100字范文 > 外来务工 exotic laborers英语短句 例句大全

外来务工 exotic laborers英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-07-28 08:35:25


外来务工 exotic laborers英语短句 例句大全

外来务工,exotic laborers

1)exotic laborers外来务工

1.Analysis about the woman rights forexotic laborers in Wuhan;武汉市外来务工女性权益状况调查分析


1.Exploration and analysis on family moral education for city migrant works children;城市外来务工人员子女家庭德育探析

2.On the Rights of Social Security of Migrant Workers in Wenzhou;温州外来务工人员社会保障权的思考

3.Analysis on Employment Discrimination to the Migrant-workers;城市外来务工人员就业歧视问题分析

4.Health Services Survey for Migrant Worker in Cixi City;慈溪市外来务工人员卫生服务利用调查

5.Research on the Protection of Exotic Youth Labor s Legal Rights--The Case Study of Exotic Youth Labor in Zhongshan;城市外来务工青年合法权益的保障研究——以中山市外来务工青年权益调查为例

6.On the cultivation of external workers NGO--Aimed to solve the problem of external workers law-breaking and crime-committing;论城市外来务工人员NGO的培育——以解决外来务工人员违法犯罪问题为切入点

7.Survey on Knowledge, Attitude and Behavior about TB among the Internal Immigrant Workers in Tianjin;外来务工人员结核病知识、态度、行为调查

8.The Investigation and Research of Migrant Children s Education in City;外来务工人员子女教育现状调查与研究

9.A Study on the Structure and Group Intervention of Self-Esteem on Emigrant-Workers Children;外来务工者子女自尊及其团体干预研究

10.Research on Equality in Admission Opportunities of Migrant Workers Children to Shanghai;上海外来务工人员子女入学机会均等研究

11.About External Work Personnel Children Language Accomplishment Raise;关于外来务工人员子女语文素养的培养

12.Psychological Analysis of the City Engagement of Exotic Employed Personnel s Children;外来务工人员子女融入城市的心理学研究

13.Research on the Sampling Design of Non-locals for Working in Tianjin of ;天津市外来务工人口抽样设计的研究

14.A Study on community Education for Migrant Workers in Shanghai;上海市社区外来务工人员公共教育研究

15.Naturalization Management of the Guest Workers in Shanghai:Self-examination and Proposals;上海市外来务工人员的归化管理:反思与建议

16.Study of Investigated Exercise Present Condition of Foreign Working Persons;宁波外来务工者健身活动现状调查研究

17.Research on the Behavior Characteristics of Elementary Colony of Rural Migrant Women Workers in Chengdu;成都市外来务工流动妇女的初级群体特征研究

18.The Practice and Thinking on Immigrants Education and Training;开展外来务工人员教育培训的实践和启示


migrant workers外来务工者

3)migrant labourer外来劳务工

4)Nonnative labour services workers外来劳务用工

5)migrant workers外来务工人员

1.On the Rights of Social Security of Migrant Workers in Wenzhou;温州外来务工人员社会保障权的思考

2.Thoughts of Strengthen the Service and Security about Migrant Workers Based on Shanghai City in the Context of the Financial Crisis金融危机背景下加强对上海市外来务工人员的保障与服务思考

3.Research of Ningbomigrant workers training situation: Present Situation and Thinking宁波市外来务工人员培训情况研究:现状与思考

6)migrant female worker女性外来务工者


