100字范文 > 现代城市环境 modern city environment英语短句 例句大全

现代城市环境 modern city environment英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-08-08 03:48:00


现代城市环境 modern city environment英语短句 例句大全

现代城市环境,modern city environment

1)modern city environment现代城市环境

1.While analyzing the current situation of the outdoor advertises design domestic,the paper suggests that the outdoor design should fit formodern city environment.本文基于户外广告的概念、类别,以及其基本职能,从城市环境的角度对户外广告做深入、具体的分析,并对国内城市户外广告设置现状进行评析,提出户外广告设计适应现代城市环境的整体设计思想。


1.The Theory of "Harmony of Man with Nature" vs the Conception of Modern Urban Environment;“天人合一”理念与现代城市环境观

2.On the Color Pollution and Its Remedies in Modern Urban Landscapes;论现代城市环境中的色彩污染及其改造

3.Measures and Experience:Urban Environment Control in Developed Countries;现代城市环境治理:美、德、日等国案例分析

4.The Adaption of Outdoor AD Design to Modern City Environment论户外广告设计对现代城市环境因素的适应

5.Exploring Landscape Character of Stone-scene on Modern Urban Environment现代城市环境中山石景观的景观特质探析

6.Effect Of Modern City Impact On Greenbelt Ecology Environment“绿地”生态环境对现代城市的影响

7.Prediction Research on Physical Environment of New Area Development in Modern Cities;现代城市新区开发的物理环境预测研究

8.The Research of the Environment Design of Leisure Spaces in the Water-shore Community in the Modern City;现代城市滨水居住区休闲空间环境设计的研究

9.Applied Research of Colors in the Design of Modern City Kindergarten Environment;色彩在现代城市幼儿园环境设计中的应用研究

10.The Researches for the Designing of the Outer Spatial Environment in Morden Urban Housing Estate;现代城市住宅小区外部环境的设计研究

11.Study on the Environmental Embellishments on Modern Squares with Regionlist Creativity;现代城市广场中环境小品的地域性创作研究

12.Design Research on Commercial Public Space Environment Renewal in Modern City;现代城市商业公共空间环境更新的设计研究

13.Designing Probing of the Miniature Rest Greenbelt in Modern City Street Environment;现代城市街道环境中的小型休憩绿地设计探讨

14.New Trend and Demand of Exterior Environment Development in Modern City Residential Compound;现代城市住宅小区外部环境发展的趋势与需求

15.Inspiration from the Traditional Eco-environment Theory for Modern Eco-city Construction传统生态环境思想对现代生态城市建设的启示

16.The Research of Ecology Residence Community Landscape Designin in Modern City现代城市生态住宅小区环境景观设计研究

17.Analysis to the spatial environment of urban residential places influenced by modern planning theory现代规划理论影响下的城市住区空间环境

18.Abstract: Urban development is facing an ecological crisis as the destruction of environment.文摘:随着环境污染日趋严重,现代城市建设面临着生态环境危机。


modern city现代城市

1.Analysis on the character of earthquake fire in themodern city;现代城市地震火灾特征及消防减灾对策

2.The public space arts of themodern city;现代城市中的公共空间艺术

3.Onmodern city commercial pedestrian street planning;现代城市商业步行街规划浅探

3)Modern Cities现代城市

1.Studies on ChineseModern Cities in the English World (1949-);英语世界中国现代城市研究(1949-)

2.See the commercial living space along rivers in modern cities by the Picture of the Bian River on Qingming Day从清明上河图看现代城市滨水商业居住空间

3.With the tendency of combination of the world s economy and culture,the development of the cultural industry and modern cities economy is closely related.随着世界经济文化发展的一体化趋势 ,文化产业的发展与现代城市的经济社会发展休戚与

4)urban environment城市环境

1.Theurban environmental impact of building waste and counter measures;建筑垃圾对城市环境的影响及解决途径

2.On traditional cultural characteristics in the design of modernurban environment;试论现代城市环境设计中的传统文化性

3.Sustainable development of the dwelling with medium and small-sized unit type inurban environment of Xi an;西安城市环境中小户型住宅可持续发展初探

5)City environment城市环境

1.Design and Realization of the Special City Environment Cartographic System Based on GIS;基于GIS的城市环境专题制图系统设计与实现

2.Influence of high-level-buildings to city environment and its countermeasure;高层建筑对城市环境影响及其对策

3.Consequence and countermeasure of skyscraper for city environment;摩天大楼对城市环境的影响及对策


1.The thesisintendsto introducethe positionof the facilitiesinurbanenvironment,to describeitspracticalfunctionand spiritualvalue,to explainits mainclassificationand design evaluation,and to compare the domesticdevelopmentwithother countriesinstreetfurniture,so thatwe couldthrowa new viewon theurbanenvironmentat design.介绍“街具”在城市环境中的重要作用,描述其实用功能与精神价值,介绍其主要分类以及设计评估标准。


