100字范文 > 公众舆论 public opinion英语短句 例句大全

公众舆论 public opinion英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-11-12 14:05:26


公众舆论 public opinion英语短句 例句大全

公众舆论,public opinion

1)public opinion公众舆论

1.On Public Opinion and Fire Control Safety Management;公众舆论与公共消防安全管理——以云南省公安消防总队实施灭火救援服务评议制度为视角

2.Managingpublic opinion conflicts;企业公众舆论冲突管理策略

3.Thepublic opinion is very important to the modern democratic politics.公众舆论是现代民主政治的重要表现形式,其本质上表现为社会公众的政治参与和理性批判意识。


1.Public opinion is unequal to propagandas or report.公众舆论不等于新闻舆论或舆论宣传。

2.stand Before the triBunal of puBlic opinion受到公众舆论的制裁

3.You should pay regard to public opinion.你们应该重视公众舆论。

4.The public opinion condemns prostitution.公众舆论遣责卖淫。

5.Discussion About Influence Of The US Consensus To The Korean War;略论美国公众舆论对朝鲜战争的影响

6.A Research on How to Direct Public Opinion with Mass Media;论新时期政府如何利用大众媒介引导公众舆论

7.Popular opinion has tilted in favour of the Socialists.公众舆论已倒向社会党人一边.

8.American public opinion began to worry more.美国的公众舆论变得更加忧心忡忡了。

9.Public opinion was against the old political system.公众舆论反对旧政治制度。

10.He sets public opinion at defiance, and he"s sure to get into trouble.他无视公众舆论,肯定会惹麻烦的。

11.It is a voice of European public opinions.它也是欧洲公众舆论的讲坛。

12.an event signalling a change in public opinion说明公众舆论变化的事件

13.Public opinion was against the old feudal system.公众舆论反对旧的封建制度。

14.The Production and Expression of Public Opinion during the Late QingDynasty in the Case of Su Bao;从《苏报》看清季公众舆论的生成与表达

15.The Tyranny of Majority and the Religion of Public Opinion:Tocqueville s Vision of Public Opinion;“多数的暴政”与“舆论的宗教”——托克维尔的公众舆论观念

16.Research on the Promotion of Political System Reform Through Public Opinion;论公众舆论对我国政治体制改革的推进作用

17.Analysis on the Functions of American Public Opinion in American Human Rights Diplomacy towards China;冷战后美国对华人权外交中公众舆论因素论析

18.On the Function of the Party Newspaper as the Representative Institution of the Public Opinions;论机关报纸作为公众舆论代表职能的构建


public opinions公众舆论

1.An emerging intellectual group established all kinds of newspapers,magazines and institutes,gradually nurturingpublic opinions and forming the modern public sector in China in modern times.甲午战争后,中国知识界经历了重大变动,一批新出现的知识群体通过创办各种报刊、学会等方式,逐步培育了近代中国的公众舆论,并形成近代中国的公共领域。

2.Some politicians and many common people in US opine that the populace andpublic opinions in US have little impact on US s foreign policies.如何正确地全面评价公众在外交决策中的作用?不仅要考察公众舆论,更关键的是要考察透过公众舆论反映出来的普遍存在于广大公众心目中的思想意识、政治文化。

3)the public opinion公众舆论

1.In the medium and late period of Anti-Japanese War and the Postwar early period,for closely related to Chinese people s fate of fighting the Japanese army andfounding of new China, the Sino-American relations had already become the targetthat was paid close attention tothe public opinions in China.抗战中后期及战后初期,中美关系由于与中国抗战和建国的前途命运息息相关而成为国内公众舆论倍加关注的对象。

2.With the development of modern communication techniques,the public opinion has gone beyond the limits of time and place and it has an increasing profound influence on political life even as "the fourth power".公众舆论是人类社会进入文明阶段的产物,它与人类政治文明的发展有着紧密的联系。

4)Negative public opinion逆向公众舆论

5)public opinion conflicts公众舆论冲突

1.Managingpublic opinion conflicts;企业公众舆论冲突管理策略

6)a revulsion of puBlic opinion公众舆论的突变


公众舆论公众舆论public opinion公众舆论(publie opinion)社会上多数人的一致性意见。亨纳什(H ennessy)认为,“公众舆论是多数人在重要问题t二所发表的各种复杂意见的综合”。公众作为一个集合概念,其人数的多少是有很大差异的(见“公众”),舆论则是态度的一种表现形式(见“社会舆论,’)。通常,公众舆论总是吸取那些为社会环境所要求的态度而形成,是对多数人态度逐渐地、不断地吸取与加工而形成的。可见,公民的个人态度是形成公众舆论的原始材料,但如果没有传播、沟通、互动和不断地扩散与累积,也无法形成公众舆论。公众舆论因其公众外延大小,则可分为群体舆论、公司舆论、社会舆论,甚至是世界舆论等等。(孙俊山撰张燮审)
