100字范文 > 潜在环境风险评价 potential environmental risk assessment英语短句 例句大全

潜在环境风险评价 potential environmental risk assessment英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-09-10 13:33:14


潜在环境风险评价 potential environmental risk assessment英语短句 例句大全

潜在环境风险评价,potential environmental risk assessment

1)potential environmental risk assessment潜在环境风险评价

1.Then a regional agricultural soil potential soluble nitrogen model was introduced and verified, which simulated the regional scale of the soil potential soluble nitrogen;Finally the field ecosystem nitrogenpotential environmental risk assessment studies were carried out.采用野外调查和室内分析测试,定点研究和区域分析数据,利用地统计学分析和GIS空间建模技术,分析了不同县域内土壤性质的时空变异特征、分布状况及成因;研究了县域农田生态系统表观氮素平衡状况;建立了县域农田潜在可溶出氮模型,并开展了县域尺度上的土壤潜在可溶出氮模拟和验证研究;最后开展了农田生态系统氮素潜在环境风险评价的研究,为我国农田养分科学管理提供理论指导和决策依据。


1.Soil Nitrogen Balance Simulation and Potential Enviromental Risk Assessment in Farmland Ecosystem at County Scale县域农田生态系统土壤氮素平衡模拟及其潜在环境风险评价

2.Research on the Ecological Risk Assessment Model of Heavy Metal Pollution on the Farm Soil Near the Mine矿山环境农田土壤重金属污染潜在生态风险评价模型研究

3.Fuzzy Evaluation of the Potential Environmental Impact on Ocean wind Energy Development and Utilization海洋风能开发利用潜在环境影响模糊综合评价

4.Study on the Application of Risk Assessment in Plan Environmental Impact Assessment探究风险评价在规划环境影响评价中的应用

5.The Impact of the Redox Conditions on the Speciation of the Heavy Metals in the Sediment of the Fenhe Reservoir and Their Assessments of the Potential Ecological Risk环境条件变化下汾河水库沉积物中重金属形态分布特征及潜在生态风险评价

6.Study on Risk Assessment of Strategic Environmental Assessment;规划环境影响评价中的风险评价研究


8.Application of Analytic Hierarchy Process on oil-gas field environmental risk assessment层次分析法在油气田环境风险评价中的应用

9.Application of theTriangular Fuzzy Number Method in Risk Assessment of Water Environment三角模糊数方法在水环境风险评价中的应用

10.Application of the Index of Fire Explosion in Environmental Risk Assessment火灾、爆炸指数法在环境风险评价中的应用

11.Differences and Sameness of Dangerous Source Recognition between ERA and SA环境风险评价与安全评价危险源辨识的异同

12.Application of Fuzzy Evaluation in Environmental Risk Assessment of Bio-safety Laboratory模糊评价法在生物安全实验室环境风险评价中的应用

13.Study of Environmental Risk Assessment and Management for Coal Gasification Industry Company;煤气化工业企业环境风险评价与风险管理研究

14.The Environmental Risk Assessment and Forecast Study on Tianjin Port Navigable Waters;天津港水域通航环境风险评价和风险预测研究

15.Research of Environmental Risk Assessment for Paishanlou Gold Mine in Liaoning;辽宁省排山楼金矿环境风险评价研究

16.Analysis and Evaluation of Housing Real Estate Development Environment Risk;住宅房地产开发环境风险分析及评价

17.Evaluation Model Construction of Supporting Environment for Risk Investment under AHP;基于AHP的风险投资支撑环境评价研究

18.An Evaluation Model for Political Risks of Projects in International Context;国际环境下的项目政治风险评价模型


Potential environmental risk潜在环境风险

1.Potential environmental risk of phosphorus (P) in red soil as affect by organic acids was investigated in two aspects: one was the change of fixed P amount in red soil, and another was the capacity of released P amount from soil to water body.从两个方面初步探讨了有机酸对红壤磷素潜在环境风险的影响,一是有机酸对红壤固磷能力的影响,二是有机酸对红壤固定磷向液相释放的影响。

3)Environmental risk assessment环境风险评价

1.Environmental risk assessment on benzene hydrofining engineering in Kailuan;开滦苯加氢精制工程环境风险评价

2.Application of extended waterbody diffusion formulate to environmental risk assessment;水体扩散衍生公式在环境风险评价中的应用

3.Method of environmental risk assessment on petrochemical project;石油化工项目环境风险评价方法


1.This paper describes a method in environmental risk assessment (ERA) - fault tree analysis (FTA), and applies it to an oil-fuel depot at Sheshan Township of Nanjing City, in close vicinity of the Yangtze River.将故障树分析法应用于南京摄山油库火灾爆炸事故的环境风险评价,构建了油库火灾爆炸故障树,确定最小割集,进行结构重要度分析,计算汽油罐发生火灾爆炸的概率,并对各基本事件的概率重要度进行了分析。

2.Environmental Risk Assessment(Short forERA)begun in 1970"s,which was the result of the across development with EIA and RA.环境风险评价始于20世纪70年代,是环境影响评价与风险评价交叉发展的结果,它的诞生一方面是环境保护的迫切需要,另一方面也是环境科学发展的必然结果,标志着环境保护的一次重要战略转折。

5)environment risk assessment环境风险评价

1.Environment Risk Assessment on Terminal of Liquid Chemicals in Bulk;散装液体化学品码头区域环境风险评价研究

2.Study on the Environment Risk Assessment and Grade Method for Major Hazard Installations;重大危险源环境风险评价及分级方法研究

3.The relation of toxicology andenvironment risk assessment and application of environmental and ecotoxicology toxicology on theenvironment risk assessment were analyzed.对环境毒理学与生态毒理学的概念以及相互之间的关系进行了论述,并分析了它们与环境风险评价的相互关联,以及在环境风险评价中的应用。

6)Environmental risk & Environmental risk assessment环境风险及评价


