100字范文 > 上海国际金融中心 Shanghai international financial center英语短句 例句大全

上海国际金融中心 Shanghai international financial center英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-03-14 05:13:05


上海国际金融中心 Shanghai international financial center英语短句 例句大全

上海国际金融中心,Shanghai international financial center

1)Shanghai international financial center上海国际金融中心

1.Challenges and Opportunities for the Construction of Shanghai International Financial Center against the Background of Finanical Crisis金融危机对上海国际金融中心建设的挑战与机遇

2.Enlightenments of G20 London Consensus on Financial Supervision and Regulation to Developing Shanghai International Financial Center新国际金融监管共识对上海国际金融中心建设的影响和启示


1.Building Shanghai into an International Finance Centre and the Role of Government;上海国际金融中心的建设和政府定位

2.The Mode and Condition of International Financial Center and Its Implication on the Construction of Shanghai International Financial Center;国际金融中心的条件模式对上海国际金融中心建设的启示

3.The Cooperation between IFC and Large City Agglomeration:Discussion on the Construction of Shanghai IFC国际金融中心与大城市群的协同性——兼论上海国际金融中心的建设

4.Enlightenments of G20 London Consensus on Financial Supervision and Regulation to Developing Shanghai International Financial Center新国际金融监管共识对上海国际金融中心建设的影响和启示

5.Study on Information Hinterland in the Construction of Shanghai Finance Center;上海国际金融中心建设中的信息腹地研究

6.Enlightenment from German Financial Supervisory Regime for Building Shanghai International Financial Center德国金融监管体制对上海国际金融中心建设的启示

7.Analysis of Impact Factors of Shanghai Finance Centre Construction;上海国际金融中心建设的影响因素分析

8.Advantages, Disadvantages and Development Solutions to the Construction of Shangha International Financial Center;论构建上海国际金融中心的优劣势及发展对策

9.Research on Policies to Enhance the Status of Shanghai as International Financial Center;提升上海国际金融中心地位的对策研究

10.Futures Market,the New Channels of Construction about Shanghai International Financial Centre;发展期货市场,推进上海国际金融中心建设

11.The Comparisons Among Hong Kong,Singapore and Shanghai as International Financial Centers;香港、新加坡和上海国际金融中心的比较研究

12.Develop money broking and promote the construction of Shanghai as an international financial center;发展货币经纪业务 促进上海国际金融中心建设

13.Futures Market: The Breakthrough Point of Establishment of Shanghai International Finance Centre;期货市场与上海国际金融中心建设的突破口

14.The Quantitative Study of the Conditions Constructing Shangshai into an International Finance Center;上海国际金融中心建设条件的量化研究

15.Further Improvement of Legislation Construction for Financial Center of Shanghai不断完善上海国际金融中心建设的法制环境

16.Clustering of Financial Institutions and Construction of Financial Center in Shanghai上海金融机构集聚与国际金融中心建设

17.Restrictions and Countermeasures to Re-build the International Financial Center in Shanghai;上海重建国际金融中心的制约与对策

18."Shanghai will turn into an international center of economy, finance, trade and shipping."上海将建成国际经济、金融、贸易、航运中心。


Shanghai International Centre construction上海国际金融中心建设

3)international financial centre国际金融中心

1.This paper discusses the binding conditions needed for theinternalization of Shanghai’s finacial business,which involves the re-establi-shment of Shanghai as aninternational financial centre,the restoration ofChina’s membership in GATT,the exchange rate of Renminbi,the reformof the economic structure,and the economic growth.本文从上海金融业国际化过程中可能出现的约束条件方面作了探讨,具体涉及到上海国际金融中心的构建与恢复GATT席位、人民币汇价、经济体制改革以及经济增长的关系,并根据上述关系作了分析,还有针对性地提出了一些对策,可供有关方面参考。

2.firstly, this paper focuses on building up a valuation indicator system which is according to the principle of easily quantification, available data, simplification and highly correlation with the performance and formation ofinternational financial centre and is based on analysis of factors that influence the formation and performance ofinternational financial centre.本文在分析影响国际金融中心形成和运行因素的基础上 ,本着易量化、数据容易获得、简洁和与国际金融中心的形成和运行具有较高相关度的原则 ,构建了国际金融中心的评估指标体系 ,然后利用 1998—2 0 0 0年纽约、东京、伦敦、新加坡、香港、汉城、上海和泰国这八个地区与国家的数据 ,通过回归和参数检验的方法 ,从实证和统计的角度检验所设计的国际金融中心评估指标体系中的指标对国际金融中心评估的显著性。

4)International Financial Center国际金融中心

1.Develop money broking and promote the construction of Shanghai as an international financial center;发展货币经纪业务 促进上海国际金融中心建设

2.The Development Strategy of ShanghaiInternational Financial Center Construction in the Background of RMB Internationalization人民币国际化背景下上海国际金融中心的发展战略研究

3.An Empirical Study on the Evolution ofInternational Financial Center and National Welfare国际金融中心演进对国家福利效应的实证检验

5)international finance centre国际金融中心

1.Building Shanghai into an International Finance Centre and the Role of Government;上海国际金融中心的建设和政府定位

2.The paper points out that with reference of the experience from three new international finance centers such as Singapore, Frankfort and Hong Kong, the establishment ofinternational finance centre in Shanghai can find its breakthrough point in futures market.借鉴新加坡、法兰克福、香港这三个新兴国际金融中心建设的经验,期货市场应该成为上海建设国际金融中心的突破口。

6)international finance center国际金融中心

1.The construction ofinternational finance center should adapt to the changes and focuses on the quality of direct service,while integrating direct service and indirect service to increase the customer loyalty of indirect service.由于科学技术进步和金融市场发展的相互作用,国际金融中心长期竞争力更多地依赖于直接服务。

2.In the resent years,Shanghai s rapid economic development together with its rise as the national finance center gives rise to the vision of its growth into aninternational finance center,which to a certain degree causes competitive pressure to Hong Kong and worries about its stable position as a well-knowninternational finance center.香港与上海金融中心的建立和发展不但互有优势与隐忧,而且上海金融中心的建立也不一定是对香港国际金融中心的代替和竞争,未来建立的上海国际金融中心与香港国际金融中心之间顶多是相互分工和彼此合作的关系。


