100字范文 > 中国动漫 Chinese Cartoon英语短句 例句大全

中国动漫 Chinese Cartoon英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-03-25 02:52:52


中国动漫 Chinese Cartoon英语短句 例句大全

中国动漫,Chinese Cartoon

1)Chinese Cartoon中国动漫

1.Chinese cartoon industry seems to be in the excellent situation,but the cartoon industrial chain,which is the maturity symbol of the development of cartoon industry,has not formed,with few influential original works.中国动漫产业在表面上看来形势大好,但是,作为动漫产业发展成熟标志的动画产业链并未形成,有广泛影响力的原创作品还很少。


1.The New Media and Chinese Animation Industry;新媒体与中国动漫产业互动机制研究

2.Development of China Catoon Industry in Global View;全球视角下的中国动漫产业发展之路

3.On the Expression and Development of Traditional Culture in Chinese Animation试论中国动漫的传统文化表达与发展

4.On Chinese Animation Industry中国动漫产业:期待“产值的飞跃”

5.The Cultural Characteristics of Japanese Animation and Its Enlightenment to the Development of Chinese Animation;日本动漫的文化特征及其对中国动漫的发展启示

6.On Japanese Industry of Animation日本动漫产业运作模式研究——兼论对中国动漫产业的启示

7.Rational cultivating on Chinese animation industry chain--On the reference of the global animation industry chain中国动漫产业链的合理性培植——基于全球动漫产业链的借鉴性思考

8.Prosperous of Original Comic is the Foundation of Chinese Animation Industry;原创连环漫画繁荣——中国动漫产业发展的必要基础

9.On Chinese Animation Industry--from the Perspective of Ecology of Communication传播生态学视阈中的中国动漫产业研究

10.A Study on the Present Situation and Development of Chinese Animation Garment Industry;中国动漫服饰产业的现状分析及发展研究

11.Analysis on the Status Quo of Chinese Animation Industry and Strategy Study;中国动漫产业存在的主要问题及对策研究

12.The Historical Examination: Competitive Strategy of the Animation Companies in China;历史的审视:中国动漫企业竞争战略研究

13.Inserts the Wing with the Design Management for the Chinese Animation Industry which Soars;用设计管理为中国动漫产业插上腾飞的翅膀

14.Chain of Roles--Reconsidering Constructing the Industrial Chain of Chinese Animated Cartoon;角色之链──中国动漫产业链建设的再思考

15.Opportunities for Private Capital to Survive and Develop in Chinese Animated Cartoon Industry;民营资本介入中国动漫产业的生存与发展机会

16.From the "Jin Xiong Prize" Selectiao to See China Animatiao and Cartoon Indstrial Development;从金熊奖评选看中国动漫产业的发展瓶颈

17.Chinese Cartoon Industry Investment Problems and Countermeasures中国动漫产业投资存在的主要问题及对策分析

18.Exploring Chinese Cartoon Industry Development Strategy by Comparing Cartoon Development History of China and Japan对比中日两国动漫发展历程探究我国动漫产业发展策略


Chinese animation and comic fan中国动漫迷

3)China"s Animation industry中国动漫产业

4)Chinese cartoons中国漫画

5)China-made cartoon国产动漫

1.China-made cartoon must take the road of national culture.国产动漫必须走"民族化之路",教育工作者要使受教育者学会借鉴中国民族艺术传统。

6)Chinese style caricature中国式漫画


