100字范文 > 民意调查报道 public opinion survey report英语短句 例句大全

民意调查报道 public opinion survey report英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-09-26 06:25:14


民意调查报道 public opinion survey report英语短句 例句大全

民意调查报道,public opinion survey report

1)public opinion survey report民意调查报道

1.In the middle and late 1990s,public opinion survey report rises abruptly in China.20世纪90年代中后期,民意调查报道在我国迅速崛起,随着我国社会民主化进程的加快,民意调查报道在我国社会生活中的意义和作用越来越显著。

2)Criticizing the Polling Reports质疑民意调查报道

3)opinion poll民意调查

1.The author analyses and discusses the function of publicopinion poll in urban design and planning and its implementation, the method and problems, the need and possibility of the participation with Changshu City in Jiangsu Province and Huzhou City in Zhejiang Province as the case.以常熟和湖州两个规划项目为例 ,分析了在城市规划项目中采用民意调查的方法对规划设计和实施的促进作用、公众参与的方法与需要注意的问题 ,探讨在我国公众参与城市规划的必要性和可能的途


1.One that takes public-opinion surveys.民意调查者经办民意调查的人

2.film censorship survey电影检查尺度民意调查

3.They made a survey of public opinion.他们作了一次民意调查。

4.unpolled constituents.未接受民意调查的选区

5.Should politician care about public opinion? Should they care about opinion polls?政治人物应否留意民意?应否留意民意调查?

6.Public opinion studies showed that many voters were still undecided.民意调查显示许多选民还未做出决定。

7.In modern western society,public-opinion poll commonly includes the investigation of public opinions,public feelings and consensus.在现代西方社会,“民意调查”一般包括对民意、舆情、舆论的调查。

8.Opinion polls suggest Blair will win a third successive term.民意调查显示布莱尔将赢得三连任。

9.We" re conducting a poll among school leavers.我们正在对中学毕业生进行民意调查.

10.All polling methods are potentially open to abuse.所有的民意调查方法都有可能被滥用。

11.Desire Investigation and Thought on Farmers’ Residential Centralization in Wuxi;无锡市农村集中居住现状和民意调查

12.America after September 11: Interpretation of a Set of Polls;从民意调查看“9·11”后的美国

13.A survey of the public or of a sample of public opinion to acquire information.民意调查为获取信息而对公众的调查或对公众意见的一次抽样

14.During the year, the Force conducted its first Customer Satisfaction Survey and the second Public Opinion Survey.年内,警队进行了首个服务对象满意程度调查及第二个民意调查。

15.The new poll shows both men about even on economic issues.新的民意调查显示,两人在经济议题上得到的民意支持度都差不多。

16.puBlic-opinion poll民意测验,同意调查

17.Chief Inspector of Accidents [Civil Aviation Department]总意外调查主任〔民航处〕

18.Accident Investigation Division [Civil Aviation Department]意外调查部〔民航处〕


Criticizing the Polling Reports质疑民意调查报道

3)opinion poll民意调查

1.The author analyses and discusses the function of publicopinion poll in urban design and planning and its implementation, the method and problems, the need and possibility of the participation with Changshu City in Jiangsu Province and Huzhou City in Zhejiang Province as the case.以常熟和湖州两个规划项目为例 ,分析了在城市规划项目中采用民意调查的方法对规划设计和实施的促进作用、公众参与的方法与需要注意的问题 ,探讨在我国公众参与城市规划的必要性和可能的途


1.Analysis of the Dilemmas of "the Majority Rule" Democracy——through "Annual Phi Delta Kappa/Gallup Poll of the Public"s Attitudes toward the Public Schools"也论“多数人统治”的民主困境——以“卡潘/盖洛普对公立学校的民意调查”为例


1.Application ofgallup in global layout of Huangshi city;黄石市城市总体规划民意调查分析

6)public-opinion poll民意调查

1.In modern western society,public-opinion poll commonly includes the investigation of public opinions,public feelings and consensus.在现代西方社会,“民意调查”一般包括对民意、舆情、舆论的调查。


