui Nationality;1949-1999年回族研究的回顾与思考

18.The Obvious Ethnic Identity of Hui Nationality in "Muslim Religion s Funeral"--Hui Nationalty s Development and Cultural Consciousness;《穆斯林的葬礼》中回族族群认同的高扬——兼论回族的发展与文化自觉


the Hui nationality回族

1.A control study of personality and behavior characteristics in 82 children ofthe Hui nationality.;82例回族儿童个性行为特征对照研究

2.On national Characteristics of "Flower" in the Hui Nationality;回族歌谣“花儿”中的民族特色

3.Thoughts concerningthe Hui nationality culture in Zhang Chengzhi s prose;张承志散文中的回族文化思考


1.Significance and Ideas of the Study on the Economic Thoughts of theHui;回族经济思想研究的意义和构想

2.Empirical Research on Work-Related Cultural Values, Preference of Management Control and the Relationship between Them: Taking the Han, Uygur andHui Peoples in Xinjiang as Object;工作相关文化价值观、管理控制偏好及二者关系实证研究:以新疆地区汉族、维吾尔族和回族为研究对象

3.Analyze the Cultural Explanation of "Qingzhen" fromHui Mosque "Qingzhen" Embedded Couplets;试析回族清真寺“清真”嵌字联对“清真”的文化阐释

4)Hui people回族

1.Investigation of bone mass density and prevalence rate of osteoporosis in healthyHui people in Ningxia Province;宁夏地区回族正常人群骨密度及骨质疏松患病率研究

2.The Production and Commercial Networks of Fur Trade of Hui People in Modern and Contemporary Times;近现代回族皮货的生产与销售网络

3.Evaluation of posterior slope of tibial plateau in NingxiaHui people;宁夏地区回族中老年人胫骨平台后倾角的测量评价

5)the Huis回族

1.Onthe Huis"ecology values;关于回族生态价值观的思考

2.A Trial Discussion on the Aesthetic Characteristics of Architectural Art ofthe Huis;试论回族建筑艺术的审美特征

3.A Study on Time and Space Distribution for Jinshi ofthe Huis During Ming and Qing Dynasties;明清回族进士时空分布研究

6)Hui ethnic group回族

1.Therefore, TheHui ethnic group living in Miancheng constitutes a typical case when investigating the changing lifestyle of the Hui people mixed among other ethnic groups.沔城回族镇是长江中游一个具有典型意义的散杂居多民族社区,其民族多元性和宗教生活多样性,决定了生活方式的多样性和民族关系的复杂性。

2.This paper bases itself upon the Handbook of Commonly Used Language of Muslims of Hui Ethnicity published by Ningxia People\"s Press in as to study the forms of Hanization of the Arabic language in the daily language ofHui ethnic group,and tries to analyze the reasons and effects of the phenomenon to serve as its initial appraisal.阿拉伯语和波斯语的许多表述,在回族民众的宗教生活和日常生活中普遍的口头应用而留存至今。


