100字范文 > 世代族群 generation and ethnic group英语短句 例句大全

世代族群 generation and ethnic group英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-10-07 05:22:18


世代族群 generation and ethnic group英语短句 例句大全

世代族群,generation and ethnic group

1)generation and ethnic group世代族群

2)Advanced backcross population高世代回交群体


1.QTLs Analysis of Rice Grain Shape by Using Advanced Backcross Populations;利用高世代回交群体分析水稻粒型QTLs

2.QTL Identification of Main Agronomic Characters Based on Advanced Backcross Population in Maize;基于玉米高代回交群体的QTL分析

3.The Advanced Backeross Population Population in Maize in the Response to Low Nitrogen Stress and Low Phosphorus Stress玉米高代回交群体对氮磷胁迫的反应

4.Identification of Agronomic Traits QTL in Common Wild Rice Advanced Backcross Population利用野生稻高代回交群体分析水稻农艺性状QTL

5.Selective Responses and Genetic Overlaps of the Advanced Backcrossing Introgression Lines from Directional Selection in Rice;水稻高代回交导入系选择群体的选择响应与遗传重叠研究

6.Identification of drought tolerance germplasms in maize backcrossing introgression populations玉米回交导入后代群体中耐旱种质的鉴定研究

7.QTL Mapping of Salt Tolerance during Germination and Seedling Stage of Solanum Pimpinellifolium Using AB-QTL Analysis and Development of Salt-tolerant Germplasm利用高代回交群体定位醋栗番茄发芽期与幼苗期耐盐QTL及耐盐种质的创制

8.Developing Chromosome Segment Substitution Lines (CSSLs) in Cotton (Gossypium) Using Advanced Backcross and MAS利用高代回交和分子标记辅助选择构建棉花染色体片段代换系

9.Education of Eight Banners Different Clan Names With Hereditary Titles and Positions in Qing Dynasty;清代八旗异姓世爵世职群体教育述论

10.Genetic Characteristics of Plant Height of Dwarfing-sterile Wheat Populations from Two Hybridizing Methods矮败小麦2种杂交方式后代群体株高遗传特点观察

11.An Overview and Perspective of the Development of Sportsat the Turn of the Centary;世纪之交体育运动发展的回顾与展望

12.The Study of Zerong Kim s Association with Scholar Group of Modern Nantong;金泽荣与近代南通文人群体交往考评

13.The Development of Backcross Introgression Lines (BILs) and Genetic Analysis for Brassica campestris大白菜回交导入系群体构建及其遗传分析

14.A Study of the Development of the Masses Education in College Facing the New Century;对新世纪高校群众性体育发展之研究

15.On reform in higher education and life-long PE at the turning point of the century;论世纪之交高校体育变革与终身体育

16.Teaching management of provincial universities--the part and the future;世纪之交省属高校教学管理的回顾与思考

17.Molecular Marker of Cotton Fiber Quality and Yield Using Advanced Backcross Recombinational Lines between Upland Cotton (G.hirsutum. L) and Island Cotton (G.barbadense. L)陆海杂交高代回交重组近交系纤维品质和产量分子标记研究

18.With character, generation and population the variability varied.随性状和世代群体不同,表现不同的变异性。


Advanced backcross population高世代回交群体


1.All theclans in the Six Dynasties paid great attention to the younger generation’s education in order to train some excellent youngsters who could continue and develop the family.六朝时代之世族无不重视对子弟的教育,目的在于培养佳子弟,以延续和光大门第。

2.Wang Yongping s book of Study on Clans Family Characteristics and Education of East Changjiang River in Six Dynasties fundamentally changes the weak situation of studying on theclans of east Changjiang river in Six Dynasties.王永平《六朝江东世族之家风家学研究》一书从根本上改变了六朝江东土著世族研究一向比较薄弱的局面。

4)Study on the Great Families of Liao Dynasty辽代世家大族研究

5)On the Relationship Between Egoand Community in the E Agee世代的己群关系

6)Ethnic Group族群

1.Review the concept of "ethnic group" and solutions to conflicts between ethnic groups;再论“族群”概念与解决民族内部矛盾的路径

2.Domestic Nationality and Ethnic group s Studies comment in the last hundred years;国内近百年来民族和族群研究评述

3.The Five Migrations and Its Influence to the HuiEthnic Group in the History of the Hui;回族历史上的五次移民潮及其对回族族群的影响


