100字范文 > 外来务工者 migrant workers英语短句 例句大全

外来务工者 migrant workers英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-12-27 21:52:11


外来务工者 migrant workers英语短句 例句大全

外来务工者,migrant workers

1)migrant workers外来务工者


1.A Study on the Structure and Group Intervention of Self-Esteem on Emigrant-Workers Children;外来务工者子女自尊及其团体干预研究

2.Study of Investigated Exercise Present Condition of Foreign Working Persons;宁波外来务工者健身活动现状调查研究

3.Surveys on Living Conditions of Migrant Workers in Zhengqiao Community of Shuangyu Town;鹿城区双屿镇外来务工者生存状况调查

4.An Empirical Research on Urban Rural Labor’ s Rights Equality in Ningbo;外来务工者的权利平等与政府的责任——宁波外来农民工权利平等实证考察

5.The Status Analysis of Psychologically Healthy of External Workers" Children in the Public Schools公办中学中外来务工者子女的心理健康现状分析

6.Analysis About The Condition Of Peasant Workers Merging into Community--Based on the Survey about the Y Community of Shijing Region in Beijing;外来务工者的社区融入现状分析——基于对北京石景山区Y小区的调查

7.Characteristics,Problems and Ways of Dealing with the “Second Migration” of Rural Labor:A Survey of Migrant Workers in Zhejiang,Fujian and Tianjin;农村劳动力二次流动的特点、问题与对策——对浙、闽、津三地外来务工者的调查

8.Investigation and Analysis on Internal Factors Affecting Physical Exercises of Migrant Workers in Private Enterprises--Take Wenzhou of Zhejiang as Example影响民企外来务工者体育活动的内因调查与分析——以浙江省温州地区为例

9.The strikers have been encamping outside the factory for weeks.罢工者数周来都在工厂外宿营.

10.How to Develop New Extensions of the Service Work for Readers in Modern Libraries;现代图书馆为读者服务工作拓展外延

11.Non-governmental attractors: the attractors except for the government functionaries in this region.社会引资者:除我区公务人员引资者以外的其他引进外来资金者。

12.Exploration and analysis on family moral education for city migrant works children;城市外来务工人员子女家庭德育探析

13.On the Rights of Social Security of Migrant Workers in Wenzhou;温州外来务工人员社会保障权的思考

14.Analysis on Employment Discrimination to the Migrant-workers;城市外来务工人员就业歧视问题分析

15.Defense styles of migrant workers in Shenzhen深圳市外来劳务工防御方式特征分析

16.Health Services Survey for Migrant Worker in Cixi City;慈溪市外来务工人员卫生服务利用调查

17.Regard to the Issue of the Urban Laborers Immigrated from Other Areas--Survey Report on the Development of Urban Labor in Shenzhen Immigrated from Other Areas;关注城市外来劳务工的问题——来自深圳外来劳务工发展状况的调查报告

18.A Study on Learning Style during Rural-Urban Migrants Returning to the Countryside to Start up Their Business;外出务工者回乡创业过程中学习样态研究


migrant female worker女性外来务工者

3)the children of external workers外来务工者子女

1.In government\"s care and under society\"s attention,the children of external workers, this special community obtained the very good solution in the city matriculation question.在政府的关心和社会的关注下,外来务工者子女这一特殊群体在城市的入学问题得到了很好的解决,越来越多的外来务工者子女进入了公办学校就读。

4)exotic laborers外来务工

1.Analysis about the woman rights forexotic laborers in Wuhan;武汉市外来务工女性权益状况调查分析

5)migrant labourer外来劳务工

6)Migrant workers外出务工者


