100字范文 > 案例指导制度 case guidance system英语短句 例句大全

案例指导制度 case guidance system英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-02-08 08:14:55


案例指导制度 case guidance system英语短句 例句大全

案例指导制度,case guidance system

1)case guidance system案例指导制度

1.The main purpose of establishingcase guidance system is to have uniform law applicable standards,and to guide the lower court in trials.建立案例指导制度的主要作用和目的是为了统一法律适用标准、指导下级法院审判工作。

2.The constructing Case Guidance System, which substance is to systematize and standardize the cases that concentrate experience and wisdom of the judge and become a kind of distinctive system, in order to fully display the role of the instructional cases to the judicial trial and follow the natural rule of judicial trial.正在构建中的案例指导制度,其实质就是将集法官的经验和智慧于一体的案例系统化、规范化并上升为一种鲜明的制度,以充分发挥指导性案例对司法审判的作用,遵循司法审判的必然规律。

3.In addition, the awareness of rule of law is being deepened in society gradually,especially when the first and second five-year reform plan of the Supreme People\"s Court specifically outlined a specific plan for thecase guidance system,law circle began to invertigatecase guidance system further,which had been paid more attention to by judicial judgement practices.加之我国社会法治意识的不断深入,尤其是最高人民法院第一个、第二个五年改革纲要专门对案例指导制度作出了具体规划之后,法学界对案例指导制度的研究进一步深化,案例也日益受到司法审判实践的关注。


1.An Academic Probe Into The Judicial Operation Of Cases Guiding System;案例指导制度中操作性难点问题探讨

2.Interpretation on law through cases--the development of Case Guiding System of Supreme People"s Court通过案例解释法律:最高人民法院案例指导制度的发展

3.The Foundation of the Case Guiding System In China--Compared with Foreign Case System;论我国案例指导制度的建立——兼与西方判例制度的比较

4.Realization of Justice through a Limited Precedent System:Critiquing the Limitations of China"s Case Guiding System通过有限判例制度实现正义——兼评我国案例指导制度的局限性

5.On the Function of Procuratorial Organization in the Case Guiding System;论案例指导制度中检察机关的职能定位

6.Seeking the Justice and Harmony: The Method of Legal Philosophy on the Case Directing System;接近正义寻求和谐:案例指导制度的法哲学之维

7.The Establishment and Exploration of Cases Guidance System (topic for special discussion);中国涉外民事关系法律适用的案例指导制度

8.On Necessity and Feasibility of Establishing Case- conducting System in China论我国建立案例指导制度的必要性与可行性

9.Several Basic Theoretical Problems with Regard to Guiding Cases in China中国案例指导制度的若干基本理论问题研究

10.Construction of the Case Instruction System of "Network Decentralization" in China--From a Perspective of Institutional Economics建构“网络分权”模式的案例指导制度——以制度经济学为视角

11.The Tradition of Case Law in Ancient China:Cause and Revelation--Case guide system study from another perspective;古代中国判例传统:成因及启示——案例指导制度的另一观察视角

12.The Value and Orientation of Case Guiding;案例指导制度的价值探究及理性定位——基于宪政中国发展中制度借鉴的视角

13.On the Validity of Guide Case in Administrative Litigation;“指导性案例”在行政诉讼中的效力——兼论案例分类指导制度之构建

14.Some Questions about Structuring Case-Instructed Operation System in China构建中国案例指导运行机制的几个问题

15.Guidelines for Developing a Monitoring and Evaluation System in the Context of the Programme Approach制订方案方式下的监测和评价制度的指导方针

16.China Should Set up a Precedent Guiding Systemin Accordance with Its Own National Conditions;中国宜建立适合自己国情的判例指导制度

17.The Foundation,Procedure and Barriers for the Formation of Guiding Cases;指导性案例产生的根据、程序及障碍

18.Financial Systems Steering Committee财务制度指导委员会


Case Guiding System案例指导制度

1.The Foundation of theCase Guiding System In China——Compared with Foreign Case System;论我国案例指导制度的建立——兼与西方判例制度的比较

3)the case directing system案例指导制度

1.On the one hand,the case directing system can solve the problem of the same case with different judgment caused by the deficiency of statuary law, and that insures the judicial equality and achieves for.案例指导制度是既不同于大陆法系的判例,也不同于普通法系中判例法的一项新制度,是我国司法机关在既有的制度框架和现行司法体制基础上所进行的一项接近正义、寻求和谐的制度创新。

4)Case Directing System案例指导制度

1.The establishing of theCase Directing System with Chinese characteristic is one of the most important changes focusing on Chinese judicial reform made by Supreme People’s Court, thus it is of great importance to safeguard the uniformity of law, to improve judicial efficiency, to save judicial resource, to improve the judicial ability, and to repress the judicial corruption.建立案例指导制度是最高人民法院针对我国司法制度和审判制度存在的现实问题所提出的一项重大改革,对于保障法制统一,提高司法效率,节约司法资源,提高司法能力,实现司法公正,遏制司法腐败具有重要意义。

5)Case-guiding Classification System案例分类指导制度

6)Research of the Case Guidance System案例指导制度研究


