100字范文 > 构形方式 formation of Chinese characters英语短句 例句大全

构形方式 formation of Chinese characters英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-12-23 20:48:56


构形方式 formation of Chinese characters英语短句 例句大全

构形方式,formation of Chinese characters

1)formation of Chinese characters构形方式

1.Dynamic analysis of theformation of Chinese characters;汉字构形方式的动态分析

2)horizontal rectangle membrane wall structure卧式方形膜式壁结构

1.The radiation section of boiler adoptshorizontal rectangle membrane wall structure,The structure is novel,which not only meets the requirements of comprehensive transportation and reduces the production cost but also save energy and has the characteristics of convenient maintenance.介绍了50 t/h油田注汽锅炉的设计与开发,辐射段采用卧式方形膜式壁结构,其结构新颖,不但能满足整体运输要求,降低制造成本,而且节能效果好,维修方便。

3)Inflectional Form构形形式

4)structure type结构形式

1.In allusion to the specialty of function of wellhead platform in Chunxiao gas field, through comparing study between twostructure type of the six-leg wellhead platform and four-leg wellhead platform, the optimum plan was selected by the analysis of the overall arrangement, construction plan and investment cost based on the feasibility of structure design.针对春晓气田群井口平台的功能特点 ,在结构设计可行的条件下 ,综合考虑总体布置、施工方案和投资费用等因素 ,就 6腿和 4腿方案结构形式进行比选研究 ,确定优化方

2.According to the different heights of buildings, several improved cast in site shear wallstructure types are proposed in order to overcome the existing shortcomings while maintaining the merits of the shear wall structures.为了进一步发挥高层剪力墙结构的优点 ,又克服其存在的缺点 ,根据建筑物的高度不同 ,提出了几种改进的现浇剪力墙结构形式 。


1.The frame should work together with shear wall in the frame-shearwall structure.框剪结构是一种常见的建筑结构形式。

2.specification of econometric model structural form经济计量模型结构形式的设定;经济计量模型结构形式的设定

3.Crashworthiness of hull structures impacted by different double-hull forms双壳结构形式对舷侧结构耐撞性能的影响

4.On structural type of caissons" joint cavity of gravity wharf关于重力式码头沉箱结合腔结构形式的探讨

5.This is the inspiration of form as construction这就是结构形式方面的灵感。

6.ungrammatical sentences, constructions, etc不合乎语法的句子、结构形式等.

7.constructed with or in the form of an arch or arches.形成拱形结构或以拱形结构的形式。

8.disk construction圆盘式结构-器件外形

9.Axial Force of SFL Affected by Tensioning Method张拉成形网格结构成形方式轴力影响

10.A verb or construction in the passive voice.被动语态形式被动语态形式的动词或结构

11.Anti-Form:Post-structural Thoughts Deconstruction of Traditional Concepts of Form;“反形式”:“后”结构思潮对传统形式观念的消解

12.A construction or form in the active voice.主动语态结构,主动语态形式主动语态的结构或形式

13.economic pattern经济结构;经济结构;经济模式;经济模式;经济形态;经济形态

14.Hierarchical and Structural Optimization: A Look into Guangdong Higher Education;论广东高等教育层次结构与形式结构的优化

15.On the Forms, Semantics and Syntatex of characteristics of Reduplication in Miao Language;苗语重叠式的构成形式、语义和句法结构特征

16.Formal Semantics of Component-Based Architecture Model Mapping构件式体系结构模型映射的形式化语义

17.The Differences between Passive in Meaning and Passive in Structure and Its Expressions;意义被动式与结构被动式的区别及其表达形式

18.a structural formula【化】结构式, 构造式


horizontal rectangle membrane wall structure卧式方形膜式壁结构

1.The radiation section of boiler adoptshorizontal rectangle membrane wall structure,The structure is novel,which not only meets the requirements of comprehensive transportation and reduces the production cost but also save energy and has the characteristics of convenient maintenance.介绍了50 t/h油田注汽锅炉的设计与开发,辐射段采用卧式方形膜式壁结构,其结构新颖,不但能满足整体运输要求,降低制造成本,而且节能效果好,维修方便。

3)Inflectional Form构形形式

4)structure type结构形式

1.In allusion to the specialty of function of wellhead platform in Chunxiao gas field, through comparing study between twostructure type of the six-leg wellhead platform and four-leg wellhead platform, the optimum plan was selected by the analysis of the overall arrangement, construction plan and investment cost based on the feasibility of structure design.针对春晓气田群井口平台的功能特点 ,在结构设计可行的条件下 ,综合考虑总体布置、施工方案和投资费用等因素 ,就 6腿和 4腿方案结构形式进行比选研究 ,确定优化方

2.According to the different heights of buildings, several improved cast in site shear wallstructure types are proposed in order to overcome the existing shortcomings while maintaining the merits of the shear wall structures.为了进一步发挥高层剪力墙结构的优点 ,又克服其存在的缺点 ,根据建筑物的高度不同 ,提出了几种改进的现浇剪力墙结构形式 。

5)structural form结构形式

1.Analysis ofstructural forms of lightweight hole for heavy caliber mirror;大口径反射镜几种轻量化孔结构形式的分析

2.Thestructural form of the preludes of Huaben and its historical evolution;话本小说“篇首”的结构形式及其历史演进

3.The category and application of stop pin in punching die are discussed, and some typicalstructural forms are mainly introduced, as well as its advantage and applied situation are analyzed respectively.讨论了冲模中挡料销的种类及其应用,着重介绍了几种典型的结构形式,分析了其优缺点及应用场合。


1.Study on Calculation Method and Structure of Monolithic Track-bed in Metro Shield Tunnel;盾构隧道无轨枕整体道床计算方法及其结构形式研究

2.The paper presents itsstructure of connecting.文章分析了其接头结构形式,提出了影响套管接头密封性的几个重要因素。

3.Structure of coke oven bridge pipe and valve body are introduced,in which severalstructures are respectively reviewed.介绍了炼焦炉中桥管与阀体结构的形式,分别对几种结构形式加以评述,指出了今后设计时应注意的问题。


策略构形策略构形tactical configuration:[补注]几=l的t一(v,k,几)设计也称为Std皿r系(Steiner system),并记为S(t,k,v);任一r-(v,k,又)设计有时也记为S*(t,k,v).无重复区组的非平凡t设计的存在性具有特别的意义(无重复区组是指任一k子集在列出的区组中不能出现两次);这样的t设计称为简单的(simPle).L.Teirlinck(【A3」)解决了一个长期未解决的猜想,他证明了对t的每一个值都存在非平凡的简单t设计.【A4」中列出了已知的t)4的简单t设计的无穷族及。续30的简单t设计的表.仅有的非平凡的紧密4设计是关联于Mathieu群M23的唯一4一(23,7,l)设计(见【A51一【A7」),并且对任一固定值s)5,只有有限多个紧密25设计(见【A8」).策略构形[tac康ale咖四ra石叨;TaKT“”ecK,kOH中H-rypa”“:」,亦称战术构形,t设计(t一design),t一(v,火,又)设计(卜(。,火,几)一deslgn),。集S上的t设计是集合S上的一个k子集(区组)系,使得S的每一个t子集恰好出现在几个区组里.2设计类与平衡不完全区组设计类相同(见区组设计(block deslgn)).策略构形的名字是对一个关联系统(incidellce system)而言的,在这里每一个集合关联于恰好k个元素,而每一个元素关联于恰好:个集合.。二k的t设计称为平凡的(trivial).若一个£设计是非平凡的,那么 t+1簇k簇v一l一t.对任何、(t,每个t设计也是:设计.任意一个s子集在一个t设计区组里出现的次数几、由下式给出: 、、一({二:)一’(、二立)“,0一‘!·存在一个t设计的必要条件为几、是整数.特别对t)2,每个t设计是一个平衡不完全区组设计.t设计的主要问题是它们的存在性和构造问题.长时间以来,对。>3仅知道几个孤立的t设计;特别是分别与5重可迁Mathieu群M 12和M 24有关的5一(12,6,1)设计和5一(24,8,l)设计(见Mathi印群(Mat」liellgroup))然而在20世纪印年代发现了t设计与编码理论(见码(code)之间的联系(见【3」,[4」),并且从U个非零坐标的一些向量出发,给出了构造一个属于线性(。,k)码的t设计的方法,这个(n,k)码是一个有限域肠如te fiekl)(见fs],工7])上。
