100字范文 > 闽南 South Fujian英语短句 例句大全

闽南 South Fujian英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-09-16 03:52:53


闽南 South Fujian英语短句 例句大全

闽南,South Fujian

1)South Fujian闽南

1.Analysing the Content of Natural Radioactive Nuclide in Building Stone Commonly Used inSouth Fujian;闽南常用石材天然放射性核素含量分析

2.The Traditional Firing Craft of Red Brick Kiln inSouth Fujian;闽南红砖窑的传统烧制工艺

3.Studies on the Interspecific Relation Change Laws of Mixed Forestson Coastal Hilly Lands ofSouth Fujian;闽南沿海山地混交林种间关系变化规律的研究


1.Masterpiece about Research on Fujian-Taiwan relationship,society and culture:a book review;闽台关系、闽台社会与闽南文化研究的力作——评汪毅夫的《闽台缘与闽南风》

2.A dialect of Chinese spoken in Fujian province, eastern Guangdong province, and Taiwan province.福建话,闽南语在福建

3.To Think about the Traditional Marriage Customs of Two Sides,Min and Taiwan through Their Dialect and Saying,an Extract of Reading the Dictionary of the Min Nan Dialect Expressing Used Zhangzhou Platitude;从闽南方言俗语看闽、台婚姻旧俗——《闽南话漳腔辞典》札记

4.The Comparison of Min Dialect in Eastern Guangdong Province and Minnan Dialect in Fujian Province in Literary and Colloquial Readings;粤东闽语与福建闽南方言文白异读比较研究

5.Viewing the Fujian-Taiwan Clan Culture from the Settlement of the South Fujian Emigration in exploiting Taiwan;从闽南人开发台湾的聚落看闽台宗亲文化

6.Minnan Culture and the Regional Economic Cooperation for the Tourism Between Fujian and Taiwan;闽南文化与闽台旅游区域经济合作浅论

7.Fascination of the Educated Youth Legacy in Developing Tourism Between South and West Fujian;闽南——闽西区域旅游中“知青文化游”的人文魅力

8.The Auxiliary Words "Zhuo"、"Liao"、"Qu" in Nan an Minnan Dialect;闽南南安方言的助词“着”、“了”、“去”

9.Overseas Chinese and the Family Culture of Those Returned Overseas Chinese in South Fujian --Based on the "Ancestry-Greeting Ceremony by Li" in Shizhen Village, Jinjiang;海外华侨与闽南侨乡家族文化——以晋江石圳村闽南李氏迎祖为例

10.Promote Minnanese culture Resource sharing--Minnanese literature of the local building and sharing of resources弘扬闽南文化 实现资源共享——浅谈闽南地方文献资源建设与共享

parison of Folk Women s Garment in Minnan, Jiangnan, Wannan Area in Modern Times;近现代闽南、江南、皖南地区民间妇女服饰比较

12.The Minnan dialect of Chinese spoken on Taiwan.台湾方言台湾所讲的中国闽南方言

13.Xiamen became a special economic zone because many natives of southern Fujian have emigrated to other countries and gone into trade.厦门是因为闽南人在外国经商的很多,

14.Southern Fujian delta region"s economic development maintains a growth trend闽南三角地区经济发展保持增势

15.Study on the Architectural Decoration Meaning of Cai s Traditional Residential Buildings in Min Nan;闽南蔡氏古民居建筑装饰意义的研究

16.The Present Situation and Countermeasure Research of Southern Part of Fujian Province Songjiang Array ;闽南地区“宋江阵”现状及发展对策研究

17.The Research on "Three Selected Volumes of South FuJian Opera and Music Published in the Ming Dynasty" Rhyme;《明刊闽南戏曲弦管选本三种》用韵研究

18.Ethnic Group Culture:Redefining the Concept of Minnan Culture;族群文化:闽南文化概念的重新界定


Southern Fujian闽南

1.Phonological phase and cold resistance of introduced tree species in hill mountains inSouthern Fujian;闽南丘陵山地引种栽培树木的物候期与抗寒力调查

2.Resistance Choices ofSouthern Fujian Eucalyptus Clones;闽南桉树无性系抗逆性选择


1.The Application of Taiwan Leisure Agriculture Idea toMinnan Leisure Agriculture;台湾休闲农业理念对闽南休闲农业的启示

2.A Masterpiece of Carrying forward theMinnan Dialect Culture——A Review of the Research of Quanzhou Dialect by Lin Hua-dong;一部弘扬闽南方言文化的力作——读林华东新著《泉州方言研究》

3.Thinking on the Situation of the Development of Social Undertaking and Culture inMinnan s Rural Areas;关于闽南农村社会事业与文化发展的思考

4)the south of Fujian闽南

1.The paper analyzes physical culture from Sociological angle, outlines humanities and regional background of physical culture produced and reveals the connotation of physical culture inthe south of Fujian .从社会学的角度分析了闽南地区的体育文化,概述了闽南体育文化产生的人文和地域背景,揭示闽南体育文化的内涵,旨在使人们认识和了解闽南体育文化的背景和体育文化的特征及闽南体育文化的价值。

5)the south of Fujian province闽南

1.I think that beachrocks in Qinghai province andthe south of Fujian province are all unusual rocks, which is very important for the research of the rise and descend of the old seacoast in Holocene epoch and the research of the change of the old lake level and the research of the fluctuation of dry and wet of the climate.认为 ,青海湖湖滩岩和闽南海滩岩是我国全新世滨岸水体环境下早期沉积成岩的特殊岩石 ,对全新世古海岸升降、古湖平面变化和气候干湿波动的规律研究具有标志作用和指示意义 ,是全新世气候环境事件的真实记录 。

6)Southwest Fujian闽西南

1.Nappe structure is well developed in the southwest Fujian province.闽西南地区推覆(滑脱)构造广泛发育,可划分为5种类型:发育于上古生界—中生界下三叠统溪口组中的拆离(滑脱)构造;形成于印支期的拆离(滑脱)构造,后受燕山早期及后期的褶皱作用形成褶皱拆离构造;印支期及燕山早期的中深层次逆冲推覆构造;燕山早期和晚期的浅层次逆冲推覆构造;分布于燕山早期浅层次逆冲推覆构造原地岩系之中的浅层次褶皱逆冲推覆构造,其中燕山早期中深层次逆冲推覆构造规模最大。


