100字范文 > 结构选型 structural form selection英语短句 例句大全

结构选型 structural form selection英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-11-08 11:57:18


结构选型 structural form selection英语短句 例句大全

结构选型,structural form selection

1)structural form selection结构选型

1.Analysis of the complexity for high-structural form selection;高层建筑结构选型的复杂性研究

2.Demanding analysis ofstructural form selection in high-rise buildings;高层建筑结构选型需求分析

3.Scheme evaluation method for large-span spatialstructural form selection;大跨空间结构选型的方案评价方法


1.Structure Selection and Spatial Form of Smal and Medium-sized Terminal中小型航站楼的结构选型及空间形式

2.The Structural Design of High-rise Building and Structural Form Selection Research of One Project;高层建筑结构设计及某工程结构选型探讨

3.The Overall Design and Performance Analysis of Fast Back-Structure;FAST背架结构选型及其受力性能分析

parison and Optimization of Structure Patterns for FAST Aluminum Back-StructureFAST铝制背架结构选型及优化研究

5.Structural Performance and Design of Wind Turbine Towers风力机塔架结构选型与受力性能研究

6.The Structure Selection and Performance Simulation of Automobile Energy Regenerative Suspension汽车馈能悬架的结构选型与性能仿真

7.The Analysis of Structure Selection about 35m Roof Simple Beam35米跨屋面简支梁结构选型设计分析

8.Structure Form Selection of the Valve Hall and Control Building of ±800 kV DC Converter Station±800kV换流站阀厅和主控楼结构选型

9.Structure Systems Analysis and Structural Form Selection Fuzzy Decision-making Research of High Buildings;高层建筑结构体系分析及结构选型模糊决策研究

10.Scheme selection of long-span steel structure system under economical performance基于经济性能的大跨度钢结构体系结构选型研究

11.Strategic Choice of Tax System Optimization: Establishing Double Type Tax System Structure;税制优化战略选择:构建双型税制结构

12.Structural System Selection of High-rise Steel Residences in High Fortification Region;高烈度地区高层钢结构住宅结构体系选型

13.Matrix Structure and Disadvantages of Teaching-oriented Universities;教学型高校传统结构的弊端与矩阵结构的选择

14.The structure pattern is an effective way to choose inspection indicator.结构模型是选取稽查指标的有效方法。

15.The Study of the Structure of the Analects of Middle School Chinese Textbook;我国文选型中学语文教材的结构研究

16.System Structure Orientation of Chinese Management Type Medical Treatment;中国管理型医疗保险的制度结构选择

ponent Choice of Steel Structure Intumescent Fire-Retardant Coatings钢结构用膨胀型防火涂料组分的选择

18.Selection and Application of Foundation Pit Shoring Structure in Sandy Soil砂性土中基坑支护结构的选型及应用


structure selection结构选型

1.Exploration forstructure selection in college students" apartments in Xi"an西安高校学生公寓结构选型探讨

2.Based on the statement of construction quality control in various supporting methods and information-based check and acceptance of foundation excavation works,authors summarize the importance of supportingstructure selection,construction quality control and inspection methods in modern foundation excavation engineering.结合工程实例,介绍在软土地基中多种基坑支护方式在同一工程中的成功应用,并对基坑各支护方式的施工质量控制进行阐述,通过信息化手段对基坑进行检测验收,总结在现行基坑工程中支护结构选型、施工质量控制、监测手段在基坑支护中的重要性。

3.And "Structure Selection" course as an example to try and explore the practical teaching.本文以《结构选型》课程为例,浅谈实践性教学的尝试与探索。

3)structure lectotype结构选型

1.As the example of chimney structure of Xiangtan electric power plant dichophase extension engineering, it discussed chimneystructure lectotype and the characteristics of preservative materials, made technical economic compassion with present familiar chimney structures at home.以湘潭电厂二期扩建工程烟囱结构为例,对烟囱结构选型和防腐材料的特点作了探讨,并对目前国内常见的烟囱结构形式进行了技术经济比较。

4)structure form selection结构选型

1.Fuzzy decision making method on multiple attribute forstructure form selection;结构选型的模糊多属性决策方法

2.Based on the experience of the design,implementation and operation of ±500 kV DC converter stations in our country the HV valve hall with the double valve units is taken as an example to discuss thestructure form selection of the ±800 kV valve hall,firewall and main control building.结合国内现有的±500kV换流站设计、实施和运行经验,以二重阀高端阀厅为例讨论±800kV阀厅、防火墙和主控楼的结构选型。

5)structural style selection结构选型

1.Discussion aboutstructural style selection of mutil-storey steel structure residential;关于多层钢结构住宅结构选型的探讨

2.Preliminary discussion aboutstructural style selection of high-rise building;关于高层建筑结构选型设计的初步探讨

3.How to control the thought ofstructural style selection and put it into the architectural design,developping the ability of architecture to improve design plan by oneself,emphasizing the connection with no gap between architecture and structure.如何掌握结构选型的思维 ,并把结构理念融入建筑设计中 ,形成建筑师对设计方案的自我完善能力 ,强调建筑与结构之间密不可分的联系 ,这是建筑学教学中的结构思想 ,也是从事建筑学结构教学教师的教学目

6)option of structural system结构选型

1.The structural design of building is presented and several related problems such asoption of structural system,structural arrangement,structural calculation,seismic fortification measures.本文介绍了结构选型与平面布置、结构计算及分析、以及主要抗震措施。

2.The structural design of building is presented and several related problems such asoption of structural system, structural arrangement,structural calculation,problem of steel structure design.本文介绍了结构选型与平面布置、结构计算、以及钢结构设计的问题。

3.The structural design of building is presented and several related problems such asoption of structural system,structural arrangement,structural calculation,seismic fortification measures.本文介绍了结构选型与平面布置、结构计算及分析、以及主要抗震措施。


