100字范文 > 历史主义科学哲学 historicist scientific philosophy英语短句 例句大全

历史主义科学哲学 historicist scientific philosophy英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-01-14 23:43:09


历史主义科学哲学 historicist scientific philosophy英语短句 例句大全

历史主义科学哲学,historicist scientific philosophy

1)historicist scientific philosophy历史主义科学哲学

1.Abouthistoricist scientific philosophy, its whole view of science and dynamic theory of scientific development offered a certain theoretical direction to psychological discipline development and scientific research.历史主义科学哲学的科学整体观和科学发展动态理论对心理学的学科发展和科学研究提供了一定的理论指导。


1.To View the Central Concepts of Historicism in Philosophy of Science with Systematic View;从系统观看历史主义科学哲学的中心概念

ment on the Giambattista Vico′s Thought of the Historical Jurisprudence;维科历史主义法学思想评析——穿行于历史的法哲学

3.Historical Materialism as a Scientific Methodology for Historical Studies;作为历史科学方法论的历史唯物主义

4.Isn"t the Historical Materialism Philosophy,But Real Positive Science--And in response to Professor Duan Zhongqiao历史唯物主义是哲学而不是实证科学——兼答段忠桥教授

5.Discussion about the Relationship between the Historical Materialism and Philosophy of History试论历史唯物主义与历史哲学的关系问题

6.Historical Materialism: The Axis of Marxist Political Philosophy;历史唯物主义:马克思政治哲学的轴心

7.The historical destination of Marxism s “identical”philosophy;马克思主义“同一”哲学的历史命运

8.Marxist Viewpoint on Philosophy and Historical Materialism in a Broad Sense;马克思主义哲学观与广义历史唯物主义

9.Falsificationism, Historicism and Economics Standards;证伪主义、历史主义与经济科学的标准

10.The German "Historicism" and the Form of the "Science of Art History";德意志“历史主义”与形式的“艺术史科学”

11.The central doctrines of Marxist Philosophy are called dialectical materialism and historical materialism.马克思主义哲学的主要学说被称为辩证唯物主义和历史唯物主义。

12.Philosophical Exploration of the School of British New Marxism History;英国新马克思主义历史学派的哲学探索

13.History & Philosophy and Historical Study;历史·哲学与史学研究——关于后现代主义思潮下史学研究的几点思考

14.History of Science On the Ideological Role Played about in Education of University s Marxist Philosophy s Lessone;科学史在高校马克思主义哲学课教学中的作用

15.The Prospect and History of Science & Technology Philosophy;“科学技术哲学”学科发展的历史与展望

16.Thoughts about Cultural Philosophy of Historicism-Expounding Marx s“ Manuscript of Economics and Philosophy in 1844”;历史主义的文化哲学思想——解读《1844年经济学哲学手稿》

17.The Integration of Formalism and Historicism--A Multidisciplinary Perspective of Hayden White"s Historical Poetics形式主义与历史主义的弥合——海登·怀特历史诗学的跨学科视野

18.Leo Strauss and Historical Materialism列奥·施特劳斯:政治哲学与历史唯物主义


Historicism in Science of Science历史主义科学学

3)Historicism view of science历史主义科学观

4)Marxism"s historical philosophy马克思主义历史哲学

5)historical philosophy历史哲学

1.The World History of the Spirit s Development——on the logistic core of Hegel shistorical philosophy;“精神”发展的世界历史——论黑格尔历史哲学的逻辑内核

2.Brief analysis of Sun Yat-sen shistorical philosophy idealogy;论孙中山的历史哲学思想

6)the philosophy of history历史哲学

1.The Study on the Philosophy of History in Vico s "the New Science";维柯《新科学》的历史哲学思想研究

2.This paper compares the four issues inthe philosophy of history with their counterparts in the philosophy of science,and furthermore,dissects the basic common questions in the modern philosophy of history and ph.沃尔什《历史哲学导论》主要探讨所谓分析的历史哲学。

3.In the development of Eastern Zhejiang School andthe philosophy of history of ancient China,Chen Liang s thinking is of historic and far-reaching importance.陈亮的历史哲学对于浙东学派以及中国古代历史哲学的发展均有重要的意义。


