100字范文 > 林浆纸一体化 forestry-pulp-paper integration英语短句 例句大全

林浆纸一体化 forestry-pulp-paper integration英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-07-09 23:41:56


林浆纸一体化 forestry-pulp-paper integration英语短句 例句大全

林浆纸一体化,forestry-pulp-paper integration

1)forestry-pulp-paper integration林浆纸一体化

1.An exploration into the implementing method offorestry-pulp-paper integration The bulk acquisition of forest(field) and “order forestry”;林浆纸一体化实施办法的探索——林木(地)的整体收购与“订单林业”

2.Building eucalyptus plantation——the effective way offorestry-pulp-paper integration sustainable development营造桉树人工林——林浆纸一体化可持续发展的有效途径

3.The paper analyzes the conditions and characteristics for Guangxi to implementforestry-pulp-paper integration, expounds the statusand effect of Guangxi inforestry-pulp-paper integration and puts forward that theforestry-pulp-paper integration in Guangxi must put forestryat priority.分析了广西实施林浆纸一体化的条件和特点,阐述了林业在广西林浆纸一体化中的地位和作用,提出广西实施林浆纸一体化必须以林为先。


1.Target to establish an integrated pulp and paper/board production以林浆纸一体化为目标

2.Sustainable methods from plantations to pulp and paper making林浆纸一体化的可持续方案

3.The Inspiration of Integrative Wood-pulp-paper in American International Papermaking Company;美国国际纸业公司林浆纸一体化的启示

4.Multiple model of forestation promote the construction of forestry-pulp-paper integrated basis;多元化的造林模式推动林浆纸一体化基地建设

5.The fast growing and high yield eucalyptus forest is a necessary choice for China’s forestry-pulp-paper integration;桉树速生丰产林——我国林浆纸一体化的必然选择

6.An exploration into the implementing method of forestry-pulp-paper integration The bulk acquisition of forest(field) and “order forestry”;林浆纸一体化实施办法的探索——林木(地)的整体收购与“订单林业”

7.It Is Feasible to Develop Integrated Forest-Pulp-Paper Industries and Inte-grated Frest-Panelboard Industries Simultaneously;林浆纸一体化产业和林板一体化产业可以同时发展

8.Considerations and suggestions to the construction of eco-industrial park of forest-pulp-paper integration in Jiangsu province;江苏林浆纸一体化生态产业园构建设想与建议

9.On Necessity of Foreign Contract of Logistics for Integrative Wood-pulp-paper Project;论林浆纸一体化项目物流外包的必要性

10.The recycling economy practice of APP forestry-pulp-paper integration in Sinar Mas Group;金光集团APP林浆纸一体化的循环经济实践

11.The present situation, problems and their countermeasures of forestry-pulp-paper integration in Shandong Province;山东省林浆纸一体化的现状、问题及对策

12.Qinzhou, Guangxi Province:to accelerate the construction of fast-growing and high-yield forest bases with forestry-pulp-paper integration project as carrier;广西钦州:以林浆纸一体化为载体 促进速丰林基地建设

13.HR Development and Management in Chinese Paper Enterprises on the Background of Integrated Frost-Pulp-Paper林浆纸一体化背景下我国造纸企业的人力资源开发与管理

14.Building eucalyptus plantation--the effective way of forestry-pulp-paper integration sustainable development营造桉树人工林——林浆纸一体化可持续发展的有效途径

15.The great achievements on the innovation of forest collectivity right system in Fujian Region--forest,pulp and paper combination into deeper development;福建集体林权制度改革取得硕果——福建林纸结合,林浆纸一体化向纵深发展

16.Promote the paper-pulp-forestry integration construction by the idea of friendly general circulation of industry用绿色产业大循环的思路推进林浆纸一体化建设

17.The forestry and forestry executive department in Guangxi will play a backbone role in the for-estry-pulp-paper integration construction;广西林业和林业主管部门在林浆纸一体化工程建设中发挥中坚作用

18.My view on developing forestry-paper integration and breaking the bottle-neck of shortage in wood pulp;发展林纸一体化 突破木浆“瓶颈”之我见


forest-pulp-paper integration engineering林浆纸一体化工程

3)forest-pulp-paper integrative project林浆纸一体化项目

1.Water drainage influence analysis for Wuzhouforest-pulp-paper integrative project;梧州市林浆纸一体化项目的退水影响分析

4)forestry-paper integration林纸一体化

1.Urgent bottleneck problems in China"s “forestry-paper integration”;我国“林纸一体化”亟待解决的瓶颈问题

2.A research on the dynamic system formation theory offorestry-paper integration;林纸一体化动力系统形成理论的研究

3.An outline of the plan for the development offorestry-paper integration industry in Hunan Province;湖南省林纸一体化产业发展规划概要

5)forest-paper integration林纸一体化

1.Forest ownership reform beneficial to the construction offorest-paper integration project;林权制度改革有利于林纸一体化工程建设

2.Construction and Evaluation of the Mode of Forest-paper Integration in China;我国林纸一体化的模式构建与综合评价研究

3.There is, however, a lack of study on the evaluation method offorest-paper integration.在分析几种典型的林纸一体化备选模式运行特征的基础上,建立了林纸一体化模式综合评价指标体系,根据指标体系中参数层指标的调查统计结果构造模糊评价模型,运用该模型对拟定的林纸一体化备选模式进行评价和分析,为国内林纸一体化项目决策中的多方案评价提供思路和方法。

6)straw-pulp-paper integration草浆纸一体化

1.and the strategic planning for development of the enterprise instraw-pulp-paper integration and recycling economy.介绍了德州沪平永发公司的发展历程和主要经验、管理创新和技术创新措施,以及草浆纸一体化、循环经济模式等发展战略规划。


