100字范文 > 国产动画电影 Chinese Animated Cartoon英语短句 例句大全

国产动画电影 Chinese Animated Cartoon英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-12-25 03:29:22


国产动画电影 Chinese Animated Cartoon英语短句 例句大全

国产动画电影,Chinese Animated Cartoon

1)Chinese Animated Cartoon国产动画电影

1.Chinese Animated Cartoon had enjoyed great fame in the world in the past tens of years.国产动画电影曾一度在国际上享有盛誉,然而其现状却并不乐观:动画电影的数量和质量都不尽如人意;市场被外国动画抢占;相关理论的研究也一直没有得到应有的重视。

2)American animation movies美国动画电影

1.Entering the 21st century,in the context of cultural globalization,American animation movies,which are based on the advanced technology,innovative ideas,and the mature industrial production,enjoy a good reputation in the whole world.进入21世纪,在文化全球化的语境中,美国动画电影凭借先进的技术、创新的理念和成熟的产业化制作享誉全球,动画电影已经成为美国举足轻重的类型片,动漫产业已经成为美国重要的支柱产业。


1.On the Post-modernistic Change in American Cartoon Movies;小议美国动画电影后现代主义美学转向

2.London International Animation Film Festival伦敦国际动画片电影节

3.The New Version of Painted Skin: A Turning Point in the Development of the Chinese Horror Movie"s Aesthetics新版《画皮》:中国恐怖电影的审美转向

4.The Influence of the Cartoon From America and Japan onto the Chinese Youngsters;美、日动画片对我国青少年的文化影响

5.zagreb International Animation Film Festival萨格勒布国际动画片电影节

6.Dream and Imagination of Localization an Explorative Study of Chinese Contemporary Animated Movies梦幻与想象的本土显影——当代中国动画电影探究

7.Application and Creation of National Elements in Chinese Animated Movie;中国动画电影中民族元素运用与创作研究

8.I scoop outs the experience of combining Montage movie technique and animation painting in foreign animation slice.充分挖掘外国动画片在蒙太奇电影技巧与动画绘画相结合方面的经验。

9.The Development of China Animation Observing from The Animation of Japanese and The American;从日本和美国动画透视中国动画的发展

10.Features of Design Thought of Cartoon in America and Japan;美国动画与日本动画设计思维的几个特征

11.Look at Chinese Painting Influenced by Buddhist Art from “Embossing Technique”;从“凹凸画法”看佛教美术对中国绘画的影响

12.Research on the Elements of Chinese Opera in Chinese Cartoons--Giving the Examples of the Monkey King and the Story of Nezha中国动画电影中的戏曲元素研究——以《大闹天宫》、《哪吒传奇》等为例

13.Choosing of Sound--The Integration of Picture and Music in Animated Cartoon有取舍的发声——论动画电影中画面与音乐的融合

14.On the Western Art Affects Chinese Paintings;浅谈西方美术对中国画的冲击及影响

15.Chinese Painting Aesthetic Impacts on Ling Shuhua"s Novels论中国绘画美学对凌叔华小说的影响

16.It marked third time a full-length animation film was selected to compete for the Golden Palm in the Festival"s 54-year history.这也是该电影节举办54年以来第三部没有进行过任何删节的美国动画片参加金棕榈大奖的角逐。

17.On the Impact of Chinese Paintings for China Contemporary Animation Design;论中国画对当代中国动画片设计的影响

18.American Society of Cinematographers美国电影摄影师协会


American animation movies美国动画电影

1.Entering the 21st century,in the context of cultural globalization,American animation movies,which are based on the advanced technology,innovative ideas,and the mature industrial production,enjoy a good reputation in the whole world.进入21世纪,在文化全球化的语境中,美国动画电影凭借先进的技术、创新的理念和成熟的产业化制作享誉全球,动画电影已经成为美国举足轻重的类型片,动漫产业已经成为美国重要的支柱产业。

3)animated film动画电影

1.The paper proposes that only be combining traditional cultural national elements with the film,cananimated film find its own way into the future development.从动画电影的概念和历史发展探讨动画电影在中国的发展前景和应该怎样树立中国动画电影的艺术特色,探索总结只有在动画电影创作过程中运用和体现中国传统文化民族性特色元素才是中国动画电影创作的出路。

2.But what is the soul of theanimated film in the digital age?Sentiment is always the essence and the core of creativeness inanimated film art,it decides the success of the work,it is the essential soul in theanimated film art.近年来电影制片人在商业电影中不断加大数字技术的比重,似乎要超越电影的本体,数字时代动画电影中的灵魂是什么?情感,是动画电影艺术的本质和创作的核心规律,是作品成败的关键,是贯穿动画电影艺术中最不可或缺的灵魂。

3.This thesis aims to discuss the translation of an Americananimated film Kung Fu Panda from the perspective of Relevance Theory and to further show Relevance Theory\"s influence and interpretation on cartoon film translation.本文旨在从关联理论的角度来讨论美国动画电影《功夫熊猫》的翻译,从而阐述关联理论对动画电影影片翻译的解释力。

4)China-made animation国产动画

1.The Olympic animation’s population shows the brand communication’s great strength in promoting the construction ofChina-made animation.品牌的树立与传播是国产动画品牌建设的源头问题,也是关系到动画产业品牌建设的难题所在。

5)The Abstract Animated Films in Germany德国抽象动画电影

6)domestic movie国产电影

1.The purpose of this essay is try to find out a win-win strategy ofdomestic movie box and with good quality, exploring multi-marketing patterns that really fit in withdomestic movie market through analyzing the present situation of domestic film devel.国产电影的市场化营销是中国特色社会主义及其市场经济体制逐步完善的必然产物。


