100字范文 > 智力超常 gifted intelligence英语短句 例句大全

智力超常 gifted intelligence英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-12-23 05:02:01


智力超常 gifted intelligence英语短句 例句大全

智力超常,gifted intelligence

1)gifted intelligence智力超常

1.Thus this paper tries to deal with four issues related to this topic:(1)correctly understand the statement of interval and limits of IQ class;(2)make a comparison of four criterions of average intelligence;(3) make a comparison of three criterions ofgifted intelligence;(4)how to calculate theoretical percentage of the distribution of intelligence.因此,本文详述有关智力分布的4个论题:(1)正确理解智商组别的组距和组限的表述;(2)4种智力中等标准之比较;(3)3种智力超常标准之比较;(4)如何计算智力分布类别的理论百分比。


1.He"s a kind of intellectual superman.他是智力超常的人.

2.Extraordinary intellectual and creative power.高智力超常的智力和创造力

3.The Study of Adaptability of the Gifted Children on Intelligence in the Regular Class智力超常儿童在普通班中的适应状况研究

4.A Preliminary Study on the WISC-Ⅳ Score Model and the Cognitive Characteristics of Gifted Children智力超常儿童韦氏儿童智力量表第四版分数模式及其认知特性的初步研究

5.Development of Gifted Children:from Accelerated Education to Colorful Education;智力超常儿童的发展:从加速式教育到丰富式教育

6.The Difference of Nonintellectual Factors between Gifted and Normal Children;超常与常态儿童在非智力因素上的差异

7.Perhaps he had enough animal strength and detached intelligence so that he could make another start.也许他有野兽般的力气和超常的智力,使他足以一再地重新开始。

8.Creative genius is a compound made up of exceptional intellect and superior imagination创造性的天才是超常的智力和出众想象力的结合

9.Playing with intellectual toys, no matter how often, always strikes one as something fresh. and so it develops one"s intelligence and fosters talents.智力玩具,开发智力,常玩常新,培养人才。

10.Person of unusually great ability or genius能力或才智超群的伟人

11.He is a superman in mental faculties.他在智力上是个超人。

12.She is a girl of superior intelligence.她是个智力高超的女孩。

13.a person lacking intelligence or common sense.缺少智力或常识的人。

14.below the normal level of intelligence智力低于正常标准的

15.Of less than normal intellect.低能的低于正常智力的

16.acutely insightful and wise.非常的有洞察力和智慧。

17.an unusually talented or intelligent child.智力非常,聪明有才智的孩子。

18.Well below par in mental acumen.弱智的智力远在常态之下的


This child is of extraordinary intelligence这孩子智力超常

3)juvenile class for exceptionally gifted children智力超常少年班

4)normal intelligence智力正常

5)average intelligence智力中常



