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追寻 pursuit英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-07-03 07:41:05


追寻 pursuit英语短句 例句大全



1.Meng Xiancheng and his lifelongpursuit of the wisdom of education孟宪承教育智慧的生命追寻

2.Thepursuit of teacher happiness needs social and teachers′ common efforts.教师幸福的追寻需要社会和教师共同努力。

3.The paper analyzes his prose from historical reflection,realistic realization,futuristic anxiousness andpursuit and so on,and further probes the charms of his prose.文章从历史的反思、现实的感悟、未来的忧思与追寻等方面,对余氏散文进行文化解读,从而进一步探讨其散文魅力。


1.The act or an instance of chasing or pursuing.追逐,追寻追逐或追寻的动作或事例

2.Dogs were scouring about after the rabbit.狗在四处追寻那只兔子。

3.Could not follow it in its flight.我的眼力无法追寻。

4.The dogs are casting around for the scent这些狗正在跟踪追寻。

5.There chiefly I sought thee,主要是因此,我才追寻你,

6.The Root-searching Literature: Reflection and Criticism on the Course of Seeking for the Modernity;寻根文学:现代性追寻中的反思与批判

7.Escaping and Pursuing--The Process of Tie Ning s Pursuing Selfhood;逃离与追寻——铁凝寻找“自我”的历程

8.Yanan, I put you down as swift return of Swallows in locating past spring; As the trees grow, then trace the rain and dew and the sun.延安,我把你追寻象翩翩归来的燕子,在追寻昔日的春光;象茁壮成长的小树,再追寻雨露和太阳。

9.The Supreme Reality or Brahman is not merely an intellectual quest, but a spiritual conquest.至高的真理或大梵不是一种单纯的理性追寻,而是灵性上的追寻。

10.A long journey or search, especially one of exalted purpose or moral significance.长途追寻长途跋涉和追寻,尤指具有崇高目的或重要道德意义的

11.The Pursuit of the Meaning of Life--The Pursuit Motif in The Scarlet Letter through the Character HesterPrynne生命意义的追寻——以白兰为例解读《红字》中的追寻母题

12.One who embarks on a quest for something conceived of as sacred.追寻者寻求某种被认为是神圣的东西的人

13.Paul Auster"s Quests: Finding One"s Place in the Darkness保罗·奥斯特的追寻:在黑暗中寻找自己的位置

14.First, a werewolf may approach her chosen tribe alone.要么,狼人一个人追寻选中的部族。

15.If I become over confident I will recall my failures.自高自大时,我要追寻失败的记忆。

16.The post office is tracing the missing package.邮局正在追寻那个丢失的包裹。

17.They tried to affiliate that play to its author.他们试图追寻那个剧本的作者。

18.The hounds quested (about) for the fox.那些猎犬在追寻狐狸的踪迹。



1.Drawing on the theory of "the sameness of Allah and man", this article analyzes the corresponding relationship between the protagonist Ghalip s way ofquest and the Turkish nation s way ofquest in modern and contemporary times, assuming that the core themes the novel are: annotating of the "secret of the self", explaining the significance of "finding th.本文结合苏非神秘主义哲学中"人主同一"、神爱等理论,分析了小说主人公卡利普的追寻之路与土耳其民族在现当代的追寻之路两相映照的关系,论述了小说的核心主题在于:诠释"自我的秘密",阐释"发现自我"在个人与民族的追寻之旅中的重要性,揭示土耳其民族在现当代国际环境中一心"做他人"这一角色追求中的必然与谬误。

2.One of the themes of American Literature isquest for American dream.美国文学的主题之一就是对美国梦的追寻。


1.Song of Solomon: A story ofsearch;《所罗门之歌》:“追寻”的故事

2.Therefore,thesearch for meaning constitutes everyone\"s inner anxiety which is in nature a struggle between individuals and the world.所以,意义的追寻构成每一个人的内心焦虑,它在根本上就是个人与世界较量的过程。


1.He struggles painfully in the spiritual wasteland with his special ways striving toseek the life meaning and to realize his personal value.“兔子”的气质、心态和精神困境在反映现代美国人的精神面貌方面具有深刻的典型意义,他感到自己身上一种属于生命本质的东西被压抑,因此他总是想方设法逃离那令人窒息的环境,以自己独特的方式在精神荒原上苦苦挣扎,力图追寻人生的意义,确定自我的价值。

5)spiritual pursuit精神追寻

1.Furthermore,the administrative civi-lization,which is thespiritual pursuit of the government law enforcement action,plays important guidelines and evaluation roles.而行政文明作为政府行政执法行为的精神追寻所在,对其具有重要的指引和评价作用,遵循行政文明的精神有助于行政执法行为在不断的检点和矫正中沿着"善"的轨道运行。

6)pursuit of archetypes追寻原型


精神分裂样精神病精神分裂样精神病schizophreniform psychosis精神分裂样精神病(sehizophren主fo:功psyehosis)1939年兰菲尔德(Langfeldt)首先提出这一概念。他曾在奥斯陆进行过一项随访研究,发现精神分裂症可分为预后不良的过程性精神分裂症(proeess sehizophrenia)和预后良好的精神分裂样精神病。过程性精神分裂症类似克勒佩林(Kraepe一in,E.)提出的早发性痴呆(dementia praecox),病人表现情感淡漠,缺乏主动性,具有原发性妄想。而精神分裂样精神病常有明显诱因,伴有意识模糊和情感症状。后来发现这种区分并不能准确地预断精神分裂症的预后。目前这一术语具有完全不同的含义。美国《精神疾病诊断和统计手册》(第三版)和我国精神疾病分类(1984)规定,“精神分裂样精神病,,分别用于病期不足6个月和3个月的精神分裂症。(赵亚忠撰刘协和审)
