100字范文 > 断裂发育模式 fault development model英语短句 例句大全

断裂发育模式 fault development model英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-05-14 23:56:14


断裂发育模式 fault development model英语短句 例句大全

断裂发育模式,fault development model

1)fault development model断裂发育模式

2)boundary fault developing patterns边界断裂发育方式

3)fracture model断裂模式

1.Using crack deflection parameter,thefracture models were discussed.采用X射线衍射技术就粘结剂种类和氮化硅的加入对材料析晶性能的影响进行了分析,采用扫描电镜对不同浸渗次数复合材料的截面和断口形貌进行了观察,并采用裂纹偏转因子对复合材料断裂模式进行了分析。

2.The influence of hollow micro-sphere content on the tensile properties and impact properties of composites were studied, and thefracture model of composites was observed by SEM.选用微米级空心微珠和纳米SiO2作为填料,制备环氧树脂(EP)/纳米SiO2/空心微珠复合材料,研究空心微珠用量对复合材料的拉伸性能和冲击性能的影响,采用扫描电镜(SEM)研究复合材料的断裂模式,初步讨论了复合材料的隔热性能。

3.Thefracture models of two kinds of JB-9014,pressed from coarse and fine powders respectively,were analyzed at various temperatures and under the EDS and SEM.对粗细两种颗粒成型的JB-9014在不同温度和单轴加载下的断裂模式进行了分析。


1.Fracture measurements show that the mode attributed to cleavage fracture.断口实验结果表明,接头断裂模式为解理断裂。

2.rhegmatic pattern区域性走向滑移断裂模式

3.Except for a small length of web at the first fracture location, none of the cracks exhibited a brittle fracture mode of crack propagation.除第一个断裂位置的一小段腹板外,没有一条裂纹显示出裂纹扩展的脆性断裂模式。


5.Study on Modes of Ductile Fracture of Metal and Its Application in Pressure Vessel;金属材料韧性断裂模式的分析及其在压力容器中的应用

6.Calculation Model of Equivalent Fracture Toughness of Concrete and Detection Method of Cracks in RC Beam;混凝土等效断裂韧度的计算模式与钢筋混凝土梁裂缝的诊断方法

7.The fractograph exhibited typical ductile dimple fracture pattern.断裂形式呈韧性断裂,断口以韧窝为主。

8.The results indicated that the fracture mode is the fatigue failure.结果表明,其断裂形式为弯曲疲劳断裂。

9.Fracture Analysis of 3Cr2W8V Steel Pressure-casting Die3Cr2W8V钢压铸模具断裂分析

10.The failure of the hinge is a great danger to the driver and the occupant.进一步的数值仿真显示铰链不再发生断裂,罩盖变形模式合理。

11.Research on the Structural Broken of Chinese Society and the Target Pattern of Chinese Sport Industry"s Development;社会的结构性断裂与中国体育产业发展的目标模式之研究

12.Sedimentary model of the Permian sandy conglomerate in the footwall of the Kebai Fault,the Junggar Basin准噶尔盆地克百断裂下盘二叠系砂砾岩的沉积模式

13.Fault Diagnoses of Cracked Rotor and Rub-Impact Rotor Based on DEMD Method基于微分的经验模式方法在转子裂纹和碰摩故障诊断中的应用

14.Petroleum accumulating feature and fault controlling petroleum accumulation model on the down block of shallow slip fault in north margin of Qaidam Basin柴达木盆地北缘浅层滑脱断裂下盘油气富集规律及控藏模式

15.Study on the structural features and hydrocarbon accumulation modes of Wuxia fault belt in the northwest margin of Junggar Basin准噶尔盆地西北缘乌夏断裂带构造特征与油气成藏模式

16.Prediction of Ductile Fracture in Metalforming Processes Based on Meso-damage Model基于细观损伤模型预测金属成形过程中的韧性断裂形式

17.The Damage Fracture Model for Jointed Rock Mass and Model Tests多裂隙岩体的损伤断裂模型及模型试验

18.Episodic evolution model of boundary fault and its controlling function to petroleum systems in western Wuerxun depression乌尔逊凹陷西部边界断裂的幕式演化模式及其对含油气系统的控制作用


boundary fault developing patterns边界断裂发育方式

3)fracture model断裂模式

1.Using crack deflection parameter,thefracture models were discussed.采用X射线衍射技术就粘结剂种类和氮化硅的加入对材料析晶性能的影响进行了分析,采用扫描电镜对不同浸渗次数复合材料的截面和断口形貌进行了观察,并采用裂纹偏转因子对复合材料断裂模式进行了分析。

2.The influence of hollow micro-sphere content on the tensile properties and impact properties of composites were studied, and thefracture model of composites was observed by SEM.选用微米级空心微珠和纳米SiO2作为填料,制备环氧树脂(EP)/纳米SiO2/空心微珠复合材料,研究空心微珠用量对复合材料的拉伸性能和冲击性能的影响,采用扫描电镜(SEM)研究复合材料的断裂模式,初步讨论了复合材料的隔热性能。

3.Thefracture models of two kinds of JB-9014,pressed from coarse and fine powders respectively,were analyzed at various temperatures and under the EDS and SEM.对粗细两种颗粒成型的JB-9014在不同温度和单轴加载下的断裂模式进行了分析。

4)fracture mode断裂模式

1.Thefracture mode influences the tensile strength,and deposition can improve.抗拉强度受断口断裂模式的影响,断裂模式随温度的升高由钨颗粒解理型断裂逐渐向钨颗粒与粘结相脱开型断裂转变;三元系合金析出物使钨合金W-W界面、W-M界面得以改善,是抗拉强度出现平台的原因。

2.The dynamic tensile properties of tungsten fibers(80%,volume fraction) reinforced Zr based amorphous alloy matrix composite was investigated by means of the Split Hopkinson Pressure Bar(SHPB),and Scanning Election Microscope(SEM) was used to evaluate thefracture mode of the composite under dynamic tension.采用霍普金森杆拉伸技术研究了W丝体积分数为80%的W丝/Zr基非晶合金复合材料的动态拉伸性能,通过扫描电镜研究了该复合材料动态拉伸断裂模式。

3.The effect of dynamic shear and tensile strength of tungsten heavy alloys on thefracture mode of fragmentation under explosive loading was investigated.研究钨合金动态抗拉和抗剪强度对爆炸加载下破片宏观断裂模式的影响。

5)fault-developed belt断裂发育带

6)Fracture developmental characteristics断裂发育特征


油气田开发方式(见油气田生产方式)油气田开发方式(见油气田生产方式)development pattern of oil and gas field:see recovery pattern of oil and gas fielda垃d gas月e卫d)、‘。尸卫Jlent见油气田小冰、*pa士teroof ojl
