100字范文 > 防范技能 defensive skill英语短句 例句大全

防范技能 defensive skill英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-07-27 08:52:03


防范技能 defensive skill英语短句 例句大全

防范技能,defensive skill

1)defensive skill防范技能

1.The analysis of accident reasons indicates that the weekness of defensive psychology and the absence ofdefensive skill are the two main reasons of university accidents.在"三防"相结合的安全防范工作模式下,高等院校的校园安全形势仍不容乐观,校园安全事故原因的分析表明:高校学生防范心理的薄弱、防范技能的缺乏是造成事故的主要原因。

2)defence technology防范技术

1.The network safety anddefence technology for computer;计算机网络安全及防范技术


1.Vulnerability Attack and Defense and Vulnerability Database Design;漏洞攻击防范技术与漏洞数据库设计

2.Research on Security Technology and Security Solution of LonWorks Networks;LonWorks网络安全防范技术及解决方案研究

3.The Comparison of Antispam Technologies and the Choice of Antispam Products;垃圾邮件防范技术的比较与产品选择

4.Research on Instrution Detection and Prevention Technology Based Web2.0基于Web2.0的入侵检测与防范技术研究

5.The Study on Menaces to Network Information Security and Precautionary Technology网络信息安全的威胁与防范技术研究

6.Anti-ARP Spoofing Technology Based on Proactive Detection基于主动探测的ARP欺骗防范技术

7.Technical code for anticorrosion for petroleum engineering in beach-shallow sea滩海石油工程防腐蚀技术规范

8.Code for application technology of fire resistive coating for steel structure钢结构防火涂料应用技术规范

9.Technical code for anticorrosion of shaft equipment of vertical shaft of coal mine煤矿立井井筒装备防腐蚀技术规范

10.SQL Injection Attack Techniques and Countermeasures Analysis;SQL注入攻击技术及防范措施研究

11.A Study on the Loss of Core Technology of State-owned Enterprises;国有企业防范核心技术流失策略研究

12.Technical Staff s Loss of Natural Textile Takes Precautions Against the Mechanism Research;天然纺织技术人员流失防范机制研究

13.The Security Risk of Bank Information Technology and Its Countermeasures;银行业信息技术安全风险和防范措施

14.Technology super power and its prevention under protection of intellectual property;知识产权保护下的技术霸权及其防范

15.The Present Situation of Computer Crime in China and Its Technical Defense;我国计算机犯罪现状分析与技术防范

16.Study on Risk Principle and Countermeasure in Enterprise s Technology Development;企业技术开发的风险原理与防范研究

17.Seepage prevention technology in man-made lake of Golden Green City,Shanghai上海金地格林风范城人工湖防渗技术

18.The Application of VRML and JAVA in Security and Protection TeachingVRML与JAVA在《安全技术防范》教学中的应用


defence technology防范技术

1.The network safety anddefence technology for computer;计算机网络安全及防范技术

3)technical prevention技术防范

1.It creates atechnical prevention system of non-technical risks of e-commerce from three processes,that are,the principal transactions being attacked before,being attacked,and after being attacked.并从交易主体受攻击前、受攻击时和受攻击后三个时间段来构建一个电子商务非技术风险的技术防范体系。

2.In addition,it also discussed thetechnical prevention measures of some frequently happening crimes.文章对当前我国计算机网络犯罪的现状特别是犯罪类型进行了深入分析,并就计算机网络犯罪类型中几类高发案件进行了技术防范措施的探讨。

4)defended technics防范技巧

1.This article mainly introduces some kinds of effective safety technology anddefended technics.本文主要介绍了几种行之有效的安全技术及防范技巧,目的在于帮助人们防止病毒的侵害和黑客的攻击。

5)prevention ability防范能力

6)teaching skills师范技能


