100字范文 > 电流控制传输器 Current controlled conveyor英语短句 例句大全

电流控制传输器 Current controlled conveyor英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-06-04 21:48:28


电流控制传输器 Current controlled conveyor英语短句 例句大全

电流控制传输器,Current controlled conveyor

1)Current controlled conveyor电流控制传输器

1.Multifunction filters based on current controlled conveyor (CCCⅡ) with two grounded capacitors is proposed.提出了由电流控制传输器 (CCC )实现的新型电流模式和电压模式多功能滤波器电路 ,该滤波器由CCC 和两个接地电容构成。

2)current-controlled current conveyor电流控制电流传输器


1.New CMOS Second Generation Current Controlled Current Conveyor;新型CMOS第二代电流控制电流传输器

2.A novel CMOS current controlled current conveyor一种新型CMOS电流控制电流传输器

3.The Research of Current Mode Filters Based on Current Controlled Conveyor;基于电流控制电流传输器的电流模式滤波器的研究

4.Start-up Control of VSC Based on HVDC System电压源换流器型直流输电系统的启动控制

5.Controller of HVDC transmission system and its steady-state performance analysis直流输电控制器原理及稳态特性分析

6.electronic reverse current controller电子反向电流控制器

7.Research on the AC Current Sensorless Control Scheme of Three-Phase PWM Rectifier;三相电压型PWM整流器无交流电流传感器控制策略研究

8.Research on PWM Rectifiers Control Scheme Without Line Voltage SensorsPWM整流器无电网电压传感器控制策略研究

9.Review of sensorless control of brushless DC motor无刷直流电动机的无位置传感器控制

10.Phase Current Check Method for Sensorless Control of PMSMPMSM无位置传感器控制中的相电流检测

11.Design of Gas Real-time Control System Based on Eddy Current Sensor电涡流传感器燃气实时控制系统设计

12.Control of Sensorless BLDCM Based on AT90S8535基于AT90S8535的无传感器无刷直流电机控制

13.Study on Active Fiber DC Transducer Used in HVDC;高压直流输电有源光纤直流电流传感器的研究

14.The Research of Current Mode Filter Based on the Second Generation Current Conveyor;基于第二代电流传输器电流模式滤波器的研究

15.Current-Mode Active Filters Based on the Third-generation Current Conveyor基于第三代电流传输器的电流模式滤波器设计

16.Research on the Control Strategies of Voltage Source Converter Based HVDC基于电压源换流器的高压直流输电系统控制策略研究

17.Research on Rectifier of Offshore Wind Energy Flexible Direct Current Transmission Based on Fuzzy PI Control基于模糊PI控制的海上风电柔性直流输电整流器研究

18."Welding carriage, screw-driven, powered by AC (VVVF) drive motor and controller with tachometer speed control. "焊头小车,交流(VVVF)电机传动,有控制转速的控制器。


current-controlled current conveyor电流控制电流传输器

3)Multiple outputs current controlled conveyor多输出电流控制电流传输器

1.The paper presents a new general synthesis method for the nth order current mode filter based on MOCCCII(multiple outputs current controlled conveyors II).提出了一种基于多输出电流控制电流传输器的通用高阶电流模式滤波器的系统综合设计方法,该方法通过对n阶通用电流模式滤波器的传递函数进行数学分析,将其分解为n个无损积分器级联的形式,由此提出的电路结构简单,仅由n个有源器件,n个接地电容构成。

4)multiple-output current controlled conveyor多输出端电流控制电流传输器

5)current controlled second generation current conveyor with multiple outputs电流控制第2代电流传输器

1.<Abstrcat>It is presented a general model circuit and structural design theory of current mode biquad filters based on MOCCCIIs (current controlled second generation current conveyor with multiple outputs).提出了1种基于MOCCCII(多端输出电流控制第2代电流传输器)的电流模式二阶滤波器的一般电路模型和结构化设计理论。

6)Current controlled fully balanced current conveyor全平衡电流控制电流传输器


标准冲击电流波形(见冲击电流发生器)标准冲击电流波形(见冲击电流发生器)standard impulse current wave formblaozhun ehonglld}0n4一u box]ng标准冲击电流波形(standard impulse currentwave form)见冲击电流发生器。
