100字范文 > 行政支出 administrative expenditure英语短句 例句大全

行政支出 administrative expenditure英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-09-22 17:08:16


行政支出 administrative expenditure英语短句 例句大全

行政支出,administrative expenditure

1)administrative expenditure行政支出

1.Based on some theoretical hypothesis,we designed a general system of efficiency evaluation ofadministrative expenditure,and then chose Zhejiang sadministrative expenditure as a typical example to implement an empirical research.本文在一定的理论假设下,通过构建行政支出效率综合评价指标体系,以浙江为典型个案,对行政支出效率水平进行了实证探究。

2.The positive analysis on expanding ofadministrative expenditure is valuable in China.本文从实证角度对我国行政支出的膨胀问题进行了初步研究,通过建立相应的计量模型,描述了不同变量对行政支出增长的影响程度,提出了控制和优化我国行政支出水平的思路。


1.Research on the Efficiency Evaluation of Government Expenditure:Case Study of Zhejiang Province;行政支出效率评价探究:以浙江省为例

2.Research on the Efficiency Evaluation of Administrative Expenditure Based on the Evidence in Zhejiang;行政支出效率评价研究:以浙江为例

3.An Empirical Study on China"s Provincial-Level Region"s Administrative Expenditure and Administrative Cost中国省级行政区域行政支出与行政成本实证研究

4.Viewing the Problem of China s Government s Expenditure on Administration with the Theory of Government Failing;从政府失效理论看我国行政支出规模膨胀问题

5.The Administrative Expenditure Trends within the Framework of Public Finance公共财政框架内的行政支出变化趋势研究

6.Measurement and Governance of Chinese Government Cost:the Perspective of Administrative Expenses中国政府成本测度与治理:行政支出视角

7.The Statistical Measuring on Regional Disparity and Forming Mechanism of Administrative Expenditure of Finance and Re-innovation of Public Administration区域财政行政支出的测算与公共管理创新

8.Administrative Meanings ofFiscal Expenditure System Reform;试论财政支出制度改革的行政学意义

9.Legal Regulation of Executive Behavior of Financial Purchase Expenditure财政购买性支出执行行为之司法规制

10.Keep a Rational Proportion of Government Administrative Expenditure in Financial Expenditure;论政府行政管理费用支出占财政支出的比重目标控制

11.Disbursements of the Qing Court for the Administration of Tibet;清代中央政府对西藏行政管理的财政支出

12.On the Problem of Expenditure of Chinese Administration Management;“我国行政管理支出”问题的透视与求解

13.government expenditure政府财政支出,国家开支

14.Viewing the Fulfillment and Transformation of Local Governments Function from Its Fiscal Expenditure;由财政支出看地方政府职能的履行与转变

15.Study of the Administrative Undertaking Expenditure in Public Finanace of Changchun City;长春市公共财政中行政事业支出情况研究

16.Empirical Study on Educational Expenditures of Local Government in China;中国地方政府教育财政支出行为实证研究

17.Reforming public financial expenditure system and standardizing financial operation mechanism;改革公共财政支出体系 规范财政运行机制

18.The Thinking of Strengthening the Transparency of the Behaviors of Our Government s Expenditures;增强我国政府财政支出行为透明度之思考


government adminstration expense政府行政费支出

3)Administrative Expenditure of Finance财政行政支出

1.The Statistical Measuring on Regional Disparity and Forming Mechanism ofAdministrative Expenditure of Finance and Re-innovation of Public Administration区域财政行政支出的测算与公共管理创新

4)administrative expenditure行政管理支出

1.A strict and complex system must be taken to root out the enormous waste caused byadministrative expenditure as soon as possible.我国行政管理支出中所造成的巨大的浪费,要从制度上加以杜绝,首先必须尽快建立一整套严格、细致的"绿色采购"制度。

2.China\"s scale ofadministrative expenditure showed an increasing tendency in recent years.近年来,我国行政管理支出规模呈不断上升趋势,其年均增长速度快于财政支出和GDP的年均增长速度。

5)expenditure on administration management行政管理费支出

1.However,the data on the amount,percentage and growth rate ofexpenditure on administration management show that theexpenditure on administration management in China has increased rapidly in recent years and has produced crowding-out effect on other financial expenditure programs.建立公共财政体制是新时期我国财政体制改革的目标,但是,1978年以来我国财政支出中行政管理费支出的绝对量、相对量以及增长率等指标的变化情况都表明,我国的行政管理费支出近年来增长迅速,并且挤占了其它财政支出项目的增长空间,这就使得同成熟市场经济国家的公共财政支出结构相比,我国的财政支出功能结构偏离了公共财政的目标,需要引起人们的注意。

6)behaviors of the expenditures财政支出行为


