100字范文 > 闽北 North Fujian英语短句 例句大全

闽北 North Fujian英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-04-18 22:37:18


闽北 North Fujian英语短句 例句大全

闽北,North Fujian

1)North Fujian闽北

1.The Historic Context in Urban Planning atNorth Fujian;闽北城市规划中的历史文化传承

2.New theory of leisure agriculture and its application inNorth Fujian;休闲农业新理论及其在闽北的应用研究

3.Stategies and analysis on the advantage of agricultural cooperationbetweenNorth Fujian and Taiwan after entry into WTO;WTO框架下闽北对台农业合作的优势分析及对策


1.On the Influences of "Ming" Ancesters to the Ancient District Culture of North Fujian;浅析“闽”族先民对闽北上古区域文化的影响

2.A Study on the Evaluating Method of the Site Quality of Uneven aged Broadleaved Forest in Northern Fujian Province闽北异龄林地位质量评价方法的研究

3.Research on the Benefits of Controlling Methods to Water and Soil Erosion in North Fujian;闽北防治水土流失主要措施效益研究

4.Problems and Countermeasures to Adult-education Development of Minbei;闽北成人教育发展中的问题及其对策

5.Tone Values of the Northern Min Dialects and a Reconstruction of "Softened Initials";闽北方言的调值与"弱化声母"的拟测

6.Creating Green Towns-The Way of townizing in the Mountainous Area in North Fujian;闽北山区城镇化路径——创建绿色城镇

7.R Value Distributing Character of Rainfall Erosivity in the Area of North Fujian;闽北地区降雨侵蚀力R值的分布特征

8.On Development of Fruit Industry of North Fujian Province after China’s Entry into WTO;有效应对入世挑战 促进闽北果业发展

9.Opportunities and challenges brought to agriculture in the north Fujian as China s entry into WTO;“入世”给闽北农业带来的机遇与挑战

10.Magnoliaceae wild northern Fujian and the development and utilization of plant resources闽北野生木兰科植物资源及开发利用

11.The Synthetic Developed and Make Use on the Discarded the Bamboo Leaves Resources of North Fujian闽北废弃竹叶资源的综合开发与利用

12.The Snake King Festival, the Culture of Fujian and East Zhejiang,and the Paddy Cultivation Customs--Discussions about the Snake King Festival in Zhangzhou of North Fujian;蛇王节·闽越文化·稻作习俗——浅谈闽北樟湖的蛇王节

13.Discussion on Rational Usage of Isotopic Age Information from the Metamorphic Rocks in Northern Fujian对闽北变质岩同位素年代信息合理使用的探讨

14.A Study on the Competitive Conditions of Dominant Species in Secondary Evergreen Broad-leaf Forests in the North of Fujian闽北次生常绿阔叶林优势种竞争的研究

15.Research on species diversity characteristics of the arbor layer in Sassafras tzumu community闽北檫树群落乔木层物种多样性特征研究

16.Diameter Distribution of Main Tree Populations in Natural Secondary Forests in North Fujian闽北天然次生林林木直径分布规律的研究

17.Effects of Upside Broadleaf Forest on the Productivity of Phyllostachys Heterocycla var. Pubescens Forests of Mountain Areas in Northern Fujian Province;闽北山地上位阔叶林对毛竹林生产力的影响

18.Study on the Biomass Model of Cunninghamia Lanceolata Plantations in Northern Fujian;闽北杉木人工林地上部分生物量模型的研究


northern Fujian闽北

1.The Relationship Between Rainfall and Soil Erosion Under Different Land Uses in Slope Land of Northern Fujian;闽北坡地不同土地利用方式的降雨与土壤侵蚀的关系研究

2.P-T-t Paths and Geodynamic Implication of Precambrian Metamophic Rocks in Northern Fujian;闽北前寒武纪变质岩的P-T-t轨迹和其形成的动力学过程

3.Geochronological Study on the Precambrian Metamorphic Basement in Northern Fujian;闽北前寒武纪基底的地质年代学研究

3)North Fujian Province闽北

1.Practice and Discussion on Management Restructuring of Collective Forest inNorth Fujian Province;闽北集体林经营体制改革的实践与思考

2.Preliminary Studies on Micronutrients of ForestSoils inNorth Fujian Province;闽北低山区森林土壤中的微量营养元素的初步研究

3.570 uranium deposit area,North Fujian Province, shows that the air within the bounds of 0.对闽北570铀矿区的大气氡环境地球化学进行了研究。

4)Northern Fujian Province闽北

1.Studies on Soil Microbiological Characteristics of EvergreenBroad leaved Forest inNorthern Fujian Province;闽北常绿阔叶林土壤微生物学特性的研究

2.The effects of human caused disturbance on species diversity of forest community in northern Fujian Province;人为干扰对闽北森林群落物种多样性的影响

5)the north of Fujian province闽北

1.From the point of view of human-centered structure and form of living space and within the theoretical framework of environmental behavior, the paper presents a study on the special system by the interacting relationship of human, behavior and environment inthe north of Fujian province of China.以人本中心的人居空间结构脉络为切入点,基于环境行为学的理论框架,从人、行为、环境的互动关系中研究和探索闽北独特的人居空间脉络体系,寻求闽北地域性人居空间的理性组织方式。

2.As a result of the politics and economy, the culture and education, the geographical position and oher factors, the imperial examination of Southern Song Dynasty at the north of Fujian Province was really prosperous, as soon as leaped into the Fujian imperial examination s developed place.由于政治经济、文化教育、地理位置等诸多方面的因素,南宋时期闽北地区的科举甚为兴盛,一跃成为福建科举的发达之地。

6)Northwestern Fujian闽西北

1.On Mineralizational Relations of the Changkou and Nanzhou Fluorite Deposits with the Changkou-Nanzhou Fault Belt inNorthwestern Fujian;闽西北常口—南舟断裂带与萤石成矿关系

2.Geological characteristics of the Dayuan gneiss in the Jiangle area, northwestern Fujian;闽西北将乐地区大源片麻岩的地质特征

3.Mesozoic Era granites in northwestern Fujian can be generally classified into two types: remelting type and syntectic type.闽西北中生代花岗岩总体上可分为重熔型和同熔型两种类型。


