100字范文 > 农村反贫困 rural anti-poverty英语短句 例句大全

农村反贫困 rural anti-poverty英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-09-19 10:50:23


农村反贫困 rural anti-poverty英语短句 例句大全

农村反贫困,rural anti-poverty

1)rural anti-poverty农村反贫困

1.Research on Households" Economic Behavior and Rural Anti-poverty in China"s Central and Western Regions;中西部地区农户经济行为与农村反贫困研究

2.The system also had some adverse effects onrural anti-poverty work because it could not benefit all poor people,might exclude some poor peasants who had ability to participate in projects,and had some problems in system management.但因为制度不能涵盖所有贫困群体,可能排斥有能力参与项目的贫困农户,制度管理存在一些问题,所以对农村反贫困工作有一些不利影响。


1.Anti-poverty Strategic Model in the Rural Area in the West of China--"Anti-poverty Through Education";西部农村反贫困战略模式:“教育反贫困”

2.The Lurch Of Anti-Poverty In China Rural Area and the Institutional Innovation;中国农村反贫困面临困境与制度创新

3.Agricultural Insurance Policy Based on Poverty Reduction in India;基于农村反贫困的印度农业保险政策

4.Breaking the Bottleneck of the Chinese Policy of Anti-poverty in Rural Areas;如何突破中国农村反贫困政策的瓶颈

5.Anti-Poverty of China Countryside:Strategy Appraising and Choosing with the Visual Angle;中国农村反贫困:战略评价与视角选择

6.On Anti-poverty Models in Chinese Rural:Historical Evolution and Innovation中国农村反贫困模式:历史沿革与创新

7.Experiences,Lessons and Inspiration of Anti-poverty Drive in Rural India印度农村反贫困的经验、教训与启示

8.Anti-poverty Requires the Co-work of Government,Society and the Poor--With the anti-poverty practice in Shaanxi as an example;反贫困需要政府、社会和穷人联动——以陕西农村反贫困实践为例

9.The Model Decomposing Effects of Poverty Alleviation and Experimental Analysis of Poverty Alleviation in Rural Area of China;反贫困效果的模型分解法及中国农村反贫困的实证分析

10.Research on Households" Economic Behavior and Rural Anti-poverty in China"s Central and Western Regions;中西部地区农户经济行为与农村反贫困研究

11.Present Poverty Situations in China Rural Areas and Tactics of Anti-poverty;我国农村贫困现状与反贫困策略分析

12.The Characteristics of China Rural Poverty and the Advice of Anti-poverty;中国农村贫困的特征以及反贫困对策

13.One of the study about poverty and antipoverty of the countryside in Hubei province--The present situation and reason of the countryside in Hubei province;湖北省农村贫困与反贫困研究之一——湖北省农村贫困的现状及原因

14.On Poverty Elimination Strategy of Chinese Government and Rural China Poverty Problems;政府反贫困战略与中国农村贫困问题研究

15.Characteristics on rural poverty in west China and poverty reduction measures;新时期西部农村贫困特征与反贫困对策

16.Recognition on contributing factors for poverty and anti-poverty model in Gangsu Province;甘肃农村贫困成因与反贫困模式的再认识

17.A Study on Rural Poverty, Income Distribution and Anti-poverty Policies in China我国农村贫困、收入分配和反贫困政策研究

18.Poverty and Poverty Relief in Western Rural Areas关于西部地区农村贫困与反贫困问题的思考


rural anti-poverty policy农村反贫困政策

1.But speed of poverty reduction became slowly, serious poverty-returning phenomenon existed after the 21 century,Chineserural anti-poverty policy is in troubled.另一方面,1991年,迈克尔·谢若登教授提出了资产建设理论,强调资产在反贫困中的重要性,认为资产具有收入无法比拟的经济和社会效应,主张建立帮助贫困者积累资产的以资产为基础的反贫困政策,资产建设理论为我国农村反贫困政策的研究提供了新的思路,引入资产建设理论研究我国农村反贫困政策,能为我国农村反贫困注入新的血液,具有重要意义。

3)rural poverty农村贫困

1.The Calculation and Analysis of Rural Poverty from 1985 to in Hubei Province;1985-湖北省农村贫困测算与模拟分析

2.The Impact of Labor Division on Formation of Rural Poverty;分工水平对农村贫困形成的影响分析——以云南省昭通市为例

3.Research on Regional Vulnerability and Rural Poverty;区域脆弱性与农村贫困研究

4)poor countryside贫困农村

1.After "Nine - Year Universal Compulsory Education", the rate of discontinuance from study is still very high during the stage of compulsory education inpoor countryside because of the influence and restriction from internal, external and other factors.“普九”以后,由于受教育内部、外部等诸多因素的影响和制约,贫困农村义务教育阶段学生辍学率依然很高。

5)impoverished countryside贫困农村

1.Research on physique condition of senior citizens inimpoverished countryside of plain area of Henan province;河南省平原地区贫困农村老年人体质健康状况调查及对策研究

6)impoverished village贫困农村

1.But no villager was glad to be elected village officer in theimpoverished village,the result of which is that the self-government becomes a mere skeleton.但是,在贫困农村无人愿意担任村干部,村民自治成为空架子。


