100字范文 > 透射比示值误差 Error measurement results of transmission percentage英语短句 例句大全

透射比示值误差 Error measurement results of transmission percentage英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-02-03 22:14:39


透射比示值误差 Error measurement results of transmission percentage英语短句 例句大全

透射比示值误差,Error measurement results of transmission percentage

1)Error measurement results of transmission percentage透射比示值误差

2)indication error示值误差

1.Evaluation of uncertainty aboutindication error of AC sampling apparatus;交流采样测量装置示值误差测量结果的不确定度评定

2.Uncertainty evaluation for measurement result of theindication error in electronic platform scale;电子台秤示值误差测量结果的不确定度评定

3.Evaluation and Excel-based calculation of measurement uncertainty forindication error of precise pressure gauges;精密压力表示值误差测量不确定度的评定及其Excel计算方法


mon Problem and Solving Method and Adjustment of Error of Indication about Blood Pressure Gauge血压表常见故障修复及示值误差调整

2.Calibrating method of sensor based on error of indication一种基于示值误差的传感器标定方法

3.Indicative Error is Much More Concise,Convenient and Practical than Indicative Value in Verifying and Recording for Piezometer压力表检定记录中示值误差比示值更简捷、更直观、实用

4.Evaluation of Uncertainly for Measurement Result of Hydric Jack the Instruction Number千斤顶示值误差测量结果不确定度评定

5.Evaluation of Uncertainty for Measurement Result of Indication Errors of Micrometer千分尺示值误差测量结果的不确定度评定

6.Inspection and Analysis of Measurement Indication Error for Diaphragm Gas Meter in Use在用膜式燃气表计量示值误差检验与分析

7.The Evaluation of Uncertainty of Measurement Results in Regards to the Error of Indication on the Accuracy of the Fuel Dispensers燃油加油机示值误差测量结果的不确定度评定

8.Evaluation of the Measurement Uncertainty of the Indication Error of the Shore Hardness Tester邵氏硬度计示值误差测量结果不确定度评定

9.Evaluation on Uncertainty of Indication Error Correction for Electromagnetic Flowmeter电磁流量计示值误差校准不确定度评定

10.Evaluation of Uncertainty in Measurement to the Error of Indication for Electronic Instrumet电子秤示值误差的测量结果不确定度评定

11.Evaluation of Uncertainty about Indication Error of Measurment on Cold Water Meter冷水水表示值误差测量结果的不确定度评定

12.Evaluation of the Measurement Uncertainty for the Indication Error of the Normal Work Pressuremeter一般工作用压力表示值误差不确定度评定

13.Acidity of Electricity Indication Error of the Measurement Results of the Evaluation of Uncertainty酸度计电计示值误差测量结果的不确定度评定

14.Evaluation of Uncertainty in Electronic Balance Measurement电子天平示值误差测量结果的不确定度评定

15.The Uncertainty Estimation of the Measurement Result of the Expression of the Heat Meters热能表示值误差测量结果的不确定度评定

16.Evaluation of Uncertainty in Measurement of Error for Length Measuring Instrument测长仪示值误差测量结果不确定度评定

17.Evaluation of Uncertainty in Measurement of Electronic Balance电子天平示值误差测量结果不确定度评定

18.Evaluation of Measurement Uncertainty of the Indication Error of Standard Capacitor标准电容器示值误差的测量不确定度评定


indication error示值误差

1.Evaluation of uncertainty aboutindication error of AC sampling apparatus;交流采样测量装置示值误差测量结果的不确定度评定

2.Uncertainty evaluation for measurement result of theindication error in electronic platform scale;电子台秤示值误差测量结果的不确定度评定

3.Evaluation and Excel-based calculation of measurement uncertainty forindication error of precise pressure gauges;精密压力表示值误差测量不确定度的评定及其Excel计算方法

3)error of indication示值误差

1.Calibrating method of sensor based onerror of indication一种基于示值误差的传感器标定方法

2.Theerror of indication and pressure loss is the major indexes of AAM which are influenced by some key factors.本文对研制的机械直读式液氨计量表进行了试验设计和探索性试验研究,找出了影响计量表计量示值误差及压力损失关键性因素的主次、优水平及优水平组合。

3.The measuring mathematics model for the method of calibration of theerror of indication of the digital display height measuring instrument is established in this paper.针对数显测高仪各校准点示值误差的校准方法,给出了示值误差的数学模型,并以某校准点为例,对该校准点示值误差的合成标准不确定度和扩展不确定度进行了评定。

4)ratio error比值误差

1.According to secondary load impedance andratio error of CT of 5#unit station_using transfomer of Ertan Hydropower plant ,analyze the maloperation′s cause of transformer differential protection.根据二滩电厂 5 #机组厂高变高低压侧CT的二次负载阻抗和比值误差 ,分析二滩电厂厂高变误动的原因 ,同时提出厂用系统CT配置的建议。

5)indicating error显示误差,指示误差,示值误差

6)error adjustment of indication figure示值误差调整


