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师生关系问卷 Teacher-student relationship questionnaire英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-07-14 11:22:24


师生关系问卷 Teacher-student relationship questionnaire英语短句 例句大全

师生关系问卷,Teacher-student relationship questionnaire

1)Teacher-student relationship questionnaire师生关系问卷

1.Methods Tested 306 Secondary Special School freshmen byTeacher-student relationship questionnaire and School Social Behavior Scales.方法以306名中专新生作为调查对象,采用师生关系问卷和学校适应性行为量表进行测查,收回有效问卷290份。

2)relationship questionnaire(RQ)关系问卷


1.A Study on Development and Primary Application of the Work-Family Relationship Questionnaire of the Middle School Teachers;中学教师工作家庭关系问卷编制及初步应用研究

2.The Relation between the Length,Item Property of Questionnaire and Mental Set of Answer问卷长度、问卷项目性质与作答心向的关系

3.Questionnaire Investigation of Relation between Putting forward Questions and Solving Questions;问题提出和问题解决之间关系的问卷调查

4.E-mail Questionnaire Method and Simulation Based on Network Interpersonal Relationship基于网络人际关系的E-mail问卷调查方法及仿真

5.Reliability and Validity of Experience of Close Relationship-Revised Version亲密关系体验问卷修订版的信效度研究

6.The Emending of the Insulin Delivery System Rating Questionnaire and the Related Research;胰岛素给药系统评估问卷的修订及相关研究

7.The Revision of Interpersonal Competence Questionnaire in Middle School Students;人际关系能力问卷(ICQ)在初中生中的初步修订

8.The Questionnaire Construction of Junior School Teacher-student Exchange Relationship and Its Status Quo Investigation初中生师生交换关系的问卷编制及其现状研究

9.In an opinion poll,60 percent of British people thought that homosexual relationships between adults should be legal.在一项问卷调查指出,60%英国人认为成人间的同性恋关系应合法化。

10.Research on College Students Study Belief, Relationship with Study Strategy and Study Belief Scale Development;大学生学习信念问卷编制、现状调查及其与学习策略关系研究

11.A Study on the Compile of the Questionnaire for the Subjective Well-being of College Students and Its Relationship with Their Temperament;大学生主观幸福感问卷的编制及其与气质关系的研究

12.Thailand s Perspective of Current Sino-Japanese Relations;泰国对当前中日关系的看法——泰国实地问卷调查分析

13.Interlocutor Types and Negative Freeback--A Study Based on a Questionnaire Survey;对话者类型与负面反馈的关系——一项基于问卷调查的二语习得研究

14.Questionnaire Survey Research on the Relationship Status of All the Participants in Construction Engineering;工程建设项目参与各方关系状况的问卷调查研究

15.The Revision of Mael s Organizational Identification Questionnaire and its Relationship with Affective Commitment of Teachers;Mael组织认同问卷的修订及其与教师情感承诺的关系

16.An Inquiry of the Relationships between Tubo Ethical Culture and Confucian Ethics from the Tibetan "Questions and Answers to Etiquette";从《礼仪问答写卷》看吐蕃伦理文化与儒家伦理的关系

17.Empathy Questionnaire of Hotel Staff and the Relationship with Empathy and Service Performances;饭店服务人员共情问卷的编制及其共情能力与服务绩效的关系

18.Psychological testing and formation about the questionnaire survey of college students dormitory interpersonal quality;大学生宿舍人际关系质量调查问卷初步编制及心理测量学检验


relationship questionnaire(RQ)关系问卷

3)relationship between teachers and students师生关系

1.Study on new type ofrelationship between teachers and studentsin the teaching of physical education in new era;新时期体育教学中的新型师生关系

2.Therelationship between teachers and students in the interactive teaching activities;论互动教学中的师生关系

3.On the Change of Physical Education Curriculum and the Relationship between Teachers and Students;论体育课程与师生关系的变革

4)Teacher-student relationship师生关系

1.Prospect for an ideal teacher-student relationship in the situation of learner taking educatee s place;“受教育者”向“学习者”转变中的理想师生关系展望

2.On the Chinese teacher-student relationship in 1920s and 1930s and its influences;20世纪二三十年代中国师生关系的影响及反思

3.Cognition and communication: two levels of the teacher-student relationship;认识与交往:师生关系的两个层次

5)relation between teachers and students师生关系

1.On the Relation between Teachers and Students in Modern Education;略论现代教育中的师生关系

2.The notion of the postmodern education is trying to construct a kind of newrelation between teachers and students with aesthetic tropism when it destructs the modern view of teacher-student.在解构现代师生观的同时,后现代主义教育观也试图建构审美取向的新型师生关系,即从"中心"到"平等",从"独白"到"对话",从"同一"到"多元",从"遮蔽"到"敞开"。

6)teacher-student relation师生关系

1.In this article,through analysing the evolution of human nature hypothesis adopted by teacher in traditionalteacher-student relations,the author supposes that in the"teacher- centered"teacher-student relationship,the teachers assumption is: students nature is evil;and in the"student-centered"teacher-student relationship,the teachers assumption.文中通过对传统师生关系的演变透析其背后的教师所采用的人性假设,认为"以教师为中心"的师生关系中,教师对学生人性假设是:学生的本性是恶的;而"以学生为中心"的师生关系中,教师的假设是:学生的本性是善的。

2.Harmoniousteacher-student relations are urgently needed in constructing harmonious campus.建设和谐校园迫切需要和谐师生关系,当前高等学校师生存在着紧张化、自由化、淡漠化和利益化等不和谐的状况,提出了构建和谐校园中和谐师生关系教师要更新观念,教书育人,引领和谐师生关系;学校要人本管理,务实创新,保障和谐师生关系;学生要尊敬教师,明理善学,增进和谐师生关系。

3.Theteacher-student relation is a particular social relation and interpersonal relation in the teaching activities.师生关系是教师和学生在教与学活动中形成的特殊社会关系和人际关系。


师生1.老师和学生的合称。 2.科举时代考官与考试中选者亦称师生。
