100字范文 > 族群研究 Ethnic-group Study英语短句 例句大全

族群研究 Ethnic-group Study英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-01-12 05:10:41


族群研究 Ethnic-group Study英语短句 例句大全

族群研究,"Ethnic-group Study"

1)"Ethnic-group Study"族群研究

1.Problems concerning Ethnic Groups and Campus Politics:"Ethnic-group Study"at Harvard University;族群问题与校园政治——“族群研究”在哈佛


1.Problems concerning Ethnic Groups and Campus Politics: "Ethnic-group Study"at Harvard University;族群问题与校园政治——“族群研究”在哈佛

2.A Comprehensive Survery of Researches on the Boundary and Together of the Urban Ethnic Group城市少数民族族群边界与族群融合研究

3.Han Nationality. Tibetan and Hui Nationality Undergraduates Across-cultural Research of Ethnic Identity and Inter-group Attribution;汉族、藏族和回族大学生族群认同与群际归因的跨文化研究

4.Elite and Ethnic Identity: Research about a Ethnic Group s Memory;地方精英与族群认同——一个村庄族群记忆的研究

5.On Intercourse and Marriage Interaction Among Nationalities--Research on Problems of Hezhou Nationality;论族群交往与婚姻互动——贺州族群问题研究

6.The Ethnic Evolution of Sizhaizi;四寨子的族群演变——一项族群社会学的历史研究

7.The Significance of the Research about the Unidentified Ethnic Groups in Yunnan;云南未识别群体研究的族群理论意义

8.Social Mentality of Ethnic Group:The Study Object of Ethnic Psychology;族群社会心理:民族心理学的研究对象

9.The Study about "XiBo Memorial Day of Western Movement" and the Cultural Identity of Ethnic Groups锡伯族“西迁节”与族群文化认同研究

10.Relationship between Molao and Zhuang Ethnic Groups in Guangxi Luocheng County广西罗城县仫佬族与壮族的族群关系研究

11.Language Taboo and Speaking Style of Ethnic Group--An Ethnic Viewpoint of Folklore Study on Language Taboo of the Huis;语言禁忌与族群话语——回族语言禁忌民俗研究的族群视角

12.Study on Genetic Polymorphism of Glutathione S- transferases in Healthy Yao and Han Population of Guangdong Province;广东省瑶族和汉族健康人群hGSTs基因多态性研究

13.A Research about the Festival Sports in the Inter-ethnic Society and Ethnic Group Communication;族际社会中的节庆体育与族群交往的研究

14.Ethnic Group and Nation in the Village Vision: Field Research about Lai People;村落视野中的族群与民族:关于俫人的田野研究

15.Studies into Intermarriage and Ethnic Identity in the Scope of Anthroplogy;人类学语境下的族际通婚与族群认同研究

16.Five population genetic traits of Miao and Shui nationalities in Guizhou Province贵州苗族、水族5项群体遗传学特征的研究

17.Analysis of Subpopulation in Shanxi Han Population and the Genetic Polymorphisms of 9 Y-chromosome Specific STR Loci in Tibetan Population;陕西省汉族人群的亚群分析及藏族Y-STR多态性研究

18.The Inter-communication and Integration of Regional Combined National Groups--Research on Hezhou Nationality;论区域杂居族群的交往与整合——贺州族群问题研究


population of Chinese-American scholars in comparative poetics华裔比较诗学研究族群

3)Ethnic relations in sociology社会学族群关系研究

4)On the Macanese as an Ethnic Group澳门土生族群研究

5)Research of nationality source族源研究

6)study of the Liaos僚族研究


