100字范文 > 传动误差 transmission error英语短句 例句大全

传动误差 transmission error英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-08-01 23:46:13


传动误差 transmission error英语短句 例句大全

传动误差,transmission error

1)transmission error传动误差

1.Design of Transmission Error Sampling Module Based on CPLD;基于CPLD设计的高速机械传动误差采集模块

2.A Phase-comparing Method Based on 8254 for Measuring Transmission Error;基于可编程定时计数器8254的传动误差比相测量方法

3.Research on the Key Technique of the Front CPU in Distributed Transmission Error Testing System;分位式传动误差测试系统下位机关键技术研究


1.The spectrum analysis of the transmission error;Y38A滚齿机传动误差的频谱分析

2.Study on Mechanism and Driving Error of θ Axis for the Abrasive Dicing Saw砂轮划片机θ向机构和传动误差分析

3.Application of photoelectric encoder in gear transmission error光电编码器在齿轮传动误差中的应用

4.Transfer Motion Error Analysis & Removal on Drive Mechanism of Non circular Gear;不完全齿轮传动机构传动误差分析及消除方法

5.Effect of Helix Angle Errors on Transmission Error of Double Circle Arc Helical Gears双圆弧齿轮的螺旋角误差对其传动误差的影响分析

6.Research on the Key Technique of the Front CPU in Distributed Transmission Error Testing System;分位式传动误差测试系统下位机关键技术研究

7.High Speed Transmission Error Testing System Based on USB and Gear Grating;基于USB接口和齿栅的高速传动误差测量系统

8.Amending the Shape of Pinion and Reducing the Round-gear Error;修正小齿轮表面齿形降低圆弧齿轮传动误差

9.The Design and Simulated Experiment for Detecting System of Transmission Error Based on FPGA基于FPGA的传动误差检测系统的设计与仿真试验

10.Design and analysis of loaded transmission errors for aviation spiral bevel gears航空弧齿锥齿轮承载传动误差的分析与设计

11.Calculation of Transmission Error of Modification Double Helical Gears and Experimental Investigation修形人字齿轮传动误差计算与试验研究

12.Analysis and Compensation of Clearance Adjustment Transmission Error in Scrap Chopper of Cold-strip Steel冷轧碎边剪间隙调整传动误差分析与补偿

13.Transmission error analysis of planetary gear train based on straight profiled internal gear基于直廓内齿轮的行星轮系传动误差分析

14.Errors and precision of differential transformer displacement senser;差动变压器位移传感器的误差与精度

15.Analysis of Micro-positioning Characteristics Screw Transmission丝杠传动工作台运动特性与误差分析

16.Error Analysis and Calculate for Gear Hob"s Indexing Transmission Chain滚齿机分度传动链的误差分析与计算

17.Study on the Error and Drive Accuray of Cycloid Steel Ball Planetary Transmission;摆线钢球行星传动的误差及传动精度研究

18.Study on Gear Transmission Based on Error Modeling and Tolerance Accessing;基于公差建模与误差评定的齿轮传动研究


transmission errors传动误差

1.Design of geometrytransmission errors of helical face-gear drive;斜齿面齿轮几何传动误差的设计

2.Three meshing points on the tooth surface were designed according to the contact pattern andtransmission errors.根据齿面印痕的位置、方向及传动误差幅值的要求,在齿面上设计三个啮合点,通过对这三个啮合点的控制,达到对齿面啮合质量的全程控制。

3.Thetransmission errors and the distribution of contact path were simulated with computer in the misaligned gear drive.通过计算机仿真了在装配误差存在条件下传动误差和啮合印痕在齿面的分布状况。

3)Gear ratio error传动比误差

4)Errors in Driving Chain传动链误差

1.Measuring and Analysis onErrors in Driving Chain of Thread Grinder;螺纹磨床传动链误差的测量与分析

5)gear transmission error齿轮传动误差

1.In order to minimize the fluctuation ofgear transmission error,a procedure for deciding tooth profile modification curves was developed for involute spur gears.以理论渐开线直齿轮修形减振为目的 ,分析减小齿轮传动误差波动 ,啮合齿对齿廓综合修形参数应满足的几何条件 ;给出恒定设计载荷条件下 ,保持齿轮传动误差为定值齿廓修形参数的计算方法 ;动态计算结果表明 ,用该方法所获得的修形齿轮具有较好的减振效

6)machine"s transmission error机床传动误差


传动:摆线针轮传动由外齿轮齿廓为变态摆线﹑内齿轮轮齿为圆销的一对内嚙合齿轮和输出机构所组成的行星齿轮传动。除齿轮的齿廓外﹐其他结构与少齿差行星齿轮传动相同。摆线针轮行星减速器的传动比约为6~87﹐效率一般为0.9~0.94。图轮齿曲线的形成 为轮齿曲线的形成原理。发生圆在基圆上滚动﹐若大於r1﹐M"点画出的是长幅外摆线﹔若小於r1﹐M""点画出的是短幅外摆线﹔用这些摆线中一根曲线上的任意点作为圆心﹐以针齿半径rz为半径画一系列圆﹐而后作一根与这一系列圆相切的曲线﹐得到的就是相应的长幅外摆线齿廓或短幅外摆线齿廓﹐其中短幅外摆线齿廓应用最广。用整条短幅外摆线作齿廓时﹐针轮和摆线轮的齿数差仅为1﹐而且理论上针轮有一半的齿数都与摆线轮齿同时嚙合传动。但如果用部分曲线为齿廓就可得到两齿差和三齿差的摆线针轮传动。用长幅外摆线的一部分作轮齿曲线时﹐其齿廓与圆近似﹐并与针齿半径相差不大﹐因此可用它的密切圆弧代替。摆线针轮传动的优点是传动比大﹑结构紧凑﹑效率高﹑运转平稳和寿命长。
