100字范文 > 彩礼 betrothal gifts英语短句 例句大全

彩礼 betrothal gifts英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-08-14 10:53:43


彩礼 betrothal gifts英语短句 例句大全

彩礼,betrothal gifts

1)betrothal gifts彩礼

1.As the company of engagement,betrothal gifts have been existing for thousands of years.彩礼作为婚约的伴生物已存在了几千年,我国婚姻法对婚约效力的忽略导致了彩礼法律属性的混乱。


1.To be more important,under the cover of the etiquette and law,the betrothal gifts often became the excuse and opportunity for the wife′s family to seek of the wealth ,which deeply influenced marriage idea,marriage form,marriage age in Hui Zhou.更重要的是,在“礼”、“法”的遮掩下,彩礼往往成为女方惟财是图的借口和契机。

2.I will consent to my daughter"s giving her hand to you only on receipt of the agreed dowry.我只有在收到商定的彩礼后才会同意我女儿和你结婚。

3.a wedding favo(u)r婚礼用的花束, 彩球等

4.It"s time we put up the New Year decorations in the hall.现在该在礼堂为新年张灯结彩了。

5.Ted was resplendent in his best grey suit.特德穿着他最好的灰色礼服,光彩夺目。

6.A shout or salute of enthusiastic approval.欢呼,喝彩表示赞同的欢呼或敬礼

7.he pretended to be pleased and applauded decorously.他假装很高兴,很有礼貌地鼓掌喝彩。

8.Wedding show a tint of local convention in rural Denmark.丹麦人的婚礼带有当地传统的色彩。

9.Rich-colored silk scarves can serve as good presents.真丝围巾,色彩丰富,送礼佳品。

10.resplendent in coronation robes身穿加冕礼服而光彩夺目

11.a ceremonial escort for the (regimental) colors.为了(编制团)色彩的原因的礼仪随从。

12.On the Grotesque in Carson McCullers the Membeter of the Wedding;论麦卡勒斯《婚礼的成员》的怪诞色彩

13.small pieces or streamers of colored paper that are thrown around on festive occasions (as at a wedding).在欢庆时节(如婚礼上)撒落的彩色碎纸片或纸条。

14.The lid was torn away, a brilliant present was at sight.盖子拿走后,一件光彩夺目的礼物映入眼帘。

15.It colors most of the public ceremonies in China.中国大部分社交礼节上都带有这种色彩。

16.The hall was beautifully decorated with colourful balloons and streamers.礼堂被彩色的气球和横幅装的富丽堂皇。

17.Their Majesty will open the new bridge today.国王和王后陛下今天将为新桥通车典礼剪彩。

18.And their country weddings also show a tint of local convention.丹麦的乡村婚礼也带有当地传统的色彩。


returning betrothal gifts彩礼返还

1.Research onreturning betrothal gifts rule Oppugning clauseⅰ,Article 10,marriage judicial interpretation Ⅱof the Supreme People s Court;彩礼返还规则探析——质疑最高人民法院婚姻法司法解释(二)第十条第一款

3)marriage betrothal gifts婚姻彩礼

4)a ribbon-cutting ceremony剪彩典礼

5)Bride price彩礼性质

1.Bride price dispute is more common in the civil trial, the nature of our country for the bride price has not had a clear legal definition, and a lot of defects exist in the provisions of the bride price.最高人民法院关于适用《中华人民共和国婚姻法》若干问题的解释(二)第十条对彩礼返还做出了具体规定,但却没有对理论界和实务界争论的彩礼性质予以认定,国内外关于彩礼的性质存在不同的学说。

6)A Study on Bride Price in Rural Areas of East Gansu Province陇东农村彩礼研究


