100字范文 > 形成路径 pathway英语短句 例句大全

形成路径 pathway英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-12-21 02:22:22


形成路径 pathway英语短句 例句大全



1.Research on thepathway of forming outsourcing network;资源外包网络的形成路径研究


1.The Characteristics of Species and Forming Paths of Emerging Technologies;新兴技术的物种特性及形成路径研究

2.Corporate Governance Culture, Corporate Competitiveness and Forming Path;公司治理文化,企业竞争力和形成路径

3.Research on Format System & Building Route of Hotels" Soft Power饭店软实力的构成体系与形成路径研究

4.On the Forming Routes of Harmonious Order of Labor Relations in Non-public Owned Enterprises;非公有制企业劳动关系和谐秩序的形成路径

5.A New Probe into the Path of the Emergence and Formation of China s Traditional Planned Economy System;中国传统计划经济体制产生和形成路径新探

6.Study on the Formulation Paths of Emerging Technologies Based on Discontinuous Innovation;基于不连续创新的新兴技术形成路径研究

7.Research on the Value of Internal Capital Market and Paths to Generate内部资本市场价值及其形成路径实证研究

8.On the approaches of universitisation of teacher education in the USA;美国教师教育大学化形成的路径研究

9.Influence of loading paths on hydroforming process of stainless steel spherical part加载路径对不锈钢球形件内高压成形过程影响

10.Research on formability of tailor welded blank box based on strain path基于应变路径的拼焊板盒形件成形性能研究

11.Iso-Composition Contour Method for Functionally Graded Material Part Path-Planning;等成分轮廓线的FGM零件直接成形路径规划方法

12.Filling Path Optimization of Fused Deposition Modeling and Research of FDM Soft System;熔丝沉积成形填充路径优化及其软件研究

13.Study on Industry Formation and Development Path of Medicinal Fruit Tree in Fujian Province;福建药用果树产业形成与发展路径研究

14.Delta Area of Yangtze River Metropolitan: Analysis on Formation and Development & Decision on Future Path;长三角城市圈:形成发展分析与未来路径选择

15.The Path Analysis on Different Variables on the Process of Motor Learning for Physical Education Major Students;影响体育专业学生运动技能形成的路径分析

16.On the Developing and Forming Way of China’s Private Property System;论中国私有财产权制度形成与发展的路径

17.The Path Selection of Formation a High-level Service Industrial Structureabout Binhai New Area;滨海新区形成高层次服务产业结构的路径选择

18.Reasons and the Outway of the Real Estate Bubble;我国房地产泡沫的形成原因与规避路径


forming path成形路径

1.The theory and method on the blank design, determination offorming path and transition area design of sectional forming in MPF are introduced.本文介绍了板材多点成形技术中初始坯料设计、成形路径确定以及多点分段成形过渡区设计的有关理论与方法。

2.In the technique, the functions such as choosingforming path and sectional forming for sheet metal, which can"t be realized in traditional method, can be implemented easily.多点柔性成形是一种先进的金属板材成形技术 ,这种成形方法能够实现成形路径选择、分段成形等传统成形方法无法实现的功能 。

3)Optimum forming path最优成形路径

4)path generating路径生成

1.In this paper,a laser scanningpath generating algorithm is proposed,which is well used in our SL machine.本文提出了一种简捷有效的扫描路径生成算法,成功地应用于开发的快速成型机中。

5)growth path成长路径

1.Research on thegrowth path of technical capability of automobile manufacture enterprise in later-development countries;后发国家汽车制造企业技术能力成长路径研究

2.An analysis on enterprise durativegrowth path based on the dynamic equilibrium of innovation ability and control ability;基于创新力与控制力动态均衡的企业持续成长路径分析

6)growing path成长路径

1.Research on Growing Path of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprise Cluster in Southwest of China;西南地区城镇中小企业集群成长路径研究


Pro/ENGINEER中复杂几何路径的数组阵列1 引言 Pro/ENGINEER是目前应用非常广泛的CAD/CAM软件,其功能非常强大。在Pro/ENGINEER中进行特征复制时, PATTERN(数组阵列)可以一次建立多个相同的特征,比COPY(复制)省时省力。 在实际应用中,阵列的几何路径有规则的(如直线形、圆形等),也有不规则的(如平行四边形、椭圆形等)。对于规则路径,其生成较简单,如圆形路径,选取一周向驱动尺寸,输入阵列的增量与个数即可。下面以在基座上钻孔为例,介绍不规则几何路径的数组阵列。2 设计实例 首先,生成基座(如图1黑点表示孔的圆心位),其中心点位于Pro/ENGINEER中坐标系的原点,再钻出左上角的第一个孔(以基座的两条边为参考边,这两条边的交点为准原点)。然后进行数组阵列,产生其余的孔,依次选择“Pattern→General→Table”。图1 黑点表示孔的圆心位2.1 步骤一 选择图1中的尺寸“40,55”作为“表格驱动阵列的驱动尺寸”,然后选“Done”。2.2 步骤二 选择“Add”,进行表的添加(输入一个表名如A),接着打开一个窗口,其中已有的文字均为注释语句,最后一行为: idx d4(40.0) d3(55.0) 其中,idx表示这一列填的是序号,从1开始;d后的数字以实际操作中产生的为准,括号内数值为步骤1中所选驱动尺寸的值,可以看出该值的显示顺序与尺寸的选择顺序是对应的。2.3 步骤三进行表的录入,依次填入:165 5529055311555414055550856601157 701458951459151014514511170145121508513160115 其中1~4为上部右边的4个孔,5~7为左边3个孔,8~11为下部右边4个孔,12~13为右边剩余2个孔。2.4 步骤四 首先点击“File→Save”,并且进行保存。然后点击“File→Exit”,退出程序。之后执行“Done”即可进行阵列,如图2所示。
