100字范文 > 潜在风险研究 potential risk research英语短句 例句大全

潜在风险研究 potential risk research英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-05-27 14:03:31


潜在风险研究 potential risk research英语短句 例句大全

潜在风险研究,potential risk research

1)potential risk research潜在风险研究


1.A Review of Studies on Priciog and Potential Risk of Credit Derivatives;信用衍生品定价及潜在风险研究综述

2.Potential Risks of Introducing Foreign Strategic Investors by Chinese Banking Sectors;中资银行引入战略投资者的潜在风险研究

3.Research advancements in potential risk of PPCPs of environmental media环境介质中药物和个人护理品的潜在风险研究进展

4.The Analysis of Potential Risk and Elusion of Gymnasium of Beijing Olympic Games;北京奥运会场馆潜在风险及其规避研究

5.Ecological Risk Assessment of Sediment PCBs Pollution in Main Estuaries of China中国主要河口沉积物中PCBs潜在生态风险研究

6.New Topic of Nanotechnology:Study of Potential Risks and Security of Nanotechnology纳米科技新课题:纳米科技潜在风险与纳米安全研究

7.Risk Assessment and Management Strategy of Frankliniella Occidentalis and Liriomyza Trifolii in China;西花蓟马和三叶草斑潜蝇在中国的风险评估及管理对策研究

8.Studies on the Biogas Fertilizer Fertility, Potential Pollution Risk and Safety Evaluation of the Soil after Application;沼肥肥力和施用后潜在污染风险研究与土壤安全性评价

9.Study on the Quality Changes of Soybean Oil and the Risk Assessment in Circulation Process;大豆油流通中质变规律及潜在危害风险评估的研究

10.Research on the Ecological Risk Assessment Model of Heavy Metal Pollution on the Farm Soil Near the Mine矿山环境农田土壤重金属污染潜在生态风险评价模型研究

11.Appraisal and Study on Potential Danger of Soil Erosion in Tsingtao City青岛市土壤侵蚀潜在危险度评价研究

12.Study on the Evaluation Technology of Potential Outburst Risk in Coal Seam;煤层潜在突出危险性评价技术的研究

13.Research on Restraining Role of Potential Risks in Pursuing Private Benefits of Control--An explanation of paradox of private benefits of control潜在风险对大股东获取控制权私利行为的影响研究——兼析部分控制权私利的合理性

14.In the development of consumer credit, efforts will be made to prevent potential risks.发展消费信贷也要防范潜在风险。

15.Carefulness on Potential Risks of Junior Student’s Exercise Fracture;警惕青少年运动性骨折的潜在风险性

16.The latent financial risk and countermeasures in China;我国当前潜在的金融风险及对策分析

17.Preventing the Potential Fiscal Risk and Controlling the Size of Government Debts;防范潜在财政风险 适度控制国债规模

18.The Latency Risks of "Debt Changing into Stock" and Its Keeping away Countermeasures;“债转股”的潜在风险及其防范对策


potential risks潜在风险

1.An empirical view on thepotential risks facing Zhejiang housing industry from international experience;从国际经验看当前浙江住宅业面临的潜在风险——1983—1993年洛杉矶、波士顿房价大幅波动的启示

2.During the 11th Five-year Plan period, the production safety in Jiangsu Province is still faced with the challenge of threepotential risks, such as the disaster of dangerous chemicals, the unusual accidents of crowded places and .“十一五”期间,江苏安全生产仍面临危险化学品灾害、人员密集场所特大事故及道路桥梁安全隐患三大潜在风险的挑战。

3.Based on the growing attention focused onpotential risks or dangers aroused from nanotechnology (NT), current comments, evidences, discussions about risks of NT appeared on the internet were collected and described in this paper.随着纳米科技潜在风险问题关注程度的提高,基于国际相关信息,本文引述了纳米科技安全方面的专家评论、实验事实及多方的讨论意见。

3)latent risk潜在风险

1.Probing into thelatent risks in the chinese higher education in the process of generalization;我国高等教育大众化进程中的潜在风险探析

4)potential problems潜在风险

1.Significant progress has been made in recent years on the production of transgenic crops, but thepotential problems have also been more and more obviously shown.文章对转基因作物的优越性与潜在风险进行了简要综述。

5)potential risk潜在风险

1.Regional comparative assessment ofpotential risk of wind sand disaster in north and middle parts of Ningxia;宁夏中北部风沙灾害潜在风险区域对比评价

2.Distribution andpotential risk of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in coastal surface sediments from the Yellow Sea, China;黄海近岸表层沉积物中PAHs的分布特征与潜在风险

3.Different points of view have been holding on thepotential risks of transgenic crops.1997年,经修饰的活生物体,尤其是转基因作物,得到了突飞猛进的发展,但同时转基因作物在商品化过程中也出现了一系列问题,对转基因生物潜在风险一直有不同的观点,本文就上述几方面问题作一综述。

6)risk research风险研究

1.The Risk Research on Shaanxi Road Construction Project Adopted the Model of Project Financing TOT-BOT;陕西省公路建设项目采用TOT-BOT项目融资方式的风险研究


