100字范文 > 水力坡度 hydraulic gradient英语短句 例句大全

水力坡度 hydraulic gradient英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-11-16 19:40:26


水力坡度 hydraulic gradient英语短句 例句大全

水力坡度,hydraulic gradient

1)hydraulic gradient水力坡度

1.Study onhydraulic gradient of inclined pipeline;倾斜管道水力坡度的研究

2.Study on Hydraulic Gradient of Settling Slurry Inclined Pipeline;沉降性浆体倾斜管道水力坡度的研究

3.This paper introduced the features of filling paste and pipeline transportation, andhydraulic gradient calculation of high concentration paste.简要介绍金川镍矿充填料浆的特点、管输特性,对高浓度料浆水力坡度计算作了详细说明,并验证金川水力坡度经验公式不但适用高浓度非复合浆体,亦适用高浓度复合浆体,扩充了公式的适用范围。


1.Study on Hydraulic Gradient of Settling Slurry Inclined Pipeline;沉降性浆体倾斜管道水力坡度的研究

2.Experimental Study on Influence of Rainfall and Slope Gradient on Overland Shallow Flow Hydraulics降雨和坡度对坡面流水动力学参数的影响

3.Effects of grass coverage on shallow flow hydraulic parameters and sediment reduction草被覆盖度对坡面流水力学参数的影响及其减沙效应

4.Progress in the Research of Hydrodynamic Characteristics of Sediment-laden Overland Flow坡面含沙水流水动力学特性研究进展

5.Flow pattern and hydraulic parameter characteristics in hillslope-gullyslope system坡沟系统坡面径流流态及水力学参数特征研究

6.They slope the grind so that the water can run away.他们将地面铺得有坡度以便水能流泻。

7.The bank eased down to the water in a gently sloping stretch河岸以平缓的坡度逐渐伸展到水边。

8.They sloped the ground so that the water can run away.他们将地面铺成坡度以便水能流泻。

9.The Research on Speed of the Landslide and Its Surge Hazard in Reservoir;水库库岸滑坡速度及其涌浪灾害研究

10.Observation of Summer Precipitation Along an Altitudinal Transect in Southern Slopes of Tanggula Mountains念青唐古拉山南坡夏季降水梯度观测

11.A Digital Watermarking Algorithm of DEM Based on the Analysis of Slope一种基于坡度分析的DEM数字水印算法

12.Study on Hydrology-Mechanics Coupling Model for Landslide Prediction;滑坡预测的水文—力学耦合模型研究

13.Experimental Study on Dynamic Process of Soil Erosion on Loess Slope;黄土地区陡坡水蚀动力过程试验研究


15.Rainwater Utilization Potential and Supply-Demand Analysis on Northern Slope in Baoji宝鸡北坡雨水资源化潜力与供需分析

16.Effects of Soil Thickness on Productivity of Sloping Cropland of Purple Soil土层厚度对紫色土坡地生产力的影响

17.This farm has a slight slope that causes the water from rain and snow to flow down to the river.这个农场有个小坡度让雨水和雪水淌到河里去。

18.Investigation on Unsteady Hydrodynamic Flow of the Feed Pipe in Xibaipo Power Plant;西柏坡电厂供水管道水力非定常流动分析


Hydraulic slope水力坡度

1.The soil seepage stabilization researches are applied to analyse the internal relationships between hydraulic slope and the dike s.分析了水力坡度与堤防渗漏破坏的有机联系,可以帮助研究人员对堤防渗漏破坏进行定量确定。

3)water-power gradient水力坡度

4)groundwater head gradient地下水水力坡度

5)critical water power gradient临界水力坡度

1.And adopts the statistical method(including uneven coefficient method,granule content method and seepage coefficient method),Indoor test piece boiling experiment method and onsite boiling experiment method to synthetically dicide foundationcritical water power gradient(I_(cr)).阐述了本钢南芬拦水坝坝基渗透变形试验的方法和过程;采用统计法(含不均匀系数法、细粒含量法、渗透系数法),室内试件管涌试验法及现场管涌试验法来综合判定地基临界水力坡度(Icr);并提出了在评价碎石类土坝坝基时,为确定临界水力坡度(Icr)而应优先采用的统计方法,同时指出了伊斯托明娜统计法应用的局限性。

6)converse waterpower grade逆向水力坡度

1.This article discusses thatconverse waterpower grade increases self-waterproof capability by local disposal in building construction.商务办公楼、厂房、住宅渗水、漏水质量通病影响着房屋建筑的使用功能,本文就重庆地区房屋施工中在结构局部处理,形成逆向水力坡度,增加其自防水问题上做了一些探讨。


尾矿输送水力坡度尾矿输送水力坡度hydraulic slope of the flow of tailings slurrywe}权uang shusong shul{!Podu尾矿输送水力坡度(hydraulie slope of theflow of tailings slurry)尾矿浆体流经单位长度管、槽的水力摩阻损失,即能量损失。尾矿输送水力坡度是决定尾矿糟敷设坡度和选择压力输送设备的主要依据,它的准确确定对尾矿水力输送至关重要。如计算结果偏小,会使尾矿输送系统不能正常运行,甚至导致工程的失败。输送尾矿的水力坡度常比在同样条件下输送运载流体(水)的水力坡度大。其增大量与尾矿粒度、浓度、流速、管槽断面尺寸、边壁粗糙程度和浆体温度等因素有关。应用不同的理论和_方法可得出不同的水力坡度计算方法。粒度小于。.osmm的微细颗粒混相流,在低浓度下流动时,多呈均匀的分散系,可作为均质的单一流体处理。测定其非牛顿流体的流变参数,得出浆体的雷诺数及范宁(Fanning)阻力系数,可用流变法计算其水力坡度。粒度大于。.05mm的混相流,重力对颗粒的影响大于惯性力的影响,流动时有产生沉降的趋势,常作为非均质两相流处理,应用重力理论可得出中、粗颗粒混相流水力坡度的计算方法对导致两相流输送水力坡度比清水大的诸因素进行因次分析,并与试验值对比,求出系数与指数,可用因次分析法得出计算公式。实用中对均质的微细颗粒混相流多按范宁公式汁算;对非均质的中、粗颗粒混相流可按杜兰德(R.Durand)公式计算。
