100字范文 > 支出 expenditure英语短句 例句大全

支出 expenditure英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-07-12 22:29:48


支出 expenditure英语短句 例句大全



1.A Global Expenditure on Semiconductor Capital and Semiconductor Equipment Market in the Year /;/全球半导体资本支出与半导体设备市场

2.A Study on the Economic Evaluation of Government Project Expenditure in China;政府部门项目支出绩效的经济性评价研究

3.Multiple Regression Analysis on the Net Income and Consumption Expenditure of Chinese Rural Households in 中国农村居民家庭纯收入和消费支出的多元回归分析


1.incomings and out goings收入与支出 (收支)

2.capital expenditure and revenue expenditure资本支出与收益支出

3.Income must govern expenditure.支出须由收入支配。

4.accountable warrant责任支出之支付命令

5.an expenditure account"开支账目,支出账目"

6.government expenditure政府财政支出,国家开支

7.Strengthening the Supervision and Improving the Effect of Expenditure Used to Support Agriculture;加强财政支农支出监管 提高财政支农支出效益

8.off-budget (extra-budgetary) expenditure(revenue)预算外支出(收入)

9.refund of expenditure支出(费用)之退款

10.export debit a/c出口支出科目(帐户)

11.fixed charge coverage固定支出范围,固定支出类别

12.breakdown of expenditure by major object of expenditure按主要支出用途开列的支出细目

13.civil expenditure预算中相对于国防支出的民用支出

14.(c) "budgetary outlays" or "outlays" includes revenue foregone;(C)“预算支出”或“支出”包括放弃的税收;

15.What is rights and interests kind defray, what is asset kind defray?什么是权益类支出,什么是资产类支出?

16.Distinguishing capital expenditures from revenue expenditures;企业资本性支出与收益性支出的划分

17.An Empirical Study of the Extrusion Effect on Chinese Government Expenditure to Consumption Expenditure;我国政府支出对消费支出挤出效应的实证分析

18.recurrent expenditure经常开支;经常开支;经常性费用;经常性费用;经常性支出;经常性支出



1.Because of the financial predicament and debts ,there is an innovation that the financial management of country is handed to country , It s propitious to prescribe financialpayout and control the country expenditure But there some obvious demerits ,such as the support by law and management and contradictin of right release."乡财县管"有利于规范乡镇的财政支出,解决了乡镇开支失控的状况,还规范了行政,有利于控制乡镇财政供给人员和机构的急剧膨胀。

2.This paper analyses the source of the loan repayment and forecasts the scale of the loan repayment and educationalpayouts.本文主要就浙江省高等教育的还贷资金来源进行 分析,对还贷资金规模和教育支出进行预测,进而在确定浙江省高教贷款规模的基础上对贷款 的还本付息能力和偿还期进行预测和分析。


1.The essay presents a solution to the problems in management and accounting over thedisbursement occurred in fixed assets to use.针对当前固定资产使用支出的管理与核算中存在的问题,提出了解决的办法,即:严格区分固定资产使用中的支出哪些是属于资本性支出,哪些是属于收益性支出,对难于区分的支出项目可确定一个合理限额;同时,在实际工作中,还应高度重视,切实做好使用支出的管理与核算。


1.Some scholars did textual research into items of the fiscaldisbursal of Han dynasty.有学者对汉代财政支出项目进行了逐项考述,然而关于汉代土木建设费用支出、舆马费用支出缺乏必要的论述,所以必须对其进行必要的辨析和考证。

2.The account books of thedisbursal of military provisions were detailed with diversified put-out account books in Han dynasty.汉代西北边郡军粮支出账簿登记详细,有各种发放粮食的簿籍。

5)government expenditure for supporting agriculture支农支出

1.An analysis on the economic effect ofgovernment expenditure for supporting agriculture in China——study on primary industries according to the different time series;中国财政支农支出的经济带动作用研究——基于产业层面的时间序列分析



