100字范文 > 优待电价 favored electrovalence英语短句 例句大全

优待电价 favored electrovalence英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-02-05 22:21:16


优待电价 favored electrovalence英语短句 例句大全

优待电价,favored electrovalence

1)favored electrovalence优待电价

1.This paper analyzes the influences of electrovalence on the comprehensive cost of small and medium-sized fertilizer enterprises,and believes thatfavored electrovalence lowers the enthusiasm of adopting the advanced technologies to save the energy and reduce the cost by small and medium-sized fertilizer enterprises.分析了电价对中小化肥企业综合成本的影响,指出优待电价降低了中小化肥企业采用先进工艺节能降耗的积极性。


1.Talking about the Influences of Favored Electrovalence on the Energy-Saving of Small and Medium-Sized Fertilizer Enterprises优待电价对中小化肥企业节能的影响

2.preferential price of high power-consumption industrial products高耗电工产品优待价

3.preferential price of agricultural means of production农业生产资料优待价

4.The seller reduced the price for cash down.那销售者对现款交易的顾客减价优待。

5.Design of NCD Based on Appraisal of Advantage and Disadvantage;基于优劣性评价的无赔款优待制度设计

6.Application on hospitalization medicare with no claim bonus model无赔款优待模型在住院医疗保险定价中的运用

7.5 off if you use this coupon at this duty-free shop.在免税商店,你若使用本优待卷可折价5元。

8.John has a fat job with a computer company.约翰在一家电脑公司有一份待遇优厚的工作。

9.Television is available in each of the hotel rooms as an extra.旅馆每个房间都有电视机作为额外优待。

10.a complimentary seat, ticket, copy of a book优待席、 赠券、 赠书.

11.Take Electric Price as a Key Link to Study Optimization of Electric Power Industry s Value Chain in China;以电价为纽带的中国电力产业价值链优化研究

12.Please inform us what special offer you can make us based on a quantity of 500 ton.请告知在订购500吨的基础上贵公司能给多少特价优待。

13.Sometimes there are lower rates for students, so if you are a student, be sure to ask at the time you are purchasing the tickets.有时优待学生票价较低,你如果是学生,别忘了在买票时问清楚。

14.I got your number from a coupon, which says your product is40% off today.我是从折价卷上得到的(话)码,它上面写著今天?品六折优待。

15.Research on Optimal Allocation of Generation Company Based on the Electricity Price Prediction Risk;基于电价预测风险下的发电商最优售电研究

16.Optimal strategy for generating and bidding ofgenerating side in electricity market;电力市场下发电侧的发电与报价优化策略

17.Article52. Disabled revolutionary armymen shall enjoy priority in buying tickets at favourable discount prices according to relevant regulations when travelling by train, ship, airplane or long-distance bus.第五十二条革命残废军人乘坐火车、船、机、途汽车,优先购票,并按照规定享受减价优待。

18.Home electric appliances purchased By our store directly from the factory are on sale at the most favouraBle price in the city.厂商挂钩,本商场家用电器全市最优价。


favourable price优待价

3)bargain offer减价优待

4)an excursion fare优待票价

5)preferential price of high power-consumption industrial products高耗电工产品优待价

6)privileged price优待价;特惠订价


