100字范文 > 目的论 skopos theory英语短句 例句大全

目的论 skopos theory英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-03-16 10:51:05


目的论 skopos theory英语短句 例句大全

目的论,skopos theory

1)skopos theory目的论

1.On cultural transmission from the Skopos theory;从目的论看汉英翻译中的文化传输——兼评《京华烟云》中的翻译策略

2.The English Translation of News of Sci-tech Administration Website Based on Skopos Theory;基于目的论的科技管理网站新闻英译

3.Simple Recognitions on Skopos Theory and Western Translation Theories;对目的论与当代西方翻译理论的一点认识


1.teleological necessity目的论的必要性目的论的必要性

2.But Dewy gives a different theory that is" Education with no Aim", which really means" Internal Aim Theory" or" Spontaneous Aim Theory".杜威则提出了"教育无目的论",其实质是"内在目的论"或"自生目的论"。

3.of or relating to teleology.属于或关于目的论的。

4.The doctrine of purposelessness in nature.无目的论认为自然界毫无目的可言的理论

5.Explanation of Benefit Security Teleology -On Purpose of Civil Procedural System;利益保障目的论解说──论民事诉讼制度的目的

6.On Dualism About Legal Aim Of Cooperatives合作社法律目的二元论——以双重目的论为依归

7.An Analysis of the "Unfaithfulness" in Tian Yan Lun from the Perspective of Skopos Theory;以德国目的论解析严译《天演论》的“不忠”

8.On Translation of English News Headlines;从目的论角度论英语新闻标题的翻译

9.Skopostheorie--the Breakthrough and Development of Equivalence;翻译标准目的论——对等论的突破与发展

10.Skopostheorie-the Breakthrough and Development of Equivalence;翻译标准目的论:对等论的突破与发展

11.Cybernetic Teleology Theory and Hypertension Management;控制论的目的论思想与高血压病诊治

12.Strategies in the Chinese-English translation of scientific paper under the guidance of Skopos Theory基于目的论的科技论文汉英翻译策略

13.The editorial is entitled" ..." .这篇社论的题目是《。。。》。

14.He moderated on a weekly panel show.他主持每周的讨论节目。

15.The groups discuss their projects,各小组讨论他们的项目,

16.a lowbrow programme, discussion, person粗俗的节目、 议论、 人.

17.Try to Reconstruct the Purpose of Penalty--Three Levels of the Purpose of Penalty;试论重构刑罚的目的——刑罚目的三层次论

18.Performance Evaluation of ERP Implementation Based on the Project Management Theory;基于工程项目管理理论的ERP项目实施目标评价



1.On Translation Strategies of English and Chinese Trademarks in the Light ofSkopostheorie;浅谈目的论关照下的英汉商标翻译技巧

2.Skopostheorie,Cultural Connotations of Scenic Spot Names and the Translation Strategy Selection of Guide-interpreter;景点名称的文化内涵与目的论关照下导译者之策略选择

3.ASkopostheorie Approach to Chinese Blockbuster s Subtitle Translation;目的论视角下的华语古装片英文字幕翻译


1.The Necessary Subversion——Starting from the "Teleology" in Translation;必要的颠覆——从翻译“目的论”出发

2.Kant s Teleology and the Question on “Doctrine of Human Center;康德的目的论与“人类中心主义”问题

3.The Chinese Language Advertisement Translation under the Visul Field of Teleology目的论视阈下的汉语广告语翻译


1.Brief Analysis on the Application of the Strategies of Alienation and Domestication in the English Translation of Mao Tse-Tung s Works based onSkopostheory;浅析目的论指导下毛泽东著作英译中的异化与归化策略

2.A Study of C-E Translation of Tourist Materials from the Perspective ofSkopostheory;从目的论看旅游资料汉译英

3.OnSkopostheory and its Belittlement of the Source Text;翻译目的论及其文本意识的弱化倾向


1.On Literary Translator s Subjectivity from the Perspective of Skopos Theory;从“目的论”角度论文学翻译中的译者主体性

2.A Translation Study of English Product Instruction from the Perspective of the Skopos Theory;从目的论的角度分析英文产品说明书的翻译

6)the skopos theory目的论

1.By turning the research focus to the target language,the skopos theory dethrones the original text, frees the translators from the shackle of absolute loyalty to the source text and allows them more freedom in choosing translating strategies.翻译研究目的论通过研究重点的目标语转向,推翻了原文的权威地位,把译者从对原文绝对忠实的束缚中解脱出来,使译者在选择翻译策略时有了更多的可能性。

2.And the author also provides theoretical support:the skopos theory, Gideon Toury\"s target—oriented theory and AndréLefevere\"s rewriting theory.同时作者还引用德国的目的论和勒弗菲尔的改写理论等为“改写”这种似乎有悖于传统忠实翻译原则的翻译方法提供理论支持。


