100字范文 > 务工 labor英语短句 例句大全

务工 labor英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-11-11 16:16:10


务工 labor英语短句 例句大全



1.On the cost of rurallabor removal andlabor income;农村劳动力迁移成本与务工收入


1.Volunteer Scheme for Probationers感化事务义务工作计划

2.specialist contractor for public works工务工程专门承办商

3."We should handle well the work relating to ethnic minorities, religions and overseas Chinese."做好民族工作、宗教工作和侨务工作。

4.Working Group on Leisure Pools嬉水池事务工作小组

5.overall responsibility (for the operation) (业务工作的)全面责任

6.system of library work图书馆业务工作体系

7.volunteers for the post of treasurer自愿任财务工作的人

8.Standing Committee on Laboratory Management工务试验所常务委员会

9.Works Bureau [Government Secretariat]工务局〔政府总部〕

10.Category B [Public Works Programme]乙级工程〔工务计划〕

11.Category D [Public Works Programme]丁级工程〔工务计划〕

12.Labour Administration Branch [Labour Department]劳工事务行政部〔劳工处〕

13.offering project construction and related services建设工程的施工和服务

14.One Stop Unit [Industry Department]工业投资服务组〔工业署〕

15.Category C [Public Works Programme]丙级工程〔工务计划〕

16.Category AB [Public Works Programme]甲乙级工程〔工务计划〕

17.Category A [Public Works Programme]甲级工程〔工务计划〕

18.PESO (Plant Engineering Shop Order)工厂机加工车间任务单


permanent way工务

1.The essay points some problems existing in thepermanent way and track maintenance work, and puts forwardcorresponding method to meet the development requirement of railway speed-up and heavy-haul development.指出工务线路维修工作存在的一些问题,并提出相应的解决办法,以满足铁路提速和重载的发展需要。

2.Deficiency of MIS inpermanent way abroad is analyzed.介绍了铁路生产安全系统开发研究的背景,分析了国内工务管理系统的不足之处,提出开发铁路生产安全系统的必要性和紧迫性。

3)Track Maintenance工务

pared with the low-speed line,200 km/h line requires more strict track maintenance,especially in China,track maintenance should meet the requirements of existing line with speed raising to 200 km/h for mixed running of 200 km/h motor train set,120 km/h freight train and double deck(container) train with axle load of 25 t.研究目的:第六次大提速中我国铁路既有线提速200 km/h的线路延展里程达到6 003 km,与低速相比较,200 km/h对工务提出了更严格的要求,特别是在我国既有线提速200 km/h要同时满足200 km/h动车组、120 km/h货物列车、25 t轴重双层集装箱共线运行。

4)permanent-way work工务工作

5)railway permanent way铁路工务

1.This paper summarizes the achievements made by therailway permanent way sectors in year 2002 in the following five respects:reform on permanent way repair standards and systems, the consolidation and improvement on speed-increase achievemen, safeproduction, track and bridge maintenance as well as infrastructure construction.总结了铁路工务部门2002年在探索工务修程修制改革,巩固和完善提速成果,安全生产,线桥修理,基础建设等5个方面取得的成果,并指出了2002年工务工作存在的主要问题;分析了工务工作面临的形势;提出了工务工作继续以“线桥结构现代化,施工作业机械化,企业管理科学化”为指导方针的工作重点。

6)serve safe工务安全


