100字范文 > 婚礼仪式 wedding ceremony英语短句 例句大全

婚礼仪式 wedding ceremony英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-04-29 17:55:42


婚礼仪式 wedding ceremony英语短句 例句大全

婚礼仪式,wedding ceremony

1)wedding ceremony婚礼仪式

1.The Cultural Analysis on Symbols of Wedding Ceremony in Hefei City;合肥市婚礼仪式中象征符号的文化解读


1.The people involved in the wedding ceremony also spent some time talking through the wedding ceremony.参加婚礼的人还讨论了一下婚礼仪式。

2.On the day of a Greek wedding ceremony,在希腊婚礼仪式上,

3.Who will perform the wedding?谁执行这个婚礼仪式。

4.The actual marriage ceremony is quite different from the American wedding ceremonies, too.真正的婚礼仪式也与美国仪式不太一样。

5.The Wedding Ceremonies in old China were very complicated.版主译:旧中国的婚礼仪式非常复杂。

6.The ceremony wasn"t what I"d wanted, either.这婚礼仪式也并不是我要的那样。

7.The wedding was at the Episcopal Church.婚礼仪式是在圣公会教堂举行的。

8.Consumer View of the Symbols of Modern Urban Wedding Ceremony;符号消费视野下的现代城市婚礼仪式

9.An Aesthetic Anthropological Discussion of the Samei People′s Wedding Rites;对撒梅人婚礼仪式的审美人类学思考

10.Local people as well as tourists can admire age-old wedding ceremonies of the polo"s region.当地人和游客们可以看到旧式的婚礼仪式。

11.On the Cultural Transition in the Wilat Mongolians" Wedding Ceremonies--from the Perspective of the Orugruho Wedding Ceremonies in Hebukesaier从和布克赛尔“奥尔古勒胡”婚礼仪式看卫拉特蒙古人婚礼仪式的文化变迁

12.He felt that he had to go through with the marriage ceremony before May.他认为他必须在五月份前举办婚礼仪式。

13.The church wedding ceremony as performed in the West has now come into fashion in China, too.欧美风范的教堂婚礼仪式,如今也在中国流行了。

14.M: Do you know after the wedding ceremony (1) there usually follows a wedding reception ?(你知道吗?婚礼仪式结束后,通常要举行招待宴会。)

15.The Cultural Analysis on Symbols of Wedding Ceremony in Hefei City;合肥市婚礼仪式中象征符号的文化解读

16.Essential,Function and Cause Happening ofFarcical Procedure in Traditional Wedding Ceremony of National Minority;少数民族传统婚礼仪式闹剧式程序的实质、功能及产生原因

17.The ceremony or celebration of a marriage.婚礼结婚的仪式或庆典

18.the marriage, burial, communion, etc service婚礼、 葬礼、 圣餐仪式.


the form of the marriage service婚礼仪式.

3)At the actual wedding ceremony,在婚礼仪式上,

4)Hakka wedding and ceremony客家婚礼仪式

1.This paper exploresHakka wedding and ceremony in the four literary works in Taiwan, including The Farm on Li Mountain, Chilly Night, Interview Prior to Marriage and My Daughter\"s Wedding, and interprets their meanings.在台湾四部客家文学作品《寒夜》、《笠山农场》、《相亲》与《福春嫁女》中,蕴含丰富的台湾客家婚礼仪式的信息及意义。

5)the act of marrying; the nuptial ceremony.结婚的行为;婚礼的仪式。

6)etiquette of marriage婚嫁礼仪

1.Among which,theetiquette of marriage culture is outstanding.裕固族的礼仪文化内容丰富,其中婚嫁礼仪文化独具特色。


《赫哲人的婚礼》中国戏剧作品。作者乌·白辛,赫哲族。1963年3月中国戏剧出版社出版单行本。哈尔滨话剧院1962年首演。导演高枫。赫哲族是生活在中国东北黑龙江、松花江和乌苏里江汇合处的一个少数民族,在黑暗的旧社会受尽残酷迫害几乎灭绝。人民革命胜利后,这个民族才得到解放并日益兴旺。作者采用了赫哲人叙述和咏唱英雄人物、神话故事的口头文学"伊玛堪"的体裁,把全剧分为2章8回。第1章叙述了赫哲族在清朝、 反动军阀和日本帝国主义残酷压迫下濒于死亡灭绝的苦难命运;第2章描写了中华人民共和国成立后赫哲族人的幸福生活。剧本在情节上通过金星与喜凤这一对男女青年经过种种波折最后结合在一起的故事,巧妙地利用了"回叙"和"对比"等手法,把赫哲人近 300年的苦难、斗争和翻身解放、兴旺发展的历史展现了出来。由于剧本运用了赫哲族的口头文学"伊玛堪"的体裁,又在细节上十分注意表现赫哲族人民的风俗人情和民族性格,使剧本充满浓郁的民族风格。语言凝练、优美,人物刻画也较鲜明。
