100字范文 > 脂质氧化 lipid oxidation英语短句 例句大全

脂质氧化 lipid oxidation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-03-12 21:11:31


脂质氧化 lipid oxidation英语短句 例句大全

脂质氧化,lipid oxidation

1)lipid oxidation脂质氧化

1.Influence factors and controlling method oflipid oxidation in food emulsion;食品乳状液中脂质氧化的影响因素及抑制方法

2.Effect of rosemary extract,tea polyphenols,vitamin E onlipid oxidation and color stability during storage of dry-cured hams;迷迭香、茶多酚、V_E对干腌火腿贮藏过程中抗脂质氧化及护色效果的研究

3.Effect of grape seed extract onlipid oxidation of dry-cured ham during ferment aging processing葡萄籽提取物对火腿发酵成熟过程脂质氧化的影响


1.Effects of Silver Carp Antioxidant Peptide on the Lipid Peroxidation of Sierra Fish(Scomberomorus niphonius) During Refrigerated Storage鲢鱼抗氧化肽对冷藏鲅鱼肉脂质氧化的影响

2.Study on effect of Enteromorpha prolifera polysaccharide on hyperlipidemia and anti-lipid peroxidation in rats浒苔多糖降血脂及抗脂质过氧化作用

3.The Relationship between Nitric Oxide, Antioxidants, Lipid Peroxides and Coronary Heart Disease;一氧化氮、抗氧化剂、过氧化脂质与冠心病的关系

4.The Detection methods of antioxidant activities of antioxidants and lipids peroxidation脂质过氧化及抗氧化剂抗氧化活性检测方法

5.The Effect of Zinc and Ferric on Blood Lipid and Lipid Peroxidation in the Aged Hyperlipidemia Rats;锌、铁对高脂老龄大鼠血脂及脂质过氧化的影响

6.Effects of Jiangzhining on blood lipid regulation and anti-oxidation in hyperlipidemic rats降脂宁调血脂及抗脂质过氧化作用的实验研究

7.The changes of lipid peroxidation and antioxidant status in patients with preeclampsia子痫前期患者脂质过氧化及抗氧化水平的变化

8.The Effect of Jiang Zhi Fang on Blood-Lipidand Lipid Peroxidation of Experimental, Hyperlipemia in Rats;降脂方对高脂血症大鼠血脂及脂质过氧化的影响的实验研究

9.Study on relationship between carbon monoxide poisoning and the affect of lipid peroxidation一氧化碳中毒与脂质过氧化作用关系的研究

10.Effects of Acrylonitrile Exposure on Lipid Peroxidation and Activities of Anti-Oxidizes of Occupational Population;丙烯腈作业人群脂质过氧化及抗氧化能力研究

11.Effects of Manganese Fume and Dust on Lipid Peroxidation and Antioxidant Enzymes in Blood of Exposed Male Workers;锰烟尘对男工血脂质过氧化和抗氧化酶的影响

12.Research of Antioxidants and Lipid Peroxidation from Pea Crops of Plateau高原农作物豌豆抗氧化和脂质过氧化研究

13.Effects of cadmium(Ⅱ) stress on xanthine oxidase and antionxidant enzyme activities in hepatopancreas of oriental weatherfish Misgurnus anguillicaudatusCd(Ⅱ)对泥鳅抗氧化酶活性和脂质过氧化的影响

14.Separation and antioxidant properties of anti-lipid peroxidation fraction from Toona sinensis leaves香椿叶抗脂质过氧化物的分离及抗氧化特性

15.Effect of plantain seed on the lipid peroxidation in rats with hyperlipidemia车前子对抗高脂血症大鼠脂质过氧化作用(英文)

16.Effects of Tetrahydrobiopterin on Lipid Peroxidation in Hypercholesterol Rabbits;四氢喋呤对高脂血症兔血清脂质过氧化的影响

17.Effects of winter-outdoors-swimming on blood lipid and lipid peroxidation in old aged men;冬泳对老年人血脂及脂质过氧化的影响

18.Effects of Unsaturated Fatty Acid on Lipid Peroxidation in Monopterus albus不饱和脂肪酸对黄鳝脂质过氧化的影响


lipid peroxidation脂质过氧化

1.Relation between environmental pollution caused by free SiO_2 dust andlipid peroxidation in erythrocyte membrane in human;游离SiO_2环境污染与人红细胞膜脂质过氧化损伤

2.Determination and evaluation oflipid peroxidation and antioxidative activity of antioxidant in biological system;生物体系中脂质过氧化及抗氧化剂抗氧化活性的检测与评价

3.Effects of Cd、Cr(Ⅵ)single and combined pollution on Lipid peroxidation in Cruciar carp;Cd、Cr()及复合污染对鲫鱼组织脂质过氧化的影响

3)lipid peroxidation过氧化脂质

1.Results:High dosage of silkworm cocoon could significantly increase serum insulin in diabetic rats induced by alloxan,and decreaselipid peroxidation of liver and serumin alloxan diabetic rats.结果 :高剂量蚕茧能显著提高四氧嘧啶所致糖尿病大鼠的血清胰岛素水平 ,降低糖尿病大鼠肝组织和血清的过氧化脂质(LPO) ;石蜡切片显示 ,高剂量蚕茧组糖尿病大鼠胰腺的胰岛和胰岛 β 细胞坏死程度明显降低。

2.Objective:To observe efficacy of Xingding injection on cerebral ischemic stroke and its influence on plasma superoxide dismutase(SOD),malondialdehyde(MDA) andlipid peroxidation(LPO).目的 :观察杏丁注射液治疗缺血性中风的疗效及对血浆超氧化物歧化酶 (SOD)、丙二醛 (MDA)、过氧化脂质 (LPO)的影响。

4)lipid peroxide脂质过氧化

1.Effect of fluorine,selenium and cadmium onlipid peroxide and microelements in rat s testicle;氟硒镉致大鼠睾丸脂质过氧化及微量元素变化

2.Protective effect of shenmai injection onlipid peroxide of kidney following hind limb ischemia reperfusion;参麦注射液对肢体缺血-再灌注后肾脏脂质过氧化损伤的保护作用

3.Effects of local vibration onlipid peroxide in rabbits;局部振动对家兔脂质过氧化的影响

5)lipid peroxides过氧化脂质

1.Effects of extract of soybean hypocotyl methanol on blood sugar, blood lipid andlipid peroxides in diabetes of rats;大豆胚轴甲醇提取物对糖尿病大鼠血糖、血脂及血清过氧化脂质的影响

2.The results showed that the content oflipid peroxides(LPO) in serum,in liver and myocardiral lipofuscin(LF) were reduced by 213%,136% and 236% (P<001 or P<0001),the activity of superoxide dismutase(SOD) in red blood cells and liver was significantly increased by 125% and 168% (P<005 or P<001),the activity of glutathion peroxidase(GSHPx) and catalase(CAT) were increas.将产于四川凉山地区的紫参与常规基础饲料以 1∶ 4混合制成颗粒饲料 ,饲喂 12月龄 BAL B/ C纯种小鼠 6 0 d,测定七项有关衰老的生化指标 ,结果显示紫参粉可以使血清及肝脏中过氧化脂质 L PO分别下降 2 1。

3.The results showed that: the contents oflipid peroxides(LPO ) in serum, liver and 0f mvocardiral lip0fuscin(LF) were reduced by l2.本文以BALB/C小鼠为对象,研究籽粒苋对小鼠七项衰老指标的影响,结果表明籽粒苋可以使血清及肝脏中过氧化脂质(LPO)分别降低12。

6)anti-lipid oxidation抗脂质氧化


