100字范文 > 学习策略教学 teaching of learning strategy英语短句 例句大全

学习策略教学 teaching of learning strategy英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-08-04 14:12:35


学习策略教学 teaching of learning strategy英语短句 例句大全

学习策略教学,teaching of learning strategy

1)teaching of learning strategy学习策略教学

1.The aim of this paper is to teach the students to learn how to learn and to become successful English learners by analyzing learning strategy and students characteristics,understanding the implementing principles of learning strategy and implementingteaching of learning strategy in English classes.本文论述在外语教学中研究和实施学习策略的重要性,并分析了学习策略和学生的特点,明确策略实施原则,指出在英语课堂中实施学习策略教学,让学生学会学习,成为英语学习的成功者。


1.Learning Strategies Teaching in College English Listening Class;大学英语听力课堂中的学习策略教学

2.Approaches to Distance Learning Strategy Training培养远程学习者学习策略的教学思考

3.On Learning Tactics in Chemistry Classroom Teaching;化学课堂教学中“学习策略”教育初探

4.On teaching strategy based on mized teaching approaches基于混合学习教学模式的教学策略

5.An Integration of Learning Strategies and English Teaching;学习策略与外语教学——阅读教学中的对应策略

6.Study Teaching Tactics That Affect Students Learning Tactics in Colleges and Universities;教学策略对大学生学习策略影响的研究

7.On the Learning Styles and Teaching Strategies of History of English Literature英国文学史学习风格与教学策略探析

8.The Training of Learning Strategy in Intensive Reading of ELT;大学英语精读教学中学习策略的培养

9.The Research of Teaching Experiment on Middle School Students Initiative Learning Strategy;中学生自主学习策略的教学实验研究

10.Research on Strategies Stimulating Learning Transfer in Chemistry Teaching;化学教学中促进学习迁移的策略研究

11.The Strategy Stirring up the Study Motivation in the Chemistry Teaching Process;在化学教学中学习动机激发策略探讨

12.The Applied Research on the Teaching Strategies of Chemical Inquiry Learning;化学探究性学习教学策略的应用研究

13.The Influence of Learning Motivation on the College English Teaching Strategies;学习动机对大学英语教学策略的影响

14.Strategies of Multimedia Instruction for Children with Mathematical Learning Disabilities;数学学习困难儿童的多媒体教学策略

15.Learning Strategys Peculiarities of University Students and Teaching Significance;大学生学习策略的特点及其教学意义

16.Cooperative Learning: A Teaching Strategy Promoting Students Interaction;共同学习:促进学生互动的教学策略

17.The Cultivation of Active Learning Strategies and College English Teaching;主动学习策略的培养与大学英语教学

18.Cultivating the Students Interest in Mathematics Learning;数学教学中学习兴趣的培养策略探微


The teachers" learning strategies教师学习策略

3)Mathematics learning strategy instruction数学学习策略教学

4)teaching of learning strategies数学学习策略的教学

5)Chemistry learning strategy instruction化学学习策略教学

1.Chemistry learning strategy instruction is a new research field, which has a wide developing future.化学学习策略教学是一个新兴的并用广阔发展前景的研究领域。

6)learning strategy学习策略

1.Language Learning Strategy s Application in Vocational Colleges English Teaching;语言学习策略在高职英语教学中的运用

2.Personal Learning Strategy Supported by Edublog;教育博客支持下的个人学习策略

3.Web-based collaborativelearning strategy and its application;基于Web的协同学习策略及其应用


教学策略教学策略instructional strategy教学策略(instruetional strategy)教师在教学过程中为达到一定的教学目标而采取的一系列教学方式和行为。教师可根据学科特点、题材及儿童的年龄阶段选择不同的教学方法,如讲授法、讨论法、发现法、指导发现法、自学辅导法等。(蒋兆灿撰车丈博审)
