100字范文 > 法定支出 legal expenditure英语短句 例句大全

法定支出 legal expenditure英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-07-19 10:17:45


法定支出 legal expenditure英语短句 例句大全

法定支出,legal expenditure

1)legal expenditure法定支出

1.Legal Expenditure in China: Situations, Causes and Solutions;“法定支出”在中国:现状、成因及对策


1.Legal Expenditure in China: Situations, Causes and Solutions;“法定支出”在中国:现状、成因及对策

2.Analysis on Difference between the Implemental Status of Legal Expenditure and the Policies;“法定支出”政策与执行现况间的差异性分析

3.A legislative act authorizing the expenditure of a designated amount of public funds for a specific purpose.批准支出一种立法行为,授权支出用于特定目的的指定公基金数额

4.fixed charge coverage固定支出范围,固定支出类别

5.Will Accelerated Depreciation Really Reduce Tax Expenditure?采用加速折旧法就一定会减少纳税支出吗?

6.any personnel who are provided with official-use guns who illegally lease or lend the guns, thereby causing serious consequences are to be punished in accordance with the first paragraph.依法配置枪支的人员,非法出租、出借枪支,造成严重后果的,依照第一款的规定处罚。

7.a periodic review of expenditure对支出的定期核查.

8.Only five members of the committee were for the draft, so we couldn"t make a decision委员会中只有5名委员支持该草案,所以我们无法做出决定。

9.Analysis by Theory of Law and Cognizance on Plot of "Spending Illicit Money in Official Duties" of the Case of Embezzlement and Taking Bribes;贪贿案件“赃款用于公务支出”情节的法理分析及认定

10.payments approach支出能力的分析方法

11.Capital expenditure资本支出,指购买固定资产的支出,或为了一项业务长远利益的支出。

12.any personnel who are provided with official-use guns who illegally lease or lend the guns are to be punished in accordance with the previous paragraph.依法配备公务用枪的人员,非法出租、出借枪支的,依照前款的规定处罚。

13.The carrying into or out of China of firearms and ammunition shall be handled in accordance with the provisions of Measures of the People"s Republic of China for the Control of Firearms.携运枪支、子弹进出境,按照《中华人民共和国枪支管理办法》的规定办理。

14.On the other hand, the Court was convinced that judicially imposed hybrid rulemaking requirements would impose real costs.另一方面,法院确信,司法规定的混合型规则制定要求会加剧实际的费用支出。

15.testing method for number of stretch filament yarn长丝纱的纱支测定法

16.his uncompromising espousal of the bill他对法案的坚定支持

17.the excess of revenues over outlays in a given period of time.一定时期内收入超出支出的部分。

18.Objective Discusses the CT determination trachea,about the host bronchial tube warp value method and produces the determination the warp value.目的探讨 CT测定气管、左右主支气管经线值的方法并给出测定的经线值。


tra statutory expenditure非法定支出


4)fixed charge固定支出

5)expenditure rate method支出率法

1.It is explained theexpenditure rate method in transport operation and selecting method of expenditure rate to calculate transport cost by using the mentioned method.介绍了运输作业过程别的支出率法,以及采用该法计算运输成本时支出率的选取方法。

6)ways of expending支出方法


