100字范文 > 毒品成瘾 drug addiction英语短句 例句大全

毒品成瘾 drug addiction英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-11-01 04:27:11


毒品成瘾 drug addiction英语短句 例句大全

毒品成瘾,drug addiction

1)drug addiction毒品成瘾

1.The use of event-related potentials(ERP)technology indrug addiction research will promote the research of the mechanisms of the addiction deeply.把ERP研究技术应用于毒品成瘾研究将有利于对成瘾问题的脑机制进行更深入的探讨,为有效诊断和戒除毒品成瘾提供更直接的生理指标。


1.Many parents are worried about drug addiction among the schoolchild.许多家长因在孩子中存在的毒品成瘾问题而担忧。

2.Addicted to a narcotic.吸毒成瘾的对毒品上瘾的

3.To cause physiological or psychological habituation, as to a drug.上瘾引起生理或心理上的成瘾,比如对毒品

4.Psychological dependence on a drug.成瘾心理上对毒品的依赖

5.Gert got her wings after fiddling around with stuff for a long time.由于长期接触毒品,格特成了个瘾君子。

6.An addiction, especially to a narcotic drug.上瘾上瘾,特别是对毒品上瘾

7.Do you know who put him on the needle and supplied him?你知道谁诱使他嗜毒成瘾并供给他毒品吗?

8.Tobacco and alcohol can be dangerous drugs.烟草和酒精可成为危险的,使人上瘾的毒品。

9.Heroine Addicts Show Different fMRI Brain Activation before and after Detoxification When Exposed to Drug-related Cues;海洛因成瘾患者脱毒前后毒品渴求变化的fMRI研究

10.People who suffer from addiction are called addicts.吸毒成瘾的人英文是addicts。

11.Have fail in his career, he become a thrall to drug.事业失败後,他吸毒成瘾。

12.Having failed in his career, he became a thrall to drug .事业失败後,他吸毒成瘾

13.People who are truly hooked will go to any lengths to satisfy their craving for the drug.真正吸毒成瘾的人为了满足毒瘾会不择手段。

14.Objective To study the mental hea lth of drug addicts and its correlation with addictive behavior.揭示毒品依赖者的心理健康状况及其与成瘾行为的关系。

15.At 17 he turned into a straight shooter and used pills only as a stop gap.他17岁就成了注射毒品的瘾君子。服药丸只是暂时行为。

16.children addicted to narcotic drugs吸食麻醉品成瘾的儿童

17.Correlation Analyses of the Drug Abuse Motivation of Heroin Addicts and Their Addiction Behavior;海洛因成瘾者吸毒动机与成瘾行为的相关研究

18.I started using speed to get his attention and affection. All I got was addicted.为了获得他的注目与爱慕,我开始吸食毒品。我没得到他,但我成了一名毒品上瘾者。


gateway drug成瘾毒品

3)on the needle注射毒品成瘾

4)the demon of drug addiction.吸毒成瘾

5)addictive drugs; addictive behavior.令人上瘾的毒品;成瘾的行为。

6)drug addicts吸毒成瘾者

parison of quality of life fordrug addicts in methadone maintenance treatment clinics,community and compulsory detoxification institutions in Sichuan Province四川省社区吸毒、社区美沙酮维持治疗、强制戒毒吸毒成瘾者生活质量比较


