100字范文 > 临界水力坡降 critical hydraulic gradient英语短句 例句大全

临界水力坡降 critical hydraulic gradient英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-09-22 08:25:02


临界水力坡降 critical hydraulic gradient英语短句 例句大全

临界水力坡降,critical hydraulic gradient

1)critical hydraulic gradient临界水力坡降

1.A physical model has been established on quick sand of complete wells and at the bottom of semi-spherical wells for dyke foundations of double-layer structure, and the dynamic progress of quick sand based oncritical hydraulic gradient is simulated in calculation examples by using the time-division stable flow theory.通过算例采用分时段稳定流理论模拟了基于临界水力坡降的流砂动态发展过程,建立了双层结构堤基发生流土的完整井流砂和半球形井底流砂物理模型。

2)critical gradient临界坡降

1.Study ofcritical gradient of piping for various grain sizes in sandy gravels砂砾土各级颗粒的管涌临界坡降研究

2.According to the flume tests and basic theovetical analysis, several important formulas describing nonuniform muddy flow transportation,such as nondepositing velocity,critical gradient and ditch phase factors are deduced.在此基础上考虑推移部分影响,推导得出非均质泥流的不淤流速、临界坡降、沟道断面形态指标等重要的输移临界参数计算公式。

3.A brief analysis is carried out on the resulting conditions of sand gravel seepage deformation, on this basis, the modes of seepage deformation are assessed briefly and the calculation method ofcritical gradient for seepage deformation is presented.对砂卵砾石的渗透变形的形成条件进行了简要分析 ,在此基础上对渗透变形的形式进行了简要评价 ,并提出了渗透变形临界坡降的计算方法。


1.Study of critical gradient of piping for various grain sizes in sandy gravels砂砾土各级颗粒的管涌临界坡降研究

2.A Study on Landslide Susceptivity Classification and Rainfall Threshold in Wanxiu District of Wuzhou City in Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region;广西梧州市万秀区区域降雨型滑坡危险性区划及降雨临界值研究

3.critical rate of fall of commutating current换向电流临界下降率

4.A Method for Calculating Critical Water Depth of Open Channel with Trapezoid Section and Smooth Slope小底坡梯形明渠临界水深求法探讨

5.Numerical studies on the critical air velocity affected by tunnel slope隧道坡度对临界风速影响的数值研究

6.Analysis of Slope Stability Based on Compositely ant Colony Algorithm用复合蚁群算法确定边坡临界滑动面

7.Degradation of Polypropylene and Nitrile-Butadiene Rubber in Supercritical Water;超临界水降解聚丙烯和丁腈橡胶研究

8.Depolymerization Behavior of PE in Supercritical Water;聚乙烯在超临界水中的降解行为研究

9.Study on the Critical Speed of Settling Slurry in Horizontal Pipeline;沉降性浆体水平管道临界流速的研究


11.Statistical Inference of Probability Distribution for Critical Gradient of Silty Clay of Levee Foundation堤基粉质黏土临界比降概率分布推断

12.Supercritical Water Oxidation for Treatment of Organic Wastewater with Poor Biochemical Degradation难降解有机污水的超临界水氧化技术

13.Study on Critical Load of Acidic Deposition in Southern China我国南方主要酸沉降区临界负荷研究

14.Study on Polystyrene Degradation in Supercritical Solvents聚苯乙烯在超临界流体中的降解研究

15.Critical height of reinforced slope based on limit analysis upper bound method基于极限分析上限法的加筋土坡临界高度

16.Research on Failure Criterias and Critical Slip Surfaces of Rockmass Slope;岩质边坡失稳判据及临界滑动面确定方法研究

17.Search the Critical Slip Surface of Slope Based on Premium-Penalty Ant Colony Optimization基于奖惩蚁群算法的边坡临界滑动面搜索研究

18.Cusp Catastrophe Model for Slope Critical Failure以尖点突变模型为边坡临界失稳的判据研究


critical gradient临界坡降

1.Study ofcritical gradient of piping for various grain sizes in sandy gravels砂砾土各级颗粒的管涌临界坡降研究

2.According to the flume tests and basic theovetical analysis, several important formulas describing nonuniform muddy flow transportation,such as nondepositing velocity,critical gradient and ditch phase factors are deduced.在此基础上考虑推移部分影响,推导得出非均质泥流的不淤流速、临界坡降、沟道断面形态指标等重要的输移临界参数计算公式。

3.A brief analysis is carried out on the resulting conditions of sand gravel seepage deformation, on this basis, the modes of seepage deformation are assessed briefly and the calculation method ofcritical gradient for seepage deformation is presented.对砂卵砾石的渗透变形的形成条件进行了简要分析 ,在此基础上对渗透变形的形式进行了简要评价 ,并提出了渗透变形临界坡降的计算方法。

3)critical water power gradient临界水力坡度

1.And adopts the statistical method(including uneven coefficient method,granule content method and seepage coefficient method),Indoor test piece boiling experiment method and onsite boiling experiment method to synthetically dicide foundationcritical water power gradient(I_(cr)).阐述了本钢南芬拦水坝坝基渗透变形试验的方法和过程;采用统计法(含不均匀系数法、细粒含量法、渗透系数法),室内试件管涌试验法及现场管涌试验法来综合判定地基临界水力坡度(Icr);并提出了在评价碎石类土坝坝基时,为确定临界水力坡度(Icr)而应优先采用的统计方法,同时指出了伊斯托明娜统计法应用的局限性。

4)critical hydraulic gradient临界水力比降

1.The research development of soil permeability andcritical hydraulic gradient is presented.阐述了土体渗透系数和临界水力比降的概率分布研究概况。

5)Hydraulic slope水力坡降

1.In this paper, an equation for hydraulic slope of slurry flow in open—channel and a formula for the critical non-settling velocity are developed according to the consideration that the transported non-uniform solid particles are divided into two parts-coarser grains and fine grains.推导了计算明槽浆体输送水力坡降及临界淤积流速的公式,并通过实测资料进行了验证,取得了满意的效果。

6)Hydraulic gradient水力坡降

1.The results indicate that along the axis of dam,the soil mass on slope of foundation pit is unsafe without impervious wall;when setting impervious wall,the hydraulic gradient on slope steps down to the value lower than 0.结果表明,在坝轴线方向上,无防渗墙时坡面土体在渗透力的作用下是不稳定的,有防渗墙时坡面水力坡降降到0。

2.The distributions of hydraulic gradient and specific discharge along the transect of the discharge zone were discussed.根据浅水湖泊与周边含水层的水力关系,首先假设潜水含水层以同厚水平无限延伸,并与湖底以一个较小的坡度相交,然后利用水力学方法对含水层中地下水在湖底表面的水力坡降和渗流量分布进行了研究。

3.During the process of analysis for the seepage deformation characteristics of Weihe Mide-stream levee foundation ground, the paper, a dopting several methods respectively, makes assessments and deferminations for the soils seepage deformation pattern and critical hydraulic gradient and allowable gradient.该文在对渭河中游堤基渗透变形特征分析过程中 ,分别采用几种方法对土的渗透变形类型及临界水力坡降或允许坡降进行了判别、确定 ,并根据堤基实际水力坡降与土的允许水力坡降对堤基稳定性进行了评价 ;通过堤基达到稳定渗流所需的时间与本流域实测最大洪水历时的对比 ,对堤基稳定性进行了验证。


渠道坡降渠道坡降slope of canalqudao Pojiang渠道坡降(slope of eanal)渠道上、一下游两个断面之间渠底沿水流方向下降或上升的高差与该染段水平长度的比值。也称渠道比降。合理选择渠道坡降,不仅关系到渠道输水能力的大小和渠道的稳定性,而且也影响渠道和建筑物的工程量以及灌溉面积的大小。因此,渠道坡降应根据渠道沿线地面坡度,上、下级渠道水位衔接要求,渠水含沙量及渠道沿线土质等因素,综合分析后合理选定。当水源供水的含沙量较大时,应以防淤作为选择坡降的主要依据;在平原区或提水灌区,供水的含沙量很小时,应以减小水头损失、增大灌溉面积作为主要依据;若地面坡降较陡,土质较轻时,应以防冲作为选择坡降的主要依据。综合利用渠道的坡降还应考虑其它用水部门(发电航运等)的特殊要求。(李恩羊)
