100字范文 > 农村聚落 rural settlement英语短句 例句大全

农村聚落 rural settlement英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-12-02 17:11:01


农村聚落 rural settlement英语短句 例句大全

农村聚落,rural settlement

1)rural settlement农村聚落

1.Preliminary Study on Rural Settlement Geography outside the Great Wall in North of Shaanxi during Qing Dynasty;清代陕北长城外农村聚落地理初步研究

2.Through the exploration of traditional Chinese cultural thoughts inrural settlement construction, the paper aims to stimulate reconsideration about the modern activities in this field.本文通过对中国传统农村聚落营造思想的探索 ,旨在引发对现代村镇建设活动的思索。


1.Trends and Summary on the Study of Rural Settlement Hollowization in China;农村聚落空心化研究现状综述及趋势

2.Study on the Modality Pattern of the Present Condition about the Villages around Yuchen, Hai Yan County;海盐县于城镇周边农村聚落形态的现状研究

3.Transformation of Country Settlements on the Fringe Area of Wuhu City;芜湖城乡交接带农村聚落转型——调查·研究·实践

4.The Trend of Rural Settlements Development in Chinese Urban Clustered Area;我国城镇密集地区农村聚落发展趋势研究

5.Preliminary Study on Rural Settlement Geography outside the Great Wall in North of Shaanxi during Qing Dynasty;清代陕北长城外农村聚落地理初步研究

6.The Study on the Problem of the Vacant households in Rural Areas;关于中国农村聚落中“空心户”问题的探讨

7.The Analysis of Rural Settlement Hollowizing System ofthe Southeast of Taiyuan Basin;太原盆地东南部农村聚落空心化机理分析

8.Macro research to basic forms of rural communities in gully area丘陵沟壑地区农村聚落基本形制的宏观研究

9.Extracting the Rural Residential Information From High Resolution Satellite Imagery基于高分辨率遥感影像的农村聚落信息的提取

10.Analysis of relationship between human and land embodied in countryside settlement position vicissitude--Shapo village of Shuicheng county for example;农村聚落更移与自然环境变化——以水城县沙坡村为例

11.Research of Regional Distribution and Pattern Transform of Countryside Settlement in the China"s Ancient;中国古代农村聚落区域分布与形态变迁规律性研究

12.Discussion on Rural Settlement Hollowization --Taking Southeast of Taiyuan Basin for Example;农村聚落空心化问题探讨——以太原盆地东南部为例

13.Study on the Relationship between Rural Settlement Construction and Ecological Restoration in Loess Hilly Regions in Northern Shaanxi陕北黄土丘陵区农村聚落建设与生态修复关系研究

14.Analysis on the Influence of Rural Land Institution Innovation on Rural Settlement Form Evolution;农村土地制度创新对农村聚落形态演化的影响分析——以江苏省苏州市为例

15.A Study on the Relationship between the New Countryside Construction and Rural Traditional Agglomeration;新农村建设与乡村传统聚落关系研究

16.Discussion on the construction of new countryside in the south Dongting lake area on the basis that rural settlement以南洞庭湖乡村聚落为基础的新农村建设初探

17.Pay more Attention to the District Difference Rural Area in the Course of New Rural Construction--Use the Rural Area of Northeast,Nothwest and Southeast as Examples;新农村建设应注重乡村聚落的区域差异——以东北、西北和东南乡村聚落为例

18.Enlightenment on the Design of the New Countryside Housing in Ningbo from Traditional Settlement传统聚落对宁波新农村住区建设的启示


rural settlements农村聚落

1.Based on current problems and contradictions during the new village construction in china,it is necessary and pressing to research on patterns ofrural settlements.首先对农村聚居模式的概念及内涵做出全面解释,然后从农村聚落地理学科的复兴、"农村病"的缓解及新农村建设规划的编制等三个方面阐述了农村聚落模式研究的理论与实践意义,进而提出农村聚居模式研究的内容及方法。

2.According to China’s fundamental realities, urbanization process and the current situation, studies onrural settlements development have been of great significance and necessity.城镇密集地区是我国快速城镇化的重要区域,担负着城镇化的重任,研究城镇密集地区农村聚落的发展是新时期健康城镇化与建设社会主义新农村的重要议题。

3)rural habitat农村聚落

1.Ecological and environmental warning onrural habitat ecosystem ——A case study of group 5 of Cizhu Village in Wanxian City;农村聚落生态环境预警——以万州区茨竹乡茨竹五组为例

4)village settlement农村聚落

1.The form and development ofvillage settlement in Inner Mongolion is introduced and analysied in this paper, On the basis of this, Xingcheng village in Huhehaote is elected as a example, the model of modern live and future development invillage settlement is made a inquiry initially.对内蒙古自治区农村聚落的形成与发展作了简要介绍与分析,在此基础上以呼和浩特市郊区新城村居住环境为例,对农村聚落的现代化居住模式与未来发展进行了初步地探讨。

5)rural settlement of the dyke areas圩区农村聚落

6)Rural settlement form农村聚落形态


