100字范文 > 电流传输器 current conveyor英语短句 例句大全

电流传输器 current conveyor英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-01-26 14:30:13


电流传输器 current conveyor英语短句 例句大全

电流传输器,current conveyor

1)current conveyor电流传输器

1.Novel lossless grounded inductors realized by using second generationcurrent conveyors;电流传输器实现的新型理想接地电感器

2.Analytical synthesis method of the digitally programmable voltage-mode universal biquad based oncurrent conveyors;基于电流传输器的数字可编程电压模式双二次通用滤波器的分析综合法

3.CMOScurrent conveyor with functions of voltage operation.;具有电压运算功能的CMOS电流传输器


1.New CMOS Second Generation Current Controlled Current Conveyor;新型CMOS第二代电流控制电流传输器

2.A novel CMOS current controlled current conveyor一种新型CMOS电流控制电流传输器

3.The Research of Current Mode Filter Based on the Second Generation Current Conveyor;基于第二代电流传输器电流模式滤波器的研究

4.Current-Mode Active Filters Based on the Third-generation Current Conveyor基于第三代电流传输器的电流模式滤波器设计

5.Design of Second Order Filter with High Input Impedance by Single CC Ⅱ单电流传输器高输入阻抗二阶滤波器的设计

6.Low Voltage and High Current-Driving Capability CMOS Current Conveyor一种新型低压高电流驱动能力的CMOS电流传输器

7.The Research of Current Mode Filters Based on Current Controlled Conveyor;基于电流控制电流传输器的电流模式滤波器的研究

8.Novel Second-generation Current Conveyor and Continuous Time Current Mode Filters;新型第二代电流传输器及其连续时间滤波器

9.The Study of Modified Current Conveyors and Continuous-Time Filter改进型电流传输器及其连续时间滤波器研究

10.Derivation of Active Filter Based on 3rd-Generation Current Conveyor基于第三代电流传输器的有源滤波器的导出

11.The Study of Current-Mode Filters Based on the Modified Second-Generation Current Conveyors;基于改进型第二代电流传输器电流模式滤波器的研究

12.Angle-measuring capacitive sensor with 4~20mA current output一种4~20mA电流输出的电容角度传感器

13.Study on Active Fiber DC Transducer Used in HVDC;高压直流输电有源光纤直流电流传感器的研究

14.Research on Data Collection and Transmission of Photoelectric Hybrid Current Transformer光电混合式电流互感器数据采集与传输的研究

15.rectifier output voltage regulator整流器输出电压调整器

16.Effect of the Spectral Width of Optical Sources upon the Output of an Optical Current Sensor;光源谱宽对光学玻璃电流传感器输出的影响

17.The Development of a Kind of Eddy Current Sensor一种电涡流传感器的研制——光纤传输时分双信道低功耗调频式电涡流传感器

18.Effects of the Polarizer Parameters upon the Performance of an Optical Current Sensor;起偏器偏振参数对光学电流传感器输出特性的影响


Current controlled conveyor电流控制传输器

1.Multifunction filters based on current controlled conveyor (CCCⅡ) with two grounded capacitors is proposed.提出了由电流控制传输器 (CCC )实现的新型电流模式和电压模式多功能滤波器电路 ,该滤波器由CCC 和两个接地电容构成。

3)current-controlled current conveyor电流控制电流传输器

4)Multi-output current Conveyor多输出电流传输器

5)multiple outputs current conveyor多输出端电流传输器

6)Transport current传输电流

1.Based on the large signal equivalent circuit model of SiGe heterojunction bipolar transistor(HBT),a SiGe HBT transport current model is developed that takes the influence on carrier transport of the energy band discontinuity of the emitter into account.基于SiGe异质结双极晶体管(HBT)大信号等效电路模型,建立了SiGeHBT传输电流模型。


标准冲击电流波形(见冲击电流发生器)标准冲击电流波形(见冲击电流发生器)standard impulse current wave formblaozhun ehonglld}0n4一u box]ng标准冲击电流波形(standard impulse currentwave form)见冲击电流发生器。
