100字范文 > 路节 pathway node英语短句 例句大全

路节 pathway node英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-05-01 22:49:53


路节 pathway node英语短句 例句大全

路节,pathway node

1)pathway node路节


1.(Link Node Group: Link Node Member)(链路节点群: 链路节点成员)

2.Type of Link = the type of link node.Type of Link = 链路节点类型。

3.Did you check the link nodes?您是否检查了链路节点?

4.The numbers under the ETH alarm indicates the Ethernet Interface Node Ring Node Address: Link Node Group & Link Node Member.ETH告警下面的号码表示以太网接口节点环节点地址:链路节点群&链路节点成员。

5.bias set circuit偏压调节电路偏流调节电路偏磁调节电路

6.section(al) roller分节式压路机,分节路碾,环状轴

7.byte-serial highway字节串行住信处公路

8.intelligent 4-loop regulator智能式四回路调节器

9.DC quadricorrelator直流自动调节相位线路

10.It would be a big saving to walk [if we walked].走路大可节省 (能源) 。

11.A path is a sequence of distinct nodes.通路是不同节点的序列。

12.output voltage regulation of inverter逆变电路输出电压调节

13.An Energy-saving Node-Disjoint Multipath Routing Algorithm for Ad Hoc Networks自组网中一种节能节点不相交多路径路由算法

14.From Luke Sixteen 19 to 31摘自《路加福音》十六章(第19节到31节)

15.On Ways Of Breathing Rhythm Regulating In Taolu;对武术套路呼吸节奏调节方法的研究

16.Taking the road of Saving-energy-and-saving-land Building Making a Good Job of Environment Protection;走节能节地型建筑之路 搞好环境保护

17."Links: the branches between nodes, referred to as trunks."链路:节点间的支路,称为中继线。

18.Several Views about the Node and the Loop Method with Circuit Teaching;电路“节点法”和“回路法”教学之管见


adjusting circuit调节线路

1.TRVadjusting circuits for synthetic test of high-voltage alternating-current circuit-breakers are studied, and various kinds of present TRVadjusting circuits in synthetic test at home and abroad are analyzed in the paper.为满足IEC62271-100:2001和GB1984-《高压交流断路器》的新要求,研究了高压交流断路器合成试验瞬态恢复电压(TRV)调节线路。

3)road-net node路网节点

4)adjusting circle systems调节回路

1.In this article, the author analyzes the system of the Driver - Automobile - Environment byadjusting circle systems.本文用调节回路对驾驶员-汽车-环境系统进行分析,通过传递函数的计算,验证了调节回路能很好的反映汽车 的行驶特性,对模拟汽车稳定性试验有一定的帮助。

5)lighting energy saving路灯节能

6)modulating circuit调节电路


