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现实诉求 real pursuit英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-11-27 23:59:46


现实诉求 real pursuit英语短句 例句大全

现实诉求,real pursuit

1)real pursuit现实诉求

1.Based on China s reality the author believes that administrative efficacy sreal pursuit is to construct eff.结合本国的实际,笔者认为,行政效能的现实诉求应当是建立一种服务型效能政府,其建设要从以下几个方面着手:第一,重塑行政效能主体,实现政府及其公务员的若干转变;第二,培养行政效能客体的公民意识,实现政府与公民的良性互动;第三,明确行政效能建设的目标,实现公共利益的最大化。


1.The Role of "the Understanding Wife and Loving Mother": Its Cultural Evolution and Realistic Quest;“贤妻良母”的文化演变及现实诉求

2.The Socialism Honor Versus Dishonor View Actuality Claim and Its Worth Choice;社会主义荣辱观现实诉求及其价值抉择

3.Harmonious Society: Realistic Pursuit of Social Developments in Modern China;和谐社会:当代中国社会发展的现实诉求

4.A stronger government and a move powerful society should have the reasonable aspiration for the model pattern of relationship between transitional Chinese government and society.强政府与强社会应是转型期中国政府与社会关系范式的现实诉求。

5.Peasant Education: The Demand of Reality and Important Propulsive Force for the New Rural Construction of Socialism;农民教育:社会主义新农村建设的现实诉求与重要推力

6.A Discussion of the Current Cultural Appeal in the Communicative Process of Mr.JIN Yong s Martial Arts Novels;金庸小说传播过程中的现实文化诉求

7.Realizing formal justice is basically pursued in revi ew of death sentences.实现形式正义是死刑复核程序的基本价值诉求。

8.An Inquiry into the Fundamental Appeals of Frank"s Legal Realism;弗兰克法律现实主义思想根本诉求之探究

9.The Achievement of Appellative Function in the Translation of Scenic Spot Introduction in Tourist Brochure;诉求功能在旅游手册景介英译中的实现

10.Study on Measures of Civil Servant Self-interest Requirements and the Realization Limitation in China;中国公务员自身利益诉求及实现限度对策研究

11.Harmonious Moral Quality:the practical pursuit of College Teachers with CPC Membership;和谐道德人格:高校党员教师的现实人格诉求

12.Teacher as Intellectual: Reflecting and Constructing;教师作为知识分子:现实反思与理想诉求

13.On the Value Demand of View of Socialist Honor or Disgrace and Its Way of Realization;论社会主义荣辱观的价值诉求及实现途径

14.Value Pursuit and Realistic Conversion of Tolerant Philosophy in Criminal Litigation;刑事诉讼中宽容理念的价值追求与现实依归

15.Experimental History: Appeal of Postmodernism in Contemporary Historiography;实验史学:后现代主义在史学领域的诉求

16.Discussion on Deepening the Reform of Higher Education by Combining Universities and Enterprises;校企联合促进高教改革的诉求目标及实现途径

17.The Express Resistance of the Interest of the Disadvantaged Groups and its Realization Path我国弱势群体利益诉求的表达滞阻与实现途径

18.The Benefit Demand Among Hospital and Patient in Medical Activities and it"s Achievment Limitation医疗活动中医患双方的利益诉求及其实现限度


modem telling and seeking现代诉求

1.But because of the differences in writing experience, aesthetic sentiment, and opinions on literature, these two novels show us different experience of wars and differentmodem telling and seeking, which built up a new sight of 20th century s literature.由于作者写作经验、审美情趣、文学主张不同,取自同一题材的两篇小说呈现了不同的战争体验和现代诉求,共同构成二十世纪文学景观。

3)advertisement focus诉求表现

4)practical requirement实践诉求

1.Basic idea andpractical requirements of emergent instruction;生成性教学的基本理念及其实践诉求

5)realization of litigious right诉权实现

6)modernity appeal现代性诉求


广告观念诉求广告观念诉求advertising appeal to idea广告观念诉求(advertising appeal toidea)广告诉求方法之一。其特点是不直接宣传某种产品或劳务,而是鼓励和树立一种新的消费观念,或改变某种消费习惯。其最终目的还是为了推销某种产品或劳务,通过新观念的形成而利于企业经营。(傅汉章撰马谋超审)
