100字范文 > 汉字构形学 science of Chinese Characters formation英语短句 例句大全

汉字构形学 science of Chinese Characters formation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-09-08 00:33:58


汉字构形学 science of Chinese Characters formation英语短句 例句大全

汉字构形学,science of Chinese Characters formation

1)science of Chinese Characters formation汉字构形学

1.System theory and the founding of thescience of Chinese Characters formation;系统论与汉字构形学的创建

2)the theory of Chinese characters formation汉字构形学理论

3)formation of Chinese characters汉字构形

1.A raise of the average of systematic hierarchicalformation of Chinese characters marks in a way the maturity of the system of Chinese characters.汉字构形层级是汉字的重要属性之一。


1.The Components of Chinese Character And Its Explanation In The Culturology of Chinese Character;汉字构形与汉字文化学框架内的汉字阐释

2.Analyze the Formation Pattern of Xiaozhuan by the Theory of Chinese Characters Formation;利用汉字构形理论分析小篆构形模式

3.Analysis of the Configuration and Meaning of Chinese Characters in Notes of Shuo Wen Jie Zi;《说文解字注》对汉字构形示意的分析

4.Annotation of the cultural Connotation of the Chinese Character "教" From the Formation and Structure of Chinese Characters;从汉字构形诠释“教”字的文化内涵

5.Research the Original Cultural Connotation of "MEI" from the Structure of Chinese Characters;从汉字构形取象谈“美”的原始文化内涵

6.A simulating study of the development of foreign student’s Chinese orthographic awareness based on self-organizing model of CRCC;外国学生汉字构形意识发展模拟研究

7.The Aesthetic Similarity of Chinese Characters Structureand Chinese Traditional Painting;汉字构形与中国传统绘画的审美共性

8.On Historical Data of the Structure of the Chinese Characters from the Culturological Point of View;从文化学的角度看汉字构形的史料性

9.From the System of Chinese Character to Talk about the Mutually Explanatory从汉字构形的系统性论“六书”之“转注”

10.Discussion on the Advantages of Grapheme Formation of Chinese and the Unilateral of Ideographic writing;论汉字构形的优势和表意文字说的片面性

11.Application Strategy of Modern Chinese Characters Morphology in Teaching Chinese Characters as a Foreign Language--Teaching Chinese Characters to English natives in America and Engliand;现代汉字构形法在对外汉语汉字教学中的应用策略——对英美学习者的汉字教学

12.Study of the Chinese Character Configuration Automated Analysis Based on Graph Understanding;基于图形理解的汉字构形自动分析研究

13.Automatic System for Image Understanding Based Chinese Characters Structure Analysis;基于图形理解的汉字构形自动分析系统

14.The Resonance of Configuration Characteristics of Chinese Character and Cognition of Young Children--A research on feasibility of Chinese character education to children;汉字构形特征与幼儿认知的共鸣——幼儿汉字教育的可行性研究

15.Simulating Studies of EFL Learners" Chinese Orthographic Awareness Development Based on Self-Organizing Feature Map Network;外国学生汉字构形意识发展的模拟研究

16.On Morphological Characteristics of Modern Chinese Characters and Character Teaching in TCFL;现代汉字的构形特点与对外汉字教学

17.Seeking to be Different in the Form of Chinese Character-Choice of the Form of Chinese Character in Its Development Process;字求异形——汉字发展过程中的构形选择



the theory of Chinese characters formation汉字构形学理论

3)formation of Chinese characters汉字构形

1.A raise of the average of systematic hierarchicalformation of Chinese characters marks in a way the maturity of the system of Chinese characters.汉字构形层级是汉字的重要属性之一。

4)configuration of Chinese character汉字构形

1.The aesthetic factors in theconfiguration of Chinese characters and the formal aesthetic perception of modern packaging design have something in common.从包装设计的角度论及汉字间架结构的美与现代包装设计艺术之间的相关性是本文的出发点,希望找到一个能将传统文化中的汉字构形艺术与当代包装设计艺术相结合起来的契合点,从而对现代包装设计的民族风格和发展研究有一定的参考价值和启示作用。

5)Orthographic Awareness汉字构形意识

1.Simulating Studies of EFL Learners" ChineseOrthographic Awareness Development Based on Self-Organizing Feature Map Network;外国学生汉字构形意识发展的模拟研究

6)Liushu and the Topography of Chinese Characters六书与汉字构形


